
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Duty of a Vaisnava


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 11/04/11

There are many fortunate persons all over the world, and many unfortunate persons also. So those who are fortunate, they're taking to this Krsna consciousness, this ideal life, hopeful life, pleasant life, blissful life, life of knowledge. They're taking to it. But it is the duty of Vaisnava to go door to door to make them fortunate. Although they are unfortunate, but you have to go door to door to make them fortunate. That is your duty.



 [Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture in New York, 21 July 1971]



Suppose a man accidentally comes in contact with our society and gives some service willingly or unwillingly, that is the beginning of his fortunate life. We go from door to door canvassing people to join Krsna Consciousness movement means that we are trying to make them fortunate.

[Letter to Tosana Krsna, 13 November 13, 1968]


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Practice and Study


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 11/04/11

 Upendra: What was the secret of speaking nicely on the philosophy of Krsna consciousness?

Srila Prabhupada: Speaking or anything, all depends on practice and study. I remember when I was first called for speaking by one of my senior Godbrothers. I felt very much hesitating because I was not practiced to speak. Later on, by speaking and hearing or reading, I got experience and now we can speak 45 minutes, 50 minutes or 1 hour at a stretch. So you have to read our books very nicely and gather thoughts, and then you can speak for hours without any difficulty. It requires practice. So read your books carefully. Especially Nectar of Devotion, now published, and practice speaking. It will be alright.


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Serious Residents


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via by Aatish on 10/04/11

Transcribed by Annie
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, March 2011, Melbourne)

We are residents of Kaliyuga. We are inclined towards sin, inclined to cut corners, inclined to be slack, inclined to sense gratification, inclined to cheat, inclined towards dishonesty, to say "Oh! It's too difficult!' inclined to make endless excuses to escape. We have to be serious.


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Ambitions of Krsna Conscious Persons


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 17/04/11


  • Krsna is variety. There are varieties of Krsna's manifestation. Krsna is there. Krsna personally is there. At the same time, Krsna, energy, they are varieties. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate [Cc. Madhya 13.65, purport]. Krsna is one, but His energies are multi-different energies. So you can take shelter of different energies or Krsna directly. The best thing is to take shelter of Krsna directly. That is intelligence. Therefore Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [Bg. 18.66].

  • But we prefer to take shelter of Krsna's energy. That is also external energy, this material nature. So Krsna has given us chance. You can work hard in this material energy, but that will not help you. Therefore, those who are devotees, they also take shelter of Krsna's energy. That is internal energy, not external energy. Internal. Mahatmanas tu mam partha daivim prakrtim asritah [Bg. 9.13]. Daivim prakrtim means internal energy.
  • Just like you cannot avoid government control. That is not possible. Either you are in jail life or you are in free life, you are always under government control. Similarly, either we remain in the material world or we remain in the spiritual world, we are controlled by Krsna. There is no escape. You cannot do that. But if you remain controlled by the spiritual energy, by directly being controlled by Krsna, not by His energy, or by His internal energy, then you will be happy. That is the ambition of persons who are in Krsna consciousness.

 >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 4.11 -- Vrndavana, August 3, 1974


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Krishna appreciates sincere service


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 17/04/11


Just keep this, your attitude of sincere service and without a doubt Krishna will give you all intelligence to serve Him nicely. Krishna is not ungrateful but rather He sees all our efforts and appreciates our sincere service. Krishna is interested in how we engage our energies in His service. We are very small, very insignificant, so what can we do? Simply He wants to see that we are engaging our time and energy in His service.

Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Devananda - Los Angeles 23 November, 1968


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Container of the Heart


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 15/04/11

  • Sri Rupa  Gosvami states: krsna prema pradaya te, "Lord Caitanya is freely giving krsna-prema to one and all." One might logically ask the question, "Why haven't I received that prema yet?"


  • "You cannot receive the prema-rasa from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu with your hands or any other container. Only with the container of your heart can you get the prema-rasa given by Mahaprabhu. But you should examine the container of your heart to see that there are no holes in it. Is it a pure heart? If there are nasty things like lust, anger, greed, envy, pride and arrogance in it, how can you get the prema-rasa" "These nasty things are holes in the container. Mahaprabhu gives prema indiscriminately, but why all are not getting it? We must take care of the container of the heart so that we may receive Mahaprabhu's mercy. If your chanting is pure and offenseless, then you will definitely get krsna-prema. Mahaprabhu gives prema through chanting, but He gives a condition.


