
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
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Showing posts with label Vedic Astrology. Show all posts

How to Mess Up Your Life with Astrology - By Sri Radha Govinda Dasi

How to Mess Up Your Life with Astrology
By Sri Radha Govinda Dasi

Astrology can help you become more successful in life, but if you fail to approach this science with the right mood, or if you seek advice from unqualified astrologers, your involvement with astrology can make your life truly miserable.

Learn about the dangers of dabbling in astrology without grasping its real meaning and purpose.

Click this link to read the sample pages of the book. A powerful foreword by HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj, ISKCON

you can buy the book here

For more details to get hard copies or astrological consultation, Email me


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Valentine's special - All you need is Love!

This mundane love is just a perverted reflection of our real love for Krishna in the spiritual world. Krishna is the object of love.Krishna is the God of Love.Krishna is controlled by Love. If we repose our love to Krishna,it will never be lost.

This love here is not complete, perfect and ever lasting but is dependent on many criteria.

The selfless love in this world which is closer to real love in spiritual world is found in mother to her child. She sacrifices everything for the well-being of her child without any reservation for the self. But in today's world,mothers are killing the child even before they are born, in the womb. So we will not even find this anymore in this material world.

Man is thinking of woman and woman is thinking of man and this is going on everywhere. Those in the female form, by thinking of man over and over,again and again attain male form in their next life,while man by thinking of woman gets a female body as we see this from the example of pururava. It's true that there's natural attraction between man and woman and that's the basic principle by which the jivas are bound to the cycle of birth and death.
This attraction to the opposite sex is a hard knot in the heart of the conditioned souls. It goes to the extent,I cannot live without you...I live only for you...I'll do anything for you...(we can add many such flattering..:)) etc. these are some romantic ideas which is the cause of binding.

Not just one life. Counless number of lives we have been doing the same. And we still have those vasanas in our subconscious mind and we are susceptible to those thinking feeling and willing even now,when we practice our devotion due to the momentum of the past actions. We need to gradually get rid of this I,me,mine concept of life. Everyone knows that our grandfather died,father died,we will die and the children we beget will also die. Yet we foolishly get engrossed in thinking that I am this body,this byproduct is my child.

This is nothing new. We are all trying to imitate God. Krishna is the enjoyer,the well-wisher of all living beings. He's the controller of everything that moves and not moves in the world.

We are trying to imitate the Love of Radha&Krishna. But our play will end soon while Their's continue forever. Our actual business is to assist in the loving affairs of Radha&Krsna. To see Them happy is the only desire of the residents of Vrindavan. That's Our constitutional position and is the perfection of life. Krishna comes down here in this material world to show that we can also join His dance party&be with Him happily forever. Today,everyone wants to goto parties why not join the sankirtan party of Lord Chaitanya&shed tears of Love for Krishna in ecstasy?

Since we are still suffering,marriage is a licence to purify the contamination of our mind. Of course we have to be affectionate with the wife,children and other family members with the proper understanding that we are executing our occupational duties but at the same time our goal of life is to develop love for Krishna. And when everyone works with the same motive,there'll be natural love between the jivas also to some extent but not as much as we could have with Krishna.

Our relationship with Krishna is more important than with anyone else in this world. And this should be always remembered in all our dealings with everyone.

This Love marriage in today's world is like monkey marriage. It's all based on skin. No consideration for match making in terms of character or understanding of nature of the person is possible. It's a disaster,because initially it may sound good due to the attraction to the opposite sex. The emotional levels are too high when they interact&therefore they Presume their expectations will be met in every way. And finally after marriage it's a disaster. People who have a romantic idea of marriage will end up in divorce sooner or later.

Vedic astrology is a tool that helps to assess the character and mindset of the partners and thereby find a favourable atmosphere for executing the principles of dharma. There are many sages in the history who underwent the process of marriage to purify their senses according to the religious principles. But in the case of Ajamila,he acted against the religious principles. He had a beautiful wife. He left her and went behind a prostitute.

