Liberation is hell for a devotee. A devotee never seeks liberation but
he's already liberated. Haridas Thakur said this liberation is
available even for the devotees who chant with nama abhas what to
speak of advanced devotees? Impersonal Liberation is equivalent to
killing oneself. Of course there is some peace and freedom from
material desires&material nature's influence,but no happiness. There's
absolutely no chance to serve the Lord or think about serving the Lord
once after becoming one in the Brahma Jyoti.
It's even more dangerous than our present condition because even with
our body,mind,intelligence,wealth,family, we can engage in Devotional
service&attain Supreme bliss but not in liberation. Dhuruva Maharaj
even though had been provided with material boons,he was able to
utilize that for Devotional Service to the Lord-notes taken from
HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj SB class


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