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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 1/9/13

"My dear mind, why do contemplate leaving Prema-sarovara, this lake of liquid love, to wander throughout the world in search of material pleasure? Why leave this reservoir of prema, decorated with thousands of beautiful flowers, to find shelter in thorny bushes? Please meditate on the moonlike face of Srimate Radharani. You will find peace only by taking the shelter of the lotus feet of the daughter of King Vrsabhanu." 


[ Anonymous, written on a wall next to Prema-sarovara lake ]


prem sarovar chadi ke tu batake, hai kyom cit ki cahan mem yaha gemda gulab aneka khile, baithe kyom karIi ki chahan mem premI kahe prem ko pamth yahI, rahIbo kari sudhe subhyan mem man tohi mile vishram vahim, vrushabanu kishori ki payan mem




Prema-sarovara, Vrindavan.


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