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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 11/04/11

There are many fortunate persons all over the world, and many unfortunate persons also. So those who are fortunate, they're taking to this Krsna consciousness, this ideal life, hopeful life, pleasant life, blissful life, life of knowledge. They're taking to it. But it is the duty of Vaisnava to go door to door to make them fortunate. Although they are unfortunate, but you have to go door to door to make them fortunate. That is your duty.



 [Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture in New York, 21 July 1971]



Suppose a man accidentally comes in contact with our society and gives some service willingly or unwillingly, that is the beginning of his fortunate life. We go from door to door canvassing people to join Krsna Consciousness movement means that we are trying to make them fortunate.

[Letter to Tosana Krsna, 13 November 13, 1968]


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