---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: krpamaya_gauranga@hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 20:00:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - We
want simply to chant Hare Krsna
To: rememberingsrilaprabhupada@yahoogroups.com

We want simply to chant Hare Krsna

The on-going conflict with the Sydney City Council had reached boiling
point. The Council gave an ultimatum:

The Hare Krishnas have until 10am on August 4 to give an undertaking
that its members will stop chanting in Sydney streets. Unless the
undertaking is given, we will seek a Supreme Court injