Devotees can protect us even from the anger of Krishna...when we take shelter of them.
Posted by dinesh
Sep 24
Padyavali Dasi # The process is that by the grace of the devotee the
mercy of the Lord is obtained, and by the mercy of the Lord a chance
to serve the Lord's devotee is obtained…. Devotees are therefore more
merciful than the Lord, and in devotional service the mercy of a
devotee is more valuable than the mercy of the Lord… --Bhaktivedanta
purport Padyavali Dasi# This is an excerpt from the Bhaktivedanta
purport when Srila Prabhupada mentioned it in relation with the
history of the demon Maya Danava who was an inhabitant of the forest
Khandava, and when the Khandava Forest was set on fire, he asked from Arjuna. Arjuna saved his life, and as a result of
this the demon felt obliged. He reciprocated by building a wonderful
assembly house for the Pāṇḍavas... And yet Lord Kṛṣṇa wanted to
kill him. When he was chased both by the fire and by the wheel of Lord
Kṛṣṇa, he took shelter of such a devotee as Arjuna, who saved him
from the wrath of the fire of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa.. Both the fire and
the Lord ceased from chasing the demon as soon as both of them saw
that the demon was given shelter by such a devotee as Arjuna. This
demon, feeling obliged to Arjuna, wanted to do him some service to
show his gratefulness, but Arjuna declined to accept anything from him
in exchange. Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, however, being pleased with Maya for
his taking shelter of a devotee, asked him to render service unto King
Yudhiṣṭhira by building a wonderful assembly house...
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