From: HH.Bhakti Vikasa Swami
English Guest: Your Grace, in The Nectar of Devotion, in the Introduction,
there was an account of Lord Caitanya and a disciple of His, and while he
was in the presence of Lord Caitanya, he cast a lustful glance at a woman,
and Lord Caitanya rejected him. And afterwards His disciples came to Him and
said, "Please forgive this disciple." And Lord Caitanya said, "You may go
and forgive him and go and live with him, and I will stay alone."
Afterwards, the young man committed suicide, and when Lord Caitanya, who
knows everything, said, "It is good. It is very good," this makes me very
afraid of committing, in a moment of forgetfulness, a mistake like this.
Prabhupada: The thing is that Lord Caitanya did not like hypocrisy. One
should be very much alert against becoming a hypocrite. So this Chota
Haridasa, he proved to be a hypocrite. Therefore He was so strict.
English Guest: What became of him after he committed suicide?
Prabhupada: He went to Vaikuntha.
English Guest: Went to?
Prabhupada: Yes, because he was Lord Caitanya's associate.
English Guest: I see.
Prabhupada: He, by mistake he had fallen down. Caitanya Mahaprabhu punished
him. But that does not mean he would not go to Vaikuntha. He would go. Just
like father punishes his son, that does not mean he is not admitted in the
home. So that was an exemplary punishment for the hypocrites, because this
Chota Haridasa was in the renounced order of life. So for a person who has
renounced this world, so even glancing over a woman with lust is also not
allowed. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu, with His grhastas devotee, He was very
kind. But grhasta is not hypocrite. Anyone who has got wife, it is
understood he has sex life; so there is no hypocrisy. So one who poses
himself, "I am sannyasi, I am this, I am that," and within heart he is
thinking of women, that is hypocrisy. That Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not like.
English Guest: That story is there as a warning for me.
Prabhupada: Yes. For anyone. If you have desire to enjoy, then don't become
a sannyasi, brahmacari. You become a married man, live peacefully with wife
and children. That is allowed.
English Guest: I see.
Prabhupada: But don't become a hypocrite and live like a brahmacari and
think of woman. This hypocrisy is like that. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's
stricture. That "Why you are hypocrite?" In spiritual life hypocrisy is the
worst qualification. Yes. There are four asramas -- brahmacari asrama,
grhasta asrama, vanaprastha asrama, sannyasa asrama. So you gradually accept
the asramas and prepare yourself for the final, properly[?]. But if you stay
in one asrama you don't become hypocrite in relationship to that asrama. You
do it perfectly. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's majority of devotees were grhastas,
householder. He was Himself householder. He married twice, but that does not
mean when He took sannyasa He would see His wife. No. That is not allowed.
Conversation, 7 Sep 1971
English Guest: Your Grace, in The Nectar of Devotion, in the Introduction,
there was an account of Lord Caitanya and a disciple of His, and while he
was in the presence of Lord Caitanya, he cast a lustful glance at a woman,
and Lord Caitanya rejected him. And afterwards His disciples came to Him and
said, "Please forgive this disciple." And Lord Caitanya said, "You may go
and forgive him and go and live with him, and I will stay alone."
Afterwards, the young man committed suicide, and when Lord Caitanya, who
knows everything, said, "It is good. It is very good," this makes me very
afraid of committing, in a moment of forgetfulness, a mistake like this.
Prabhupada: The thing is that Lord Caitanya did not like hypocrisy. One
should be very much alert against becoming a hypocrite. So this Chota
Haridasa, he proved to be a hypocrite. Therefore He was so strict.
English Guest: What became of him after he committed suicide?
Prabhupada: He went to Vaikuntha.
English Guest: Went to?
Prabhupada: Yes, because he was Lord Caitanya's associate.
English Guest: I see.
Prabhupada: He, by mistake he had fallen down. Caitanya Mahaprabhu punished
him. But that does not mean he would not go to Vaikuntha. He would go. Just
like father punishes his son, that does not mean he is not admitted in the
home. So that was an exemplary punishment for the hypocrites, because this
Chota Haridasa was in the renounced order of life. So for a person who has
renounced this world, so even glancing over a woman with lust is also not
allowed. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu, with His grhastas devotee, He was very
kind. But grhasta is not hypocrite. Anyone who has got wife, it is
understood he has sex life; so there is no hypocrisy. So one who poses
himself, "I am sannyasi, I am this, I am that," and within heart he is
thinking of women, that is hypocrisy. That Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not like.
English Guest: That story is there as a warning for me.
Prabhupada: Yes. For anyone. If you have desire to enjoy, then don't become
a sannyasi, brahmacari. You become a married man, live peacefully with wife
and children. That is allowed.
English Guest: I see.
Prabhupada: But don't become a hypocrite and live like a brahmacari and
think of woman. This hypocrisy is like that. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's
stricture. That "Why you are hypocrite?" In spiritual life hypocrisy is the
worst qualification. Yes. There are four asramas -- brahmacari asrama,
grhasta asrama, vanaprastha asrama, sannyasa asrama. So you gradually accept
the asramas and prepare yourself for the final, properly[?]. But if you stay
in one asrama you don't become hypocrite in relationship to that asrama. You
do it perfectly. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's majority of devotees were grhastas,
householder. He was Himself householder. He married twice, but that does not
mean when He took sannyasa He would see His wife. No. That is not allowed.
Conversation, 7 Sep 1971
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