Once there were people discussing about the noble character of Ajamila during his time.upon hearing that one astrologer said soon this brahmana,Ajamila would become wretched by engaging in adultery according to his past karma. So it's very important to match the charts of the life partners to have a good progeny for it will help by giving sober persons to the society. Only in that way can we bring peace and happiness to the world. When we understand that we are all children of God and act according to the principles of dharma&karma,we reap loving relationships with all the living beings from ant to beast :).
As far as Krishna is concerned He loved all His devotees equally. He embraced Radharani as well as calves and other animals. But we see here that people love their boyfriend or girlfriend but not their parents :)

From Srimad Bhagavatam,we read facts such as follows,
1. In old age,even the husband who has been working all the life is considered invalid. So the instruction is to abandon the family at that time and take to Krishna consciousness even more seriously.
2. The wife would feel unbearable abdominal pain and will scold the husband for anything and everything at old age.

3. Maharaja Prthu and his wife left their material bodies,developed spiritual bodies and went to vaikunta in an airplane. The spiritual bodies can pass through the material elements that are covering the universe. And they were seen heading towards brahmaloka and further above to the spiritual world,by the demigods in heavenly planets. Demigods can see both higher and lower planetary systems. On one side the demigods see the bodies of Maharaja Prthu and his wife being burnt and other side they moving above in an airplane with spiritual bodies.
Here we see that just by following and serving the qualified husband,Arci his wife attaining perfection of life.This is real Love for each other. Husband is in a responsible position to deliver the wife and children from the cycle of birth and death.

Hari Om Tat Sat!


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We are watched every moment, the universe is highly personal-many personalities running/monitoring the show.

We are watched every moment. How do we act in the public when we are
watched by many people around? We think many many times before even
uttering a word. We meticulously act in front of the public. Atleast
some cultured decent men think what to do and what not do in the
public,let alone the uncultured two legged animals.

But we tend to forget that we are watched every moment by the Supreme
Lord within and without&there are many times where we are in illusion
thinking that we are acting independently&we can do whatever we like
whimsically. Those that are acting according to the instructions of
the Spiritual Master are saved while others who are on their own are
through a free ride,where they experience horror sometimes(actually
many times :)),a feeling of pleasure other times which last a few

This Universe is highly personal. There are many many thousands of
personalities designated to carry out the order of the Supreme Lord to
keep everything in place in the Universe. These
agents are called devatas or the celestial beings who help in carrying
out the instructions of the Supreme Lord to create,maintain&destroy
the material Universe.

We are responsible for our good&bad actions. We are only accountable
for our actions,no one else. The situation,the place we live,the
helpers for us in the particular situation,the birth,the
siblings,Everything is provided to us by calculating our desires,our
past actions but only to the extent we deserve. So our situation is to
be accepted without complaining too much of the destiny,because it's
only something we created and what we deserve. If we desire,we have
the choice to change it to whatever we like to do but within the scope
of destiny. We have little control over the karmic
Reactions resulting from our past actions. If there's good karma from
the past we feel so happy&think that it is because of my own good
work,while in nightmares,we see the bad karma to be something fallen
on us from the sky. Actually we are the ones who did such bad actions
as well.

Atleast when we are acting in Krishna consciousness(akarma-actions for
which there are no reactions that binds us one2material world) now,we
dont create further karma to enjoy(minimal here) or suffer(predominant

The Supreme Lord facilitates the conditioned souls with necessary
things that give them an illusion for them to see themselves as
God&enjoyer of all that pervades.

Lord Sri Krishna says, For My devotees who are always thinking of
Me,who sees Me in everything&everything in Me,I am never lost nor will
they ever be lost to Me-BG

So Krsna gives us the choice to Love Him&get to Him in His own abode
or rebel against Him in an illusory way in this material
world&suffer.Choice is exclusively ours.I've seen many people saying
if I were to be so devoted,then that time will come when God
desires.Why not apply the same thing for eating also?



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What’s on your Mind when we say "Astrology" ? - Msut Read!!!

Vedic Astrology

I see many people’s astrological charts; most of them are absolutely fine. They show lives that are just as they should be – decent health, decent wealth, decent family relations, and so on. But the owners of these charts do not see it. They’re worried, depressed, disturbed, and continually hankering for something more than what they’ve been handed in life.

