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via Mayapur TV Archives by ashok on 7/12/11
Caitanya Carana Dasa took to Krishna consciousness in 2000 whilst working as a school teacher. He is a disciple of Bhakti Caitanya Swami. He joined as a full time devotee at Sri Sri Radha Radhanatha Mandir in Durban, South Africa, in 2003. He served as book distributor and preacher for 6 years. After completing his Bhakti-sastri and Teacher Training Courses in the 2009/10 season, he joined as a Mayapur Institute staff member. Currently he serves as the Assessment Co-coordinator and as an assistant facilitator for the Bhakti-sastri Courses, which are conducted by the Mayapur Institute. He is a spiritual mentor and chief spokesperson of Iskcon, Pune. He has a website Prabhu has been a spiritual mentor at VOICE (Vedic Oasis for Inspiration & Cultural Education), Pune and is the author of all the articles on the website. Prabhu has done his Engineering from the Govt. College of Engineering, Pune. Prabhu is a researcher in the synthesis of science and spirituality, especially spirituality from the Vedic perspective. Prabhu is also the author of several books and his writings have been published in several leading newspapers including The Times of India, The Economic Times, The Hindustan Times, etc. Prabhu's writings in English have also been translated into several other languages.
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.18.21
yakṣa-rakṣāḿsi bhūtāni
piśācāḥ piśitāśanāḥ
bhūteśa-vatsā duduhuḥ
kapāle kṣatajāsavam
yakṣa — the Yakṣas (the descendants of Kuvera); rakṣāḿsi — the Rākṣasas (meat-eaters); bhūtāni — ghosts; piśācāḥ — witches; piśita-aśanāḥ — who are all habituated to eating flesh; bhūteśa — Lord Śiva's incarnation Rudra; vatsāḥ — whose calf; duduhuḥ — milked out; kapāle — in a pot of skulls; kṣata-ja — blood; āsavam — a fermented beverage.
Then the Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, ghosts and witches, who are habituated to eating flesh, transformed Lord Śiva's incarnation Rudra [Bhūtanātha] into a calf and milked out beverages made of blood and put them in a pot made of skulls.
There are some types of living entities in the form of human beings whose living conditions and eatables are most abominable. Generally they eat flesh and fermented blood, which is mentioned in this verse as kṣatajāsavam. The leaders of such degraded men known as Yakṣas, Rākṣasas, bhūtas and piśācas, are all in the mode of ignorance. They have been placed under the control of Rudra. Rudra is the incarnation of Lord Śiva and is in charge of the mode of ignorance in material nature. Another name of Lord Śiva is Bhūtanātha, meaning "master of ghosts." Rudra was born from between Brahmā's eyes when Brahmā was very angry at the four Kumāras.
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H.G. Caitanya Carana prabhu speaks on S.B. 4.18.21
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