Money Magic!
When there's money, people come around you and when not,you'll be all
alone. All relatives and Friends will not even think about you fearing
that you'll ask them money. And you'll be considered invalid. Same
applies to oldage. You would have worked all the life and sacrificed
most part of your life but people will only come to enjoy the wealth
you accumulated and again you are invalid.No one is interested in your
talks.Also there'll be a huge generation gap.
But above all there's one Person who's constantly listening to you in
your times of distress or joy.When He gives you special mercy,He'll
take away everything and make Him your only refuge-SB.
Thats what Krishna did for Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada also
told that he had a good chart as predicted by an astrologer that he
would've become a big business man with huge wealth.He didnt choose
that as his wealth but Krishna.


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