Faith & individual effort are essential, even though mercy is available like radio waves in the air
Posted by dinesh
Aug 11
1. The material world is compared to the forest where there is lot of
struggles and also ocean where the person is drowning and not able to
cross . These eg are to show the hopeless condition of the material
2. The material world is made up of gunas and human beings acts ,
thinks, desires within the gunas and the result is also within the
gunas as rebirth.
3. Whatever birth it may be whether a human or devata or animal it is
still in the material world.
suffering but their awareness is less.
5. Jiva is not very intelligent to take the msg and advice of the lord
as paramatma , so it is delivered through devotees.
6. To accept it At first the jiva has to have faith which is the
product of mercy of the devotees and the supreme lord. The mercy is
there in all stages but to advance the jivas effort is required to get
knowledge and sadana is necessary- HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj ( SB#5.14.1)
Source# Notes from Priyadarshini Mataji
struggles and also ocean where the person is drowning and not able to
cross . These eg are to show the hopeless condition of the material
2. The material world is made up of gunas and human beings acts ,
thinks, desires within the gunas and the result is also within the
gunas as rebirth.
3. Whatever birth it may be whether a human or devata or animal it is
still in the material world.
4.In case of devatas the struggle is less however it is also in the
material world and their body is also material. The animals also havesuffering but their awareness is less.
5. Jiva is not very intelligent to take the msg and advice of the lord
as paramatma , so it is delivered through devotees.
6. To accept it At first the jiva has to have faith which is the
product of mercy of the devotees and the supreme lord. The mercy is
there in all stages but to advance the jivas effort is required to get
knowledge and sadana is necessary- HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj ( SB#5.14.1)
Source# Notes from Priyadarshini Mataji