  • trnad api sunlcena taror api sahisnuna amanina manadena kirtaniyah sada hari

    One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking himself lower than the straw in the street. One should be more tolerant than the tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige and ready to offer all respects to others. In such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord constantly, (sihastaka 3) "The pot of the heart must be made up of these four constituents: humility, tolerance, respect and pridelessness. Mahaprabhu is the giver and you are the receiver. But if your pot is not made up of these constituents, how can you receive?"

    (Srila Gour Govinda Swami Maharaj - Krsna Kathamrta BMu 6/01)


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    Knowing God


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    via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 15/04/11

     Question: Is it necessary that God should be worshiped in particular form only?

    Prabhupada: Well, there is only one form, bhakti. There is no other form. It is not a particular. It is the only. Just like there are nine holes in your body. The only one hole will be used for eating. Not other holes. If you pushed your foodstuff in other holes, it will be useless. Similarly God is one, and to understand God the only process is bhakti. That's all. There is no other process.

    Question: How may a devotee arrive to this particular form?

    Prabhupada: This is in the sastras. God says: bhaktya mam abhijanati [Bg. 18.55]. Only through devotion one can understand Me. So not the devotee has discovered. God says: "This is the only way." If you want to know God, you must know Him by the process He recommends, Don't discover your own way. Not that yato mata tato patha. No. If you want to know God, then this is the only: bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah [Bg. 18.55]. That is the only way. There is no other way. Chant. (end)

    - Srila Prabhupada

    >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 6.47 -- Ahmedabad, December 12, 1972


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    Knowing God


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    via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 15/04/11

     Question: Is it necessary that God should be worshiped in particular form only?

    Prabhupada: Well, there is only one form, bhakti. There is no other form. It is not a particular. It is the only. Just like there are nine holes in your body. The only one hole will be used for eating. Not other holes. If you pushed your foodstuff in other holes, it will be useless. Similarly God is one, and to understand God the only process is bhakti. That's all. There is no other process.

    Question: How may a devotee arrive to this particular form?

    Prabhupada: This is in the sastras. God says: bhaktya mam abhijanati [Bg. 18.55]. Only through devotion one can understand Me. So not the devotee has discovered. God says: "This is the only way." If you want to know God, you must know Him by the process He recommends, Don't discover your own way. Not that yato mata tato patha. No. If you want to know God, then this is the only: bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah [Bg. 18.55]. That is the only way. There is no other way. Chant. (end)

    - Srila Prabhupada

    >>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 6.47 -- Ahmedabad, December 12, 1972


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    Identity crisis is d cause of all problems!

    Majority of us identify ourself wid our profession/job,color of
    skin,country,caste,social status.But none of us really asked wat v
    really r? R v dis rottening body/mind/intellect.y r v here?Where v go
    after death.Dis Identity crisis,Godless civilization is d coz of all
    probs of modern world.Bhagavad Gita answers all the questions.


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    You are what you eat!

    You are wat you eat
    It's d consciousness dat transforms matter.Wen d animals r killed,they
    r in fear,anxiety,stress,pain.When in fear their body generates
    adrenalin dat spreads thru out their body&is poisonous which when
    eaten brings again fear,anxiety,anger,violence to d eater.None of d
    real religions promote animal killing.Jesus Christ&His followers were
    pure vegetarians.Real Hindus were vegetarians.So think abt it.Whatever
    v do eventually comes back2us


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    Blog address changes!

    Dear friend,

    With the intent of having relevant blog name I decided to have the blog name as
    but after analysis I found that it may take years for the blog to appear in the Google search results. My previous blog name has been in the internet for more than 4 yrs and is also available in Google Search index servers.

    These keywords would bring my blog in the top 10 Google results "Krishna attractive", "Krishna all attractive","Krsna attractive" 

    And so I once again revert to the blog name 

    In short my blog is



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    Does a fallen soul have to be depressed? : Krishna

    Dhanurdhara Swami June 30th, 2010
    June 30, 2010
    Does a fallen soul have to be depressed?
    A saintly soul prays in the mood of dhainya, utter humility:
    “For my own pleasure I never fear to commit any sin. I am devoid of pity and full of selfishness; I’m sorry at others’ happiness and am an inveterate liar. Indeed, I take delight in others’ miseries.” Amara Jivana – Bhaktivinoda Thakur
    If the great devotees feel like this, shouldn’t the actually fallen practitioner of bhakti feel depressed and ridden with guilt?
    Remorse is certainly healthy, but does the sincere and weak need to feel shame? I don’t think so. I found a reference to support this.
    “Having awakened faith in the narrations of My glories, being disgusted with all material activities, knowing that all sense gratification leads to misery, but still being unable to renounce all sense enjoyment, My devotee should remain happy and worship Me with great faith and conviction. Even though he is sometimes engaged in sense enjoyment, My devotee knows that all sense gratification leads to a miserable result, and he sincerely repents such activities.” [emphasis mine] (Bhag. 11.20.27-28)
    I like the balance. We do need to be humble and repent if we cannot maintain our practices. We shouldn’t, however, embrace the type of shame and excess guilt that is depressive and lowers self esteem, that makes the adoption of spiritual life miserable and debilitating.

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    Sing the praises of Lord Shri Ram 
    by Gauravani Das
    Shri Rama chandra kripalu bhaja mana harana bhava bhaya darunam
    Nava kanja lochana kanja mukha kara kanja pada kanjarunam

    O my heart! sing praises of Lord Shri Ram, who absolves the greatest
    fears due to the cycle of life and death, and whose eyes, mouth, hands, 
    and feet are like a newly blooming red lotus

    - Saint Tulasidas


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    Elevating One Another

    Elevating One Another

    A devotee shows compassion to those poor souls who are wanting in spiritual knowledge by enlightening them in order to elevate them to Krsna consciousness. That is one of the duties of a devotee. He should also make friendship with persons who are on an equal level with himself or who have the same understanding that he does. For a devotee, there is no point in making friendships with ordinary persons; he should make friendship with other devotees so that by discussing among themselves, they may elevate one another on the path of spiritual understanding. This is called ista-gosthi.

    Adapted from HH.Indradyumna Swami
    [ SB 3.29.17 purport ]


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    V cant recognize God without proper eyes,even if He's b4us!

    It's not necessary4God2appear in front of us in order4us 2accept
    Him&His presence.He's not obliged2come in front of us by our orders
    becoz He's not our servant rather v r His servants.Wen v pls Him by
    our actions,He may reveal Himself@His own will like Sun showing
    Himself in d day.v've2work4Him&wait2c B-)


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    A devotee has faith


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    via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 12/04/11

     On the part of a devotee, he has faith.

    His faith is transmitted actually. It is a matter of transmission offaith. The amount of faith we have in our heart to that extent we will be able to influence our sincere audience, sincere listeners. Andthat's the point the demigods are making here, that transcendentalreality, we have to recognize that beyond this material nature thereis another reality, transcendental reality, spiritual sky, and we haveto see the spiritual sky. And when Krishna comes that spiritual skybecomes manifest. Those who are fortunate they can see it themselves.

    But even then when Krishna withdraws His pastimes sadhus are leftbehind who speak about Krishna's transcendental pastimes. The scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita they describeKrishna's transcendental pastimes. And just by hearing about those pastimes we develop our faith in Krishna. And what does the sadhu do?He reconfirms our faith. He intensifies our faith. And as a result ofthat bhavanti hrt-karna-rasayanah kathah. [SB 3.25.25]

    We develop

    taste for this hearing by which our ears and heart becomes completely satisfied and as a result of that we develop our attachment to Krishnawhich causes the cessation of material suffering. And due to thisattachment we develop our love for Krishna.



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    The Hare Krishna Wave


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    via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 13/04/11

    Early in 1967, several of Srila Prabhupada's disciples left New York and opened a temple in the heart of San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district, home for thousands of hippies and "flower children" from all over the country. Within a short time, Srila Prabhupada's temple there had become a spiritual haven for troubled, searching, and sometimes desperate young people. Drug overdoses were common, and hundreds of confused, dazed, and disenchanted young Americans roamed the streets.

    Haridasa, the first president of the San Francisco temple, remembers what it was like.


    I think it saved a lot of lives; there might have been a lot more casualties if it hadn't been for Hare Krsna. It was like opening a temple in a battlefield. It was the hardest place to do it, but it was the place where it was most needed. Although the Swami had no precedents for dealing with any of this, he applied the chanting with miraculous results. The chanting was wonderful. It worked.

    Michael Bowen, an artist and one of the leading figures of the Haight-Ashbury scene, recalled that Srila Prabhupada had "an amazing ability to get people off drugs, especially speed, heroin, burnt-out LSD cases-all of that.

    Every day at the temple devotees cooked and served to over two hundred young people a free, sumptuous multi-course lunch of vegetarian food offered to Krsna. Many local merchants helped to make this possible by donating to the cause. An early San Francisco devotee recalls those days.