They believe that they’re unfortunate and suffering. And there is one thing about these people

that I’ve seen again and again. All of their plans for more pleasure and happiness always end in more pain and misery. Their wishes for satisfaction only end in frustration.

I often see ways that people can be happier and more peaceful. They could invest time and energy into obtaining lasting results that would truly improve their lives. But people are led by common misunderstandings about astrology or by unscrupulous "astrologers" who are not qualified to give readings, and they end up losing out in many areas of their lives.

For astrology to be effective, we must work on the level of identity. Astrology should be a finger that points you back to your true identity in this life. Circumstances may be pleasant or unpleasant, but they will always exist in whatever situation you find yourself. We all must find our own internal balance that is independent from the forces that surround us – sitosna sukha dukhada: we need to tolerate both pleasure and pain.

The effort to rush into pleasure already causes us pain – a hankering for good feelings. When you are so focused on pleasure, you will be vulnerable to pain. And who ever told us that there shouldn’t be pain in life? Who do you think you are that you should only have joy, pleasure and good things in life? It is essential to understand your position in this universe in order to see why you must tolerate bad circumstances as well as good ones in life.

If you’re in prison, you try to get out. You don’t paint the walls and try to liven up your cell with some plants or colorful curtains. Likewise, when in this life experiencing birth, death, old age, disease, and suffering it is not enough to just think of improving your present circumstances; you must also try to find the ultimate solution.

Astrology is a vedanga, a support to the Vedas; hence, the ultimate solution is also mentioned in the Vedas. It says vedaishcha sarvair aham eva vedyo - "He is to be known by all the Vedas." Bhagavad Gita also gives solutions to all problems if properly studied and understood. These solutions come from authoritative sources through a succession of disciples, or guru-parampara.

When something good happens, like the overcoming of an addition or the break-up of an unwanted relationship, we say, "My astrological chart says so." On the other hand, when it’s a failure in business, sudden bad health, or the break-up of a desired relationship, we can’t accept it. We want to fight, to find comfort and a solution that satisfies our desires.
Astrology should help people understand their lessons in life. It is not meant to focus on the temporary enjoyment you want out of life. Astrology should be used to make every challenge an opportunity to grow and learn, and to move on to a better next life, or to return to the spiritual world completely. For that, one must be ready to work more deeply, to understand the goal, and to know really how to get the most out of astrology – it could be way beyond what you think you need.

Originially Published at

Online Astrological Services at


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How Do You Approach Vedic Astrology? - Must Read!!!

How Do You Approach Vedic Astrology?
Fri, 07/29/2011 - 17:27 by ShriRadhe

[ Courtesy : Thanks to Goravani Das, who makes these concepts easier to understand and accessible to all who want to know Vedic astrology in depth. ]

Vedic astrology is a part of Vedic philosophy that highlights the principles of the theory of karma and reincarnation. In short, it means that we reap what we sow. The actions that we perform are recorded and become the basis of our future experiences in this and the following lives. Therefore astrology is not fatalistic; the seeds are sown by our actions, guided by our thoughts, which are backed by our desires, which is our choice.

Vedic Astrology reads this karmic script: what it is that we desired in the past, what thoughts followed, what actions took place, and what is waiting for us as destiny, due to our past actions.

We keep creating desires, allowing thoughts, and performing actions according to this script and in this way get caught up in the cycle of birth and death. Wanting to know the outcome of one's own forgotten choices and actions is what nowadays is called an 'astrological consultation.'

Most of the time, unfortunately, people forget that they themselves created this destiny. When they consult an astrologer they act as if they were not responsible for the past, and they want to know all about future in order to change it as they like -- creating more and more karma -- without taking responsibility for their past actions. This may sound strange, but it's true.

Since our future is based on our past actions, it can be modified by our present actions and this gives rise to very interesting possibilities: by adopting certain measures we can lessen the impact of our negative actions in the past.

These measures work principally by generating vibratory energy through repetitious chanting of a mantra. The energy thus radiated erases the script at the point where past karma is likely to cause trouble. A major accident can be reduced to a small one; a huge financial loss can be limited to the loss of a few hundred dollars. The vibratory structure of the creation is modified by deliberately produced vibrations. The ancient sages have left a treasure trove of mantras to achieve every end that a person can think of.

