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via GITA COACHING by on 28/07/11

The word dharma means duty. It means truth. It means occupation.

For us it is important to find something that we are excited about. Something that we want to do for Krsna with love. Something we can put our heart into.

When we join Krsna consciousness, we are taught to do the needful. Srila Prabhupada gave us this principle and it's a very useful principle. But we see that devotees who have lasted in Krsna consciousness - not only survived but thrived - that they specialize in something. They find something they are excited about and they become better and better at it.

So it is important we find something we like to do and become an expert in it. And that we can give a nice contribution. We are creative beings. We want to express ourselves and we can use our talents in Krsna's service.


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