Good one to think about!


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via GITA COACHING by on 28/07/11

Srila Prabhupada wrote to one uninitiated devotee that he should ask his Temple President to find him an activity that he is inspired to do. Srila Prabhupada says that it is advantageous to do to something we like to do, we are inspired to do, and it even positively affect following the principles.

This principle of doing something that you like to do is very important, but neglected. Because we run the movement, we need to do so many things, and we try to fit people into different projects, but we tend to forget about the people themselves.

When I do coaching I focus on the benefit of the individual. I ask devotees, "What is your dream? What ar you really excited about? Ideally speaking, what would you like to do for Krsna?"

In the beginning they don't always know, but as we go on with sessions something emerges and they really become excited. I keep on asking, "What would you really like to do for Krsna?" And then they come up with something.

Sometimes people are afraid to desire. I encourage them to desire something, even if the desire is not 100 percent pure. Let's say a devotee says, "I want to become a famous book distributor." This is not pure desire. He wants to do service but he also wants some fame. I teell him, "Go for it! If you become too proud, Krsna will sort you out. Don't worry! He will show you what is false and what is real."


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