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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 11/04/11

 Upendra: What was the secret of speaking nicely on the philosophy of Krsna consciousness?

Srila Prabhupada: Speaking or anything, all depends on practice and study. I remember when I was first called for speaking by one of my senior Godbrothers. I felt very much hesitating because I was not practiced to speak. Later on, by speaking and hearing or reading, I got experience and now we can speak 45 minutes, 50 minutes or 1 hour at a stretch. So you have to read our books very nicely and gather thoughts, and then you can speak for hours without any difficulty. It requires practice. So read your books carefully. Especially Nectar of Devotion, now published, and practice speaking. It will be alright.


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