Here is a story I would like to share, describing karma, the reaction to that karma, and how a person creates even more complex karma in the process.

Ms. Goldie has been visiting me for some six years now; she just does not take responsibility for any of her actions and every time she asks me to fix her problems, without doing what is advised. She makes up her own conclusions and meanings and keeps blaming karma, as if karma were something that fell from the sky one day and got stuck to her life.

Her first consultation was six years ago when she was very eager to marry. She asked me how her marriage would be, and whether she would be happy.

I told her "According to your karma you shall have a loyal and honest person who will be scholarly, but he shall not be rich. There is no opulence indicated for you in this life, but he will love you and your children to the best of his ability and provide all basic needs. If you are patient and kind with him and accept this, then you can be very happy but satisfaction is the key here."

She said, "Oh I have always been poor so I don't mind; I only want a nice man who is famous."

There was something she wasn't telling me. I had noticed how her Venus was causing excess imagination and her Moon in her house of speech. I told her to be careful what she imagined fame as, and to be kind with her husband.

Only at our second appointment she told me that she was calculating that a famous man should surely become rich; so in this way she was scheming to trick karma and have a famous and rich husband after all.

After searching here and there for a special person she became desperate and in want of someone who is famous, very intelligent, etc., she rejected many boys who were suitable for her, who had simple jobs and finally chose a man who was well known in the society to be intelligent and popular.

Soon after the marriage she realized how her imagined theory was not working. He wasn't becoming rich because he was popular, but he was popular because he was unattached to making money.

She lamented and told me how she thought that by knowing astrology she could go another way to get what she wanted, and now she felt cheated by karma.

I consoled, her indicating so many good things in her life with this man -- and advised her to be satisfied with the good natured he had and not become a sharp-tongued wife.

This time her question was: "When will I have a child?" This time I knew well that with this chance of making him father, she wanted to push him to work hard to earn money. I told her that this was also not going to work. I also indicated good times for conceiving, etc.

After they had a child and the idea of her to pressurize him into making money did not work, she started going around to other people in the community, almost begging for help, talking bad about her husband, which naturally her husband did not approve of. They had a simple life with sufficient food and shelter.

Though she did get some better dwellings, she destroyed the peace in the house, creating so much trouble by complaining and being unsatisfied, that now she was thinking of divorce; she was hoping that the next one would be better.

Unfortunately, as I had warned her, her karma was strong. Who ever she married, her destiny was to have only little luxuries. Without getting this point, she went around trying to change her karma instead to learning from it, became more and more desperate and poorer in heart than would have been necessary.

Vedic Astrology reveals a profound truth to us: that our lives are controlled from the moment of birth to the moment of death. Realizing this can be catastrophic to some people who are not yet ready to accept that they are living in the benevolent cupping hands of the Supreme Lord at every moment of their lives.

In modern times, especially in the west, it is vogue to think of ourselves as masters of our lives, as the creators of our destiny. This may be argued in philosophical terms as fact, but Vedic Astrology shows that there is another side; a side where we can see that we are fully controlled.

One of the world's greatest philosophers, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (early 1500's, India), stated that to understand the Absolute Truth is to know that we are simultaneously both fully controlled and independent. In other words, full determinism and free will exist simultaneously for us. What this means is that while our lives are fully controlled by God through the universal demigods, at the same time His power and majesty in creating us is so amazingly great that we experience free will at every moment, even though we are being controlled. We feel as though we are choosing. We feel the emotional results of our choices.

It is true however that even our choice is controlled. Even our choices flow from our mental condition from birth and from the mold with which we were individually created.

The cosmic super-reality is that we are simultaneously free and controlled. Astrology focuses on one side of this equation, while other sciences and perceptions focus on the other.

The changes we can make can have two outcomes: one is to make a positive change by accepting our karma and working to learn our lessons, and another is to try to trick karma, getting into a mess of karmic reactions, as in the case of Ms. Goldie.

Originally published @

Vedic Astrology Services @


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