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via Divyangi Lalita Devi Dasi's Facebook Notes by Divyangi Lalita Devi Dasi on 6/07/11

A tiny part of Prabhupada's lecture on BG 2.14. "The devotees of the Lord do not regard as very troublesome the suffering He imposes on them. Indeed, they find that in the end it gives rise to unlimited pleasure, just as a stinging ointment applied by a doctor cures his patient's eye."

Visvanath Chakravarti Thakura's comment on SB 10.88.8: "It is at night that the sunrise becomes attractive, during hot summer that cold water gives comfort, and during cold winter, motnsh, that warm water is pleasing. Lamplight appears in darkness and when one is distressed by hunger, food tastes especially good. So to strengthen the devotees' mood of dependence on Him and longing for Him , the Lord arranges for His devotees to go through some suffering and when He appears to deliver them, their gratitude and transcendental pleasure are boundless."


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