Sexual Heart Disease
"Sexual Heart Disease"Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.61
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Vrndavana, August 28, 1975
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drstva tam kama-liptena
bahuna parirambhitam
jagama hrc-chaya-vasam
sahasaiva vimohitah
[SB 6.1.61]
So in the morning we shall speak in Hindi for the foreign students. In the evening there will be Hindi. Morning, seven up to eight or little more, and similarly in the evening.
So we are talking about Ajamila. He was a nice brahmana boy executing the duties of a brahmana, but one day, when he was passing, he saw one sudra and one sudrani embracing, kissing, talking, laughing -- all lusty affairs. So it is mentioned here, sudra.
ekadasau vanam yatah
pitr-sandesa-krd dvijah
adaya tata avrttah
[SB 6.1.58]
Dadarsa kaminam kancic chudram. Sudram. This business on the public way, kissing, embracing, this is meant for the sudras. Therefore it is said, kalau sudra-sambhavah: "In the Kali-yuga the population is all sudra." There is no brahminical culture. Brahminical culture means sama, dama, controlling the mind, controlling the senses. A real brahmana will never agree to embrace the opposite sex in public way. No. That is not brahmana's business. He has been trained up how to become controller of the mind, controller of the senses. That is the first business of a brahmana. Sama, dama, satyam. He is truthful, saucam, clean, thrice taking bath. So you should always... You are given the chance of becoming brahmana. You should not become again sudras or mlecchas or candalas. Be careful. This is brahmana business. If we again come back to candalas or sud... Candala means less than the sudras. Even sudras, they eat meat under control. But candalas, they eat meat without any control. So just like in the Vedic society, although there are meat-eaters, they would eat meat after offering sacrifice to Goddess Kali. Restriction. Restriction. Because if you eat meat from the slaughterhouse there is no restriction. You can go and purchase at any time. But if you follow the scriptural regulation, they say, "Yes..." It is restriction. It is indirectly saying, "Don't eat," but because this less intelligent person will not be able to understand, therefore they are given some permission under certain restriction. This is restriction, that "If you want to eat meat, then you must offer sacrifice to Goddess Kali and then you can." And the Goddess Kali is worshiped once in a month. That means by restriction he will come to his senses; he will give it up. So sudra, up to sudra, there is possibility of raising him. Although he can see ideal character, it is not that anyone be ideal character like a brahmana. That is not possible. But still, in the society there must be an ideal person who is actually brahmana.
So sudra... This kind of business on the public street... Just like cats and dogs, they have sex pleasure without any shame on the street. Similarly, the sudras, they embrace the opposite sex in the public street, and sometimes they have got sex also. I have seen in the Western countries -- without any shame... So he saw, this brahmana boy. The brahmana boy saw. He is young man. Although he is qualified with the brahmana... Not exactly qualified; otherwise he would not have fallen. He was on the neophyte stage. Therefore we restrict, "No illicit sex." Completely forbidden. Otherwise it will be very difficult to keep oneself in the brahminical standard and make spiritual progress. Without being in the platform of brahmana, you cannot make any spiritual progress. That is not... A sudra, a vaisya... But they can be trained up. Therefore Krsna said,
mam hi partha vyapasritya
ye 'pi syuh papa-yonayah
striyo sudras tatha vaisyas
te 'pi yanti param gatim
[Bg. 9.32]
In Krsna consciousness, a sudra, a candala, the lowborn, he can be elevated to the highest stage of Vaisnava. Vaisnava is higher stage than brahmana.
So this boy, Ajamila, he was passing, he saw that the sudra was embracing another sudrani. Drstva tam kama-liptena. When he saw that this man and woman is embraced with one another with lusty desire... Embracing woman or man, this is kama, lust. There is no question of any other thing. Kama-liptena. Drstva tam kama-liptena bahuna. The man was embracing the woman, and the woman was embracing, pari-liptena, very closely attached, and everything was going on. Then... We have got lusty desires. Everyone's heart... Hrd-roga-kama. The material world means there is a heart disease which is called kama, hrd-roga-kama. So hrc-chaya-avasam. If we... This is called impetus. If I see one engaged in lusty or sex affairs, naturally my sex desire also becomes awakened. Even though I am trying to control in the neophyte stage, still, if I see in my front something, lusty affairs, naturally I will be inclined to such. Therefore it is called avasam. He was student, brahmacari, practicing sama, dama, satyam, saucam. He was not very old man; he was young man. But he could not control. Therefore it is said hrc-chaya-avasam. Avasam sahasaiva: "all of a sudden," vimohitam, "he became very much attracted."
