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via GITA COACHING by on 28/07/11

Devotees sometimes say, "I am not inspired. I am not inspired by the classes. I am not inspired by the Mangala Arati, by the kirtanas."

I say to them, "It is your responsibility to be inspired every single day. It is your duty to ensure that you are enthusiastic every single day. How are your going to do it? It's your task."

We can find ways to be inspired every day, but we have to become diligent. The mind has to become diligent, and has to want this state. "I want to be inspired every single day." And it's not some artificial hype-up thing.

For example, when you are chanting your rounds in the morning, this can be a wonderful process to become super inspired for the whole day. And if we listen to our rounds, we can be very much inspired. The whole day is amazing.

How can I be inspired, when I had a wonderful morning chanting and dancing with the devotees, or at my home, then I have to go to this stupid work?

Someone who works can be inspired like anything, if he sees his work differently. And if he sees preaching opportunities in his work. If you see that you can do something at your work that will bring people closer to Krsna consciousness, then you are excited to go there and find these opportunities and do something that is very valuable or significant.


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