We get what we put in! Garbage in,Garbage out! We are accountable for our actions.
Posted by dinesh
Sep 13
We are accountable for our actions. We get what we put in our
consciousness. Garbage in garbage out. So we have to carry out our
actions very cautiously and consciously. Otherwise we'll get trapped
and it becomes miserable.
It's because we thought we arent responsible for our actions,we
acted/acting whimsicaljy.
When we see the fruitive work mentioned in Karma kanda in the Vedic
literature,we infer that we are responsible for our good pious actions
and in return we reap the good results. By executing these principles
of karma kanda,one will come to the understanding that one is
responsible for one's actions. This realization is greater than the
modern idea of beg,borrow,steal or do whatever you can to become
happy. Every moment we are adding to our karma, the intentional or
unintentional ill good and bad actions. Only when we understand where
we are now and what we are doing now and where does our actions take
us, we'll be able to get to where we want to go or become what we want
to be!
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