So this is the social condition. If in society we have no restriction, then naturally those young boys and girls, they will be inclined. And as soon as one is sexually inclined, he forgets all other culture and gradually becomes down fallen, as you will see from the life of Ajamila. Although he was trained up... So similarly, this is a warning to our students that they are learning how to become Krsna conscious. It is very difficult job. To become Krsna conscious is not very easy thing. But by the grace of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we are trying to teach that, and it is becoming effective. Otherwise how you all European and Americans can give up these four sinful activities? So try to preserve. And it can be preserved only by remaining in the devotional service. It can be. Sa gunan samatityaitan brahma-bhuyaya kalpate [Bg. 14.26].
mam ca vyabhicarini
bhakti-yogena ya sevate
sa gunan samatityaitan
brahma-bhuyaya kalpate
[Bg. 14.26]
As soon as you come on the platform of Brahman, brahma-bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati [Bg. 18.54], then you will be able to. Otherwise you will not be able to. If you don't come on the transcendental platform, then you will not be able to.
So we have to stick to these principles to keep ourselves on the transcendental platform, rising early in the morning, offer mangala arati, then gradually, one after another, attending class, guru-puja, and so on, so on. Up to till you go to bed, you should always be engaged. Then you will be above these three gunas. Just like this boy, Ajamila. He is attracted because all of a sudden he fell down on the platform of passion. There are three platforms: sattvic, rajasic, tamasic. So if you keep yourself on the sattvic platform, there is also chance to falling down on the passion and ignorance. But if you keep yourself in the suddha-sattva platform... Suddha-sattva platform means devotional service. Sattvam visuddham vasudeva-sabditam. Suddha platform means... That is called vasudeva. As Vasudeva can beget a child whose name is Krsna, similarly, if you keep yourself on the vasudeva platform, sattvam visuddham vasudeva-sabditam, then Krsna will take birth. Krsna will take birth. So our these rules and regulation, restriction, means to keep one on the vasudeva platform. We should remember always that. And if you keep yourself on vasudeva platform, these things will not entice you. Otherwise we shall be enticed and fallen down. Agama hrc-chaya-vasam sahasaiva vimohitah.
Sometimes we go to hear or see rasa-lila. But unless we are advanced in spiritual consciousness, this hearing of or seeing some rasa-lila, sometimes it brings us down. If one is actually seeing rasa-lila, the result will be hrd-roga-kamam apahinoty acirena dhirah. This is the injunction in the Srimad Bhagavatam. If one has actually heard from a realized person about vikriditam idam vraja-vadhubhir visnoh, Visnu and vraja-vadhu, the gopis, vikrtam, their lila, their pastime Sraddhanvita anusrnuyad atha varnayed yah. One who is actually advanced in spiritual consciousness, sraddhanvita, anusrnuyat, and hears from the realized person -- anu, anu means parampara, not from ordinary person, professional reciter, but from a realized person -- the result will be hrd-roga-kamam apahinoti. Then the, our natural lusty desires will disappear. That is the result. But in spite of disappearing our, this lusty desire, if we increase our lusty desire, that means we are spoiling our life. Therefore it is forbidden that neophyte students, they should not indulge in these affairs of rasa-lila. You should be very careful. People are very much accustomed to see rasa-lila in Vrndavana. Maybe they are advanced, but the test is whether he has given up his lusty desire. That is the test. If he has given up, then, after seeing rasa-lila, he should not have returned to home. My Guru Maharaja used to say, "Do not go to Vrndavana with return ticket." So therefore it is very confidential. There are ten cantos in Bhagavatam. Nine cantos are devoted to understand Krsna, nine cantos. Then tenth canto begins. Then Krsna's birth and pastimes are mentioned there. So we should not jump over the tenth canto all of a sudden. People are very much anxious to jump over the tenth canto. No. Tenth canto is the mukharavinda. It is the face of Krsna, smiling. But Krsna worship begins from the lotus feet of Krsna. Nobody offers flowers and tulasi on the face of Krsna. They offer on the feet. That is the beginning, the first and second canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, two lotus feet. So we have to go by and by. And when we are actually experienced devotional servant, then you try to understand the tenth canto. This is the way. Otherwise there may be fall down, as this Ajamila fell down. He was neophyte, and as soon as he saw the sudra and sudrani embracing, he became victmized.
