
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Quiz - Krishna

My Dear Friend,
I have asked a few questions and would like to have the various
sastric views/realizations upon this topic from you. I would like to
publish all the different answers in my blog. I found that there are
many people around the world asking questions in google search. This
will also help such inquisitive people to get their answers for their
search in internet through my blog.
1.What medicine is there in this world which will cure us of the
diseases caused by Lust,Greed, Pride, Anger, Envy, Madness?

2.Which doctor can cure us of these diseases?

3.What is the remedy for a man biten by the snakes of senses?


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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via GITA COACHING by on 28/07/11

The word dharma means duty. It means truth. It means occupation.

For us it is important to find something that we are excited about. Something that we want to do for Krsna with love. Something we can put our heart into.

When we join Krsna consciousness, we are taught to do the needful. Srila Prabhupada gave us this principle and it's a very useful principle. But we see that devotees who have lasted in Krsna consciousness - not only survived but thrived - that they specialize in something. They find something they are excited about and they become better and better at it.

So it is important we find something we like to do and become an expert in it. And that we can give a nice contribution. We are creative beings. We want to express ourselves and we can use our talents in Krsna's service.


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To Chant Very Concentrated Rounds

Posted: 04 Aug 2011 12:24 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2004)

It is so hard to be focusd. We have such little ability to focus. The mind is so uncontrolled and so strong – its everywhere and anywhere. It's very difficult. But we are going through emotions, kind of. If you record yourself….. I don't know if you have ever recorded yourself chanting, but I've recorded myself chanting:

"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare, Hare".

There were extra few 'Hare Hare'. I don't know how it happened….obviously the mind was somewhere else for a moment, where there were an extra 'Hare Hare…..Ram Ram Hare Hare' – there are all the other varieties: We don't pronounce properly; miss syllables; we add syllables; we skip beads; chant a round and finish in 3 minutes – that was quick! That means probably the beads and the mantra not being synchronised. It happens, which is a bit of a problem when we are not fully attentive, than the beads will be at one speed and the mantras will be at another speed…..and that's one of the problems in chanting.

We have to really try to make it a habit to change exactly on the point where the one mantra ends and the other mantra begins, because the tendency can develop after a while to already change a little before. A round can even change….it can happen, if we have to change exactly on the proper points. So the similar amount of energy should also go to the bead also – to properly move around the beads. Otherwise we develop bad counting habits, and we are chanting 16 rounds in 1 hour and 20 mins… good…and yes I skip beads!

So if the rounds stay less than 2 hours than the possibility of skipping beads is certainly there and something to look at. If you finish one round in 5 minutes that means that you got to like chant very concentrated rounds. So it's possible to chant 5 minutes rounds but it's a serious business. Its like driving in 200km an hour and there is not a moment to be looking at the sides….the eyes are on the road. That's how it is. If you chant casual 5 minutes round, then either you are swallowing mantras or skipping beads……or both!


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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via GITA COACHING by on 28/07/11

Devotees sometimes say, "I am not inspired. I am not inspired by the classes. I am not inspired by the Mangala Arati, by the kirtanas."

I say to them, "It is your responsibility to be inspired every single day. It is your duty to ensure that you are enthusiastic every single day. How are your going to do it? It's your task."

We can find ways to be inspired every day, but we have to become diligent. The mind has to become diligent, and has to want this state. "I want to be inspired every single day." And it's not some artificial hype-up thing.

For example, when you are chanting your rounds in the morning, this can be a wonderful process to become super inspired for the whole day. And if we listen to our rounds, we can be very much inspired. The whole day is amazing.

How can I be inspired, when I had a wonderful morning chanting and dancing with the devotees, or at my home, then I have to go to this stupid work?

Someone who works can be inspired like anything, if he sees his work differently. And if he sees preaching opportunities in his work. If you see that you can do something at your work that will bring people closer to Krsna consciousness, then you are excited to go there and find these opportunities and do something that is very valuable or significant.


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Good one to think about!


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via GITA COACHING by on 28/07/11

Srila Prabhupada wrote to one uninitiated devotee that he should ask his Temple President to find him an activity that he is inspired to do. Srila Prabhupada says that it is advantageous to do to something we like to do, we are inspired to do, and it even positively affect following the principles.

This principle of doing something that you like to do is very important, but neglected. Because we run the movement, we need to do so many things, and we try to fit people into different projects, but we tend to forget about the people themselves.

When I do coaching I focus on the benefit of the individual. I ask devotees, "What is your dream? What ar you really excited about? Ideally speaking, what would you like to do for Krsna?"

In the beginning they don't always know, but as we go on with sessions something emerges and they really become excited. I keep on asking, "What would you really like to do for Krsna?" And then they come up with something.

Sometimes people are afraid to desire. I encourage them to desire something, even if the desire is not 100 percent pure. Let's say a devotee says, "I want to become a famous book distributor." This is not pure desire. He wants to do service but he also wants some fame. I teell him, "Go for it! If you become too proud, Krsna will sort you out. Don't worry! He will show you what is false and what is real."


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