    ]People who were plain lost or needed comforting ... sort of wandered or staggered into the temple. Some of them stayed and became devotees, and some just took Harsarani


    The sacred sound reinforced the spiritual mood of the temple and helped to ease the tensions and frustrations of its young guests.Throughout lunch, devotees played the New York recording of Srila Prabhupada chanting the Hare Krsna

    Sunday, January 29, 1967 marked the major spiritual event of the San Francisco hippy era, and Srila Prabhupada, who was ready to go anywhere to spread Krsna consciousness, was there. The Grateful Dead, Moby Grape, Janis Joplin and Big Brother and the Holding Company, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service-all the new-wave San Francisco bands-had agreed to appear with Srila Prabhupada at the Avalon Ballroom's Mantra-Rock Dance, proceeds from which would go to the local Hare Krsna temple.

    Thousands of hippies, anticipating an exciting evening, packed the hall. LSD pioneer Timothy Leary dutifully paid the standard $2.50 admission fee and entered the ballroom, followed by Augustus Owsley Stanley II, known for his own brand of LSD.

    in the early morning at the Radha-Krsna temple was an important community service to those who were "coming down from LSD," because the chanting would "stabilize their consciousness on reentry."and how it had spread from the small storefront in New York to San Francisco. The well-known poet told the crowd that the chanting of the Hare Krsna At about 10:00 P.M., Srila Prabhupada and a small entourage of devotees arrived amid uproarious applause and cheering by a crowd that had waited weeks in great anticipation for this moment. Srila Prabhupada was given a seat of honor onstage and was introduced by Allen Ginsberg, who explained his own realizations about the Hare Krsna

    By the time Srila Prabhupada stood and began to dance with his arms raised, the crowd was completely absorbed in chanting, dancing, and playing small musical instruments they had brought for the occasionthroughout the ballroom, enveloping everyone. Hippies got to their feet, held hands, and began to dance as enormous, pulsing pictures of Krsna were projected around the walls of the ballroom in perfect sync with the beat of the The chanting started slowly but rythmically, and little by little it spread


    Ginsberg later recalled, "We sang Hare Krsna all evening. It was absolutely great-an open thing. It was the height of the Haight-Ashbury spiritual enthusiasm."

    only a few weeks before. The chant rose; it seemed to surge and swell without limit. When it seemed it could go no further, the chanting stopped. Srila Prabhupada offered prayers to his spiritual master into the microphone and ended-by saying three times, "All glories to the assembled devotees!" The Haight-Ashbury neighborhood buzzed with talk af the Mantra-Rock Dance for weeks the amateur musicians had been at the Tompkins Square As the tempo speeded up, the chanting and dancing became more and more intense, spurred on by a stageful of top rock musicians, who were as charmed by the magic of the

    on a daily basis. In just a few years, temples were opening all over North America and Europe, and people everywhere were hearing the chanting of Hare Krsna.(hand cymbals) to chant the (clay drums) and Within a few months of the Mantra-Rock event, devotees in San Francisco, New York, and Montreal began to take to the streets with their

    included exuberant choruses of the Hare Krsna and a hit single, "The Hare Krishna Mantra," produced in September of the same year by Beatle George Harrison and featuring the devotees, introduced millions to the chanting. Even Broadway's long-running musical hit instruments and sing on John and Yoko's famous recording "Give Peace a Chance." This song, which included the On May 31, 1969, when the Vietnam war protest movement was reaching its climax, six devotees joined John Lennon and Yoko Ono in their Montreal hotel room to play throughout the day and distributed "The Peace Formula," a small leaflet based on Srila Prabhupada's teachings from the Vedic scriptures. "The Peace Formula," which proposed a spiritual solution to the problem of war, was distributed en masse for many months and influenced thousands of lives.

    At the now historic mass antiwar demonstration in Washington, D.C., on November 15, 1969, devotees from all over the United States and Canada chanted the Hare Krsna with musical instruments, were now a familiar sight in almost every major city throughout the world.

    Because of Srila Prabhupada's deep love for Lord Krsna and his own spiritual master, his amazing determination, and his sincere compassion, "Hare Krsna" had become a household word.

    - Chant and be happy (Chapter 3)


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    [srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - First visit to Australia

    First visit to Australia

    Sunday, 9 May 1971

    For the residents of the Sydney temple, Srila Prabhupada's arrival was a confused affair. An early telegram detailed Srila Prabhupada's proposed visit to Sydney, via Malaysia. Only arrival dates and times needed to be confirmed.

    As it turned out, Srila Prabhupada had arrived in Malaysia a little later than planned, and to make things even more complicated, while in Kuala Lumpur there had been talk about a couple of devotees in Singapore wanting Srila Prabhupada to come and visit them there. This possible diversion to Singapore would have meant a later arrival date for Srila Prabhupada, so somebody had sent a telegram to the Sydney temple reading "Prabhupada not coming now". The wording of the telegram was intended to mean that Prabhupada was not coming now, but later. The devotees in Sydney had misconstrued that this meant that Srila Prabhupada was not coming to Sydney at all. They were understandably disappointed.

