Sri Vraja-Raja-Sutastakam: Eight Prayers Glorifying the Son of the King of Vraja
Sri Vraja-Raja-Sutastakam
Eight Prayers Glorifying the Son of the King of Vraja
bhaja kRSNa-nidhiM vraja-rAja-sutam
bhaja kRSNa-nidhiM vraja-rAja-sutam
bhaja kRSNa-nidhiM vraja-rAja-sutam
kaTi-veSTita-pIta-paTaM sudhaTaM
bhaja kRSNa-nidhiM vraja-rAja-sutam
bhaja kRSNa-nidhiM vraja-rAja-sutam
bhaja kRSNa-nidhiM vraja-rAja-sutam
bhaja kRSNa-nidhiM vraja-rAja-sutam
vRSabhAnu-sutA-vara-keli paraM
bhaja kRSNa-nidhiM vraja-rAja-sutam
(1) He Whose complexion conquers that of a fresh new raincloud Who is the best King of Paramours, the ocean of ecstatic mellows Whose crown is adorned with a lovely peacock feather and is auspiciously tilted to one side—Just worship KRSNa, the Dark Jewel, the son of the King of Vraja
(2) He Whose broadly-bending eyebrows appear like arched rainbows Whose pure moonlike face belittles millions of ordinary moons Who is endowed with sweet gentle smiles and pleasant speech—Just worship KRSNa, the Dark Jewel, the son of the King of Vraja
(3) He Whose divine bodily limbs tremble profusely with Cupid’s agitations Who dresses enchantingly just to fascinate the Vraja-vAsIs Who is decorated with extraordinary eyes like blue lotus blossoms—Just worship KRSNa, the Dark Jewel, the son of the King of Vraja
(4) He Whose forehead is surrounded by a fringe of wavy locks Whose earlobes are embellished with swaying shark-shaped earrings Who is adorned with yellow silk embracing His charming hips—Just worship KRSNa, the Dark Jewel, the son of the King of Vraja
(5) He Whose beautiful feet resound with softly tinkling anklebells that madden all the bees with their vibration of swinging gemstones Whose soles are marked with the flag, thunderbolt, fish, and more—Just worship KRSNa, the Dark Jewel, the son of the King of Vraja
(6) He Whose graceful form is smeared with profuse sandalwood paste Whose body glows with the Kaustubha gem, eclipsing the sun Whose personal beauty represents the topmost zenith of Vraja-youths—Just worship KRSNa, the Dark Jewel, the son of the King of Vraja
(7) He Who is Mukunda and Hari, worshipable for all the demigods and sages Who is the guru of all created beings, the crest jewel of all Lords Who is known as GiridhAri and MurAri, more exalted even than Lord ziva—Just worship KRSNa, the Dark Jewel, the son of the King of Vraja
(8) He Who is most fond of sporting with the Daughter of VrishabhAnu Who dresses impeccably as the Crown Prince of Mellow-Relishers Who is the most praiseworthy Lord of Lords in the entire universe—Just worship KRSNa, the Dark Jewel, the son of the King of Vraja
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
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Courtesy# KKBindu
It's inauspicious for women to loosen the hair!
We are watched every moment, the universe is highly personal-many personalities running/monitoring the show.
Posted by dinesh
Dec 31
watched by many people around? We think many many times before even
uttering a word. We meticulously act in front of the public. Atleast
some cultured decent men think what to do and what not do in the
public,let alone the uncultured two legged animals.
Lord within and without&there are many times where we are in illusion
thinking that we are acting independently&we can do whatever we like
whimsically. Those that are acting according to the instructions of
the Spiritual Master are saved while others who are on their own are
through a free ride,where they experience horror sometimes(actually
many times :)),a feeling of pleasure other times which last a few
This Universe is highly personal. There are many many thousands of
personalities designated to carry out the order of the Supreme Lord to
keep everything in place in the Universe. These
agents are called devatas or the celestial beings who help in carrying
out the instructions of the Supreme Lord to create,maintain&destroy
the material Universe.
We are responsible for our good&bad actions. We are only accountable
for our actions,no one else. The situation,the place we live,the
helpers for us in the particular situation,the birth,the
siblings,Everything is provided to us by calculating our desires,our
past actions but only to the extent we deserve. So our situation is to
be accepted without complaining too much of the destiny,because it's
only something we created and what we deserve. If we desire,we have
the choice to change it to whatever we like to do but within the scope
of destiny. We have little control over the karmic
Reactions resulting from our past actions. If there's good karma from
the past we feel so happy&think that it is because of my own good
work,while in nightmares,we see the bad karma to be something fallen
on us from the sky. Actually we are the ones who did such bad actions
as well.
Atleast when we are acting in Krishna consciousness(akarma-actions for
which there are no reactions that binds us one2material world) now,we
dont create further karma to enjoy(minimal here) or suffer(predominant
The Supreme Lord facilitates the conditioned souls with necessary
things that give them an illusion for them to see themselves as
God&enjoyer of all that pervades.
Lord Sri Krishna says, For My devotees who are always thinking of
Me,who sees Me in everything&everything in Me,I am never lost nor will
they ever be lost to Me-BG
So Krsna gives us the choice to Love Him&get to Him in His own abode
or rebel against Him in an illusory way in this material
world&suffer.Choice is exclusively ours.I've seen many people saying
if I were to be so devoted,then that time will come when God
desires.Why not apply the same thing for eating also?
We are watched every moment, the universe is highly personal-many personalities running/monitoring the show.
Sankhya Yoga taught by Lord Kapila Dev to His mother Devahuti

sankhya-yogau prithag balah
pravadanti na panditah
ekam apy asthitah samyag
ubhayor vindate phalam
sankhya -- analytical study of the material world; yogau -- work in devotional service; prithak -- different; balah -- the less intelligent; pravadanti -- say; na -- never; panditah -- the learned; ekam -- in one; api -- even; asthitah -- being situated; samyak -- complete; ubhayoh -- of both; vindate -- enjoys; phalam -- the result.
Only the ignorant speak of devotional service [karma-yoga] as being different from the analytical study of the material world [Sankhya]. Those who are actually learned say that he who applies himself well to one of these paths achieves the results of both.
The aim of the analytical study of the material world is to find the soul of existence. The soul of the material world is Vishnu, or the Supersoul. Devotional service to the Lord entails service to the Supersoul. One process is to find the root of the tree, and the other is to water the root. The real student of Sankhya philosophy finds the root of the material world, Vishnu, and then, in perfect knowledge, engages himself in the service of the Lord. Therefore, in essence, there is no difference between the two because the aim of both is Vishnu. Those who do not know the ultimate end say that the purposes of Sankhya and karma-yoga are not the same, but one who is learned knows the unifying aim in these different processes.
Goal of Sankhya and Karma yoga are the same!
Devotional service gives higher taste to rise above the ulterior modes and the pain inflicted from that!
Posted by dinesh
Aug 11
continuously supply objects to satisfy the senses.
2. The problem is its very difficult to control the mind and senses.
But krsna also tells one must try and do repetition to control
3. The only possible way is to give the senses a higher taste. It
may also be material like advancing from one guna to another.
4. The first stage of sense control is that he is not the body but
the atma. It also happens through jnana for which one has to be in
sathva gun
5. Other process is directly getting bliss by engaging in the service.
6. Higher taste completly eradicates any enjoyment in the material
world even liberation. In order to stop the plunders the best process
is to engage in Bhakti
- HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj ( SB#5.14.2)
Source# Notes from Priyadarshini Mataji
Devotional service gives higher taste to rise above the ulterior modes and the pain inflicted from that!
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