So we should be very... Brahmacari, there are so many restrictions. Even to see woman -- "A beautiful woman is going, let me see" -- that is also forbidden. That is also subtle sex enjoyment. Gross and subtle, there are so many subtle sex enjoyments -- to think of woman, to see a beautiful woman going on the street, or to talk about woman, to read about woman. There are eight kinds of subtle sexual intercourse. So it is restricted. But in the Kali-yuga it is very difficult to follow all the rules and regulation. One is not trained up. Even up to ripe old age, one becomes attracted by beautiful women. Especially in the Western countries. I have seen in Paris, old man, seventy-five years old, eighty years old, they are going to the brothel. They are going to the night club. They are purchasing ticket to enter into the club-fifty dollars. Then they have to pay for the woman and wine and everything. In this way...
So hrd-roga-kama, this hrd-roga, hrc-chaya, is a heart disease. It is very, very difficult to avoid unless one is fully Krsna conscious. And that is stated by Yamunacarya:
yadavadhi mama cettah krsna-padaravinde
nava-nava-rasa-dhamany udyatam rantum asit
tadavadhi bata nari-sangame smaryamane
bhavati mukha-vikarah sustu nisthivanam ca
This is the test. Yadavadhi krsna-padaravinde. "Since I have learned how to take transcendental bliss from the lotus feet of Krsna..." He is explaining. He was an emperor. He had ample opportunity of enjoyment, material enjoyment. He was enjoying it. But he said, "Since I have become Krsna conscious and I am taking pleasure in Krsna consciousness, from that time," bata nari-sangame smaryamane, "whenever I think of enjoying with woman, I spite on it." This is the test. This is the test, how I am becoming advanced. You do not require any certificate from anyone. You can learn yourself. Just like when you are eating, you do not require any certificate from others, "Whether I am feeling all right?" Eating means you are hungry, so if you eat, you will feel satisfied. Your hunger will be satisfied. You will be getting strength. These are the symptoms that have eaten. Similarly, when you'll no longer be attracted by this sex desire, then you should understand that "I am now making progress in Krsna consciousness." This is the test.
So this boy became victimized. Although he was under training, he was not completely fit. Therefore he fell victimized by seeing this affair, lusty affairs. So at that time might be one or two cases. Now the whole world is full with all of these lusty desires, especially in the Western country. Here also now it has come. No more they are following the Vedic principles. But it is not so deteriorated as in the Western countries, and so we should be very, very careful. Not only... Simply becoming careful will not. We must advance in Krsna consciousness, and that is very easily done by chanting Hare Krsna mantra. If you keep yourself always engaged in chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, then it will be... Ceto-darpana-marjanam [Cc. Antya 20.12]. This is hrc-chaya-vasam. The lusty desire is a disease of the heart. It is... Practically it has no value. So therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, ceto-darpana-marjanam. They cleanse the heart with all dirty things. Ceto-darpana-marjanam. How? Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. This is confirmed in Bhagavatam, kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet [SB 12.3.51] Simply by chanting, you can keep. If you follow the rules and regulation and chanting, then you will not be victimized. You'll make your progress without any fear.
Thank you very much. Hare Krsna. (end)>>> Ref. VedaBase => Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.61 -- Vrndavana, August 28, 1975
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