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via GITA COACHING by on 7/23/11

Things are heating up across the globe, but here in Buenos Aires it's rather cool! I hope you're staying cool while chanting Hare Krsna mantra.
Even though it's summertime, this doesn't mean you should slow down the pursuit of your worthy goals.
We're halfway through 2011, and if you haven't made significant progress toward your goals, it might be time for you to focus on strengthening your determination.
High achievers are incredibly persistent, and what fuels them is a relentless determination to achieve their goals, no matter what it takes.
To reach our goals, we must have the inner fire to overcome obstacles, believe in our Krsna conscious dreams (even when it seems that no one supports us), and be willing to sacrifice some short-term pleasures for long-term success.
This quote from Gandhi pretty much sums it up ...
"Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle and a victory"
Ready to succeed no matter what? Enjoy the articles on this Gita Coaching blog and over 10 hours of Gita Coaching Courses Worldwide to help YOU cultivate an attitude of relentless determination!
Just like hundreds of others who've been through this Gita Coaching process, I believe you'll discover the focus, enthusiasm, resolve and desire to pursue the spiritual life you want.
Akrura dasa
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