If we somehow become dear to the dearest devotees of Krishna, it's very easy to get the mercy of the Lord. Thats why even momentary association of a pure devotee is also precious. One time an unqualified person was let go inside vaikuntha because he was accompanied by Narada muni.

CC Madhya 22.54, Translation:

"The verdict of all revealed scriptures is that by even a moment's association with a pure devotee, one can attain all success."

CC Madhya 22.85, Translation:

"'O devotees! O you who are free from all sins! Let me inquire from you about that which is supremely auspicious for all living entities. Association with a pure devotee for even half a moment in this material world is the greatest treasure for human society.'"

Translation : By association with pure devotees the inquisitive, the distressed, the seeker after material amelioration and the man in knowledge all become themselves pure.
BG 7.17, Purport:

By searching after knowledge one realizes that his self is different from his material body, and when further advanced he comes to the knowledge of impersonal Brahman and Paramātmā. When one is fully purified, he realizes that his constitutional position is to be the eternal servant of God. So by association with pure devotees the inquisitive, the distressed, the seeker after material amelioration and the man in knowledge all become themselves pure. But in the preparatory stage, the man who is in full knowledge of the Supreme Lord and is at the same time executing devotional service is very dear to the Lord. He who is situated in pure knowledge of the transcendence of the Supreme Personality of God is so protected in devotional service that material contamination cannot touch him.



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