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via GITA COACHING by on 7/11/11

If You Just Could Live the Second Half of Your Life Differently From The First, What Would You Do With It?
Take Up the Process of Gita Coaching to Create the Meaningful, Fulfilling and Exciting Life You Deserve.
Dear Prospective Devotee Client,
If you've been wondering what should you to to be more happy and more productive in Krsna consciousness ... if you've been downsized from a corporate job where you've spent the last 20 years of your life … if you've recently taken early retirement to pursue your dream lifestyle… if you've been thinking of making a drastic career change because it just doesn't deliver the passion and satisfaction it used to … or if you're just not satisfied with your life at the moment — I have an invitation that could help you create a completely different life for yourself … the life you've been secretly dreaming about.
It's no surprise that, late in life, most people's greatest lament is that they failed to live a life with meaning. They didn't take that "Chance", they didn't make a contribution, leave a legacy, do anything important, or even pursue the one thing that was truly significant to them.
They worry that they'll leave this Earth without having seen very much of it — because they were too busy getting ahead, being cautious, and planning for the future. I have seen this regret time and time again in the faces of my students. When they first arrive at their seminars, they're timid, cautious — perhaps not believing they can create the rich and rewarding lifestyle or passionate pursuits they've been thinking about for years.
Yet over just a few hours of a Gita Coaching Course, their faces begin to brighten as they discover they can begin creating the life they want — regardless of the confines they find themselves in and despite the setbacks they've encountered before.
But aside from the courses in 20 countries, for more than 20 years I have also worked privately with devotees to take them from where they are now to where they want to be. In fact, my greatest enjoyment comes from working directly with people who truly want to make the internal changes and life-changing decisions that will allow them to achieve the goals they want to reach!
The goal of Gita Coaching courses and personal coaching is to feed your mind, body, heart and soul.
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