Another Dimension

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 04:01 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2004)

'Asta-kalika-lila' – more or less describes how Radha and Krishna meet at different times of the day, in different groves around Radha-Kunde. There are numbers of groves that are attained by the asta saktis. Each of these groves have their kunjas, and that is where they have their loving pastimes.

Some of these descriptions can get very intimate. Some of the books from the ācāryas really elaborate on these things and it gets too much. Then it starts to really look to much like….sex….biting! If one gets to the biting part, than it gets too much…………….. This gives another dimension to it all, and can be too much……for us at this stage.

Therefore, one must be a little bit reserved about this. It's not that you can't read anything about it! I met some devotees who stayed in the Vrindavan temple, when I was the temple president at that time. They got really into this and this one devotee said to the other devotee:

"Do you want to have these books?"

He was talking about Prabhupada's books.

"Well can I just take it?"

"Yes, just take it. I never read them anyway!"

Since he was now reading all these glossy kind of literatures. This is not the idea! When it comes to reading, I usually explain it like:

"Prabhupada's books – Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, Nectar of Devotion and Caitanya Caritamtra….they are like rice, dahl, subji and chapatti. And the other things are like chutneys and extra preps. If you only live on chutneys and extra preps, than how long can you live only on that? That's the point."

The reasons why we are giving all these warnings is because people like to make things black and white. It's either 'ok' and then it's like 'lets go!!' or it's 'off'….and there is nothing in between! This is the problem!

The Human form of Life

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 01:32 PM PDT


(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

So in this age of Kali the human form of life is awarded to those who are not very qualified. In Satya-yuga, the human form of life is only awarded to those who are great souls and all others are in lower species. In Treta-yuga, the standard of human life goes down and even one who is not completely perfect and pure can still be a human being.

In Dvapara-yuga, that standard still goes down, like the ones who have no piety still get human form of life. In Kali-yuga, even if one who has no good qualities at all can still get a human form of life and with that the intelligence and capacity to take up spiritual life!

Cologne Ratha Yatra

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 05:09 AM PDT

From Switzerland, Guru Maharaja made his way to Cologne (Germany) to participate in a great Ratha Yatra Festival. Many devotees travelled far-and-wide to get there too, attracted by the incredible line up of special guests namely: HH Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, HH Sacinandana Maharaja, HH Bhakti Charu Maharaja and HH Radhanatha Maharaja.

The four hour parade transcended the inner-city and then stopped next to the famous Dom of Cologne, where a good crowd of people were present. Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate after the parade, as heavy rain set in. It lightened to a dizzle but stayed with us almost until the end of the program. However, it didn't dampen the spirit of the devotees who were eager to see the different bhajanas, dancers and speakers.

The Ratha Yatra concluded with an ecstatic final kirtana led by HH Radhanatha Maharaja. Enjoy the pictures!

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A Summercamp in the swiss mountains

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 03:58 AM PDT

After being separated for one week from Guru-Maharaja, I joined him again in Switzerland, where he participated in a summer-camp, high up in the Flumser alps, a calm part of the earth, in a nice wood house. The programs were mainly led by Kadamba Kanana Maharaja and Deena Bandhu Prabhu, who gave inspiring seminars and classes. Deena Bandhu Prabhu, with his ecstatic narrations about Krsna and his pastimes in the holy Dhama, took the devotees directly to Vrindavana, whereas Maharaja inspired them with philosophical classes on the topic: "On the way to Krsna, we meet ourselves."

All in all it was a peaceful camp, that gave Maharaja a good possibility to relax a little for the upcoming Ratha Yatra in Cologne. Enjoy the pictures!

If you cannot view the slide show below, please visit flickr.


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