    It had been too late to arrange any program in Singapore. Srila Prabhupada's party had headed off for Sydney, preceded by another telegram announcing that Bali-mardana was coming, and yet another, stating "Arriving", accompanied by a time of arrival and signed "Bali-mardana". Devotees had speculated that this meant that Bali-mardana was coming instead of Srila Prabhupada.

    But when Caru rang the airlines early in the morning to check on Bali-mardana's arrival time, he discovered that two other passengers were travelling with him -- Vegavan and A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

    Caru hastily broke the news to the devotees, whose confusion quickly turned to elation, then panic. The blue Volkswagen Kombi van screeched down the street to the airport.

    - - -

    The devotees, none of whom had ever met their spiritual master, waited nervously in the crowded terminal. Occasionally, they jumped, straining for a fleeting look at Srila Prabhupada as the Customs doors quickly opened and closed.

    Philip: As I jumped up, I would catch brief glimpses of Srila Prabhupada as he stood at the Immigration desk. He appeared grave, yet radiant and golden in complexion, with his white attace case in his hand and a lightweight grey chaddar folded over his shoulder. He seemed to be patiently waiting for something.

    Srila Prabhupada was, in fact, waiting for Vegavan who was held up at Immigration.

    Vegavan: When I arrived at Immigration, my worst fears were confirmed. They told me that there was no way they were going to let me into Australia, because I did not have a visa. I protested, so they sent me to a special room to speak to the head of the department. I pleaded with the man that I was married to an Australian girl, so he asked me for my marriage certificate. I told him that I didn't have one, but that recently I was married in India at a special ceremony presided over by my spiritual master. Then I remembered that I had the photographs of my marriage at the Cross Maidan, so I showed him those. The man had seen Srila Prabhupada as he had come through Immigration with his valid visa and had seemed very impressed with him. So even though I had no visa, the man stamped my passport "indefinite stay" which was in itself quite unusual -- in fact, unheard of. When I went back to the Immigration barrier, the man behind the desk was incredulous. He couldn't believe it, but I could understand that this was Prabhupada's potency.

    Sheryl: Caru had warned the ladies not to scream when Srila Prabhupada came through Customs, but of course when he suddenly appeared we all jumped up and down and screamed. Then we bowed down, most of us prostrate. Some devotees simply laid down on the airport arrival lounge floor and didn't get up, and Srila Prabhupada's way was obstructed. We had to tap them on the shoulder and ask them to move. We were so thrilled to see Srila Prabhupada.

    Caru: I remember I was so enthusiastic about seeing my spiritual master for the first time that, when he came through the Customs gates, I offered my obeisances so vigorously that I banged my head on the floor. I was pretty much half-conscious for the rest of the day. I think I even gave myself some sort of mild concussion. I was only semi-conscious, and I don't know whether that was due to the blow on my head or the delirium of having Srila Prabhupada here with us.

    A jubilant kirtana started up as Prabhupada, now garlanded with flowers and looking healthy from his eight months in India, proceeded to the press lounge. Caru had hurriedly arranged for a conference only hours before, and a few reporters and photographers now quickly followed the party to the lounge.

    A reporter enquired from Srila Prabhupada about his background and why he was now coming to Australia.

    Prabhupada patiently explained that there were four orders of life: brahmacari -- celibate life, grhastha -- family life, vanaprastha -- retired life, and finally sannyasa -- renounced life. Prabhupada pointed out that he was in this final stage of life and his business was to spread Krsna consciousness throughout the Western world on the order of his spiritual master. Krsna consciousness was a great spiritual movement, he stressed, and the leaders of Australia should come to hear his message.

    After a few more questions, the conference was over. Accompanied by more melodious chanting, Prabhupada proceeded down the long corridor to the exit. He appeared to the assembled devotees just like they had seen him in the Back to Godhead magazine -- only even more regal, aristocratic and effulgent. He walked, looking straight ahead, quickly followed by devotees, many of whom were still stunned by the shock of seeing their spiritual master for the first time. Some cried, holding their hands together reverently in pranams.

    Bali-mardana, with one arm carefully embracing the tightly-wrapped Deity of Krsna, stood close to Prabhupada's side. Straight behind, Vegavan carried the Deity of Radharani. Prabhupada emerged from the automatic glass doors into the bright sunlight. Bamboo cane in his right hand, white travelling bag in the left, Prabhupada walked purposefully to the waiting vehicle.

    - From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu

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