In the London fitness club there is a sign on the wall which says, "The extra mile is between your ears." The way you think affects the results you have in your life. So if you change your thinking, if you change your consciousness, your life will change and your results will change.

One thing that unsuccessful people do is - they make excuses. So my question to you is: do you want to have excuses or results in your life?

You can become expert in making excuses. Maybe you are already an expert. What are your top ten excuses or top one excuse for why you are not the best you can be, or why you are not achieving better results?

"I do not have enough time."

Nice, that is a classic one.

"It is too hard."

"I am not good enough." 

"My parents were very incompetent so the genes and environment is not conducive to my growth." 

So many things you can say, but if you think deeply, you can see that all these are actually excuses. 

What else do unsuccessful people do? They blame others.

How many of you are expert in blaming others?

Another one is justification. How many of you are expert in justifying your own imperfections?

So Bhagavad Gita is teaching us to stop making excuses, stop blaming others and take full responsibility for our lives.

Courtesy : Akrura Das (Gita Coach)


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