
Wheel existed for eons but the English men created an idea by their education such that wheel was invented by them. We had chariots in the vedic tradition since time immemorial. But the impression thats rooted in our minds is we(our culture) is backward and the westerners or the English men are of advanced culture.It's actually the other way around. This language itself is not very rich. It's the language of the low class people. The whole idea of introduction of English education was breaking the vedic culture..And
it has already broken....Sanskrit is the language of the Gods and Godly people.
The very phrase "Re-inventing the Wheel" which we commonly use is therefore incorrect and a false claim. Only the wheel of time should unveil the truth. Actually not many are
interested in truth in the Kali yuga(where only little truth is still prevailing)...if we talk the truth, people are coming to beat us.. if we do some word jugglery and cheat people they really welcome that.
Wheel existed for eons but the English men created an idea by their education such that wheel was invented by them. We had chariots in the vedic tradition since time immemorial. But the impression thats rooted in our minds is we(our culture) is backward and the westerners or the English men are of advanced culture.It's actually the other way around. This language itself is not very rich. It's the language of the low class people. The whole idea of introduction of English education was breaking the vedic culture..And
it has already broken....Sanskrit is the language of the Gods and Godly people.
The very phrase "Re-inventing the Wheel" which we commonly use is therefore incorrect and a false claim. Only the wheel of time should unveil the truth. Actually not many are
interested in truth in the Kali yuga(where only little truth is still prevailing)...if we talk the truth, people are coming to beat us.. if we do some word jugglery and cheat people they really welcome that.
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