Mixing your profession(varna) and personal life(ashrama) will make your life miserable! (full text)
Posted by dinesh
Varna and ashrama should not be mixed. If we do so it will
Make our life miserable. Modern society has this biggest flaw that people identify mostly themselves with the profession they are into even in their personal lives. Varna is something that helps to facilitate the ashrama. And all activities or the results should be directed towards the Supreme Lord.
The way a person responds to his wife or children will be the same whether he is Kshatriya or Brahmana or Vaisya or Sudra. If the Kshatriya brings his power into the family life then it becomes miserable.
For instance one may be a prime
Minister but for his mother he is a son. When the mother calls him he should answer like a son, yes I am eating properly mother, taking medicines properly, I am good and sleeping well no health issues, like that. But in the office he is prime minister and people respect him as prime minister but to his mother it doesn't matter what he is at the office.
The brahmacari should practice studying the scriptures and then become qualified in the society. If he feels there's a need to understand the interaction of senses and sense objects he can enter the grihastha ashrama and then offer and engage the sense objects into the fire of senses. Once the next generation is capable of supporting the family, the man should restrain the senses from
the sense objects and when during sannyasa he should completely restrain the senses from sense objects. Whatever that comes his way he should directly
Use only for the service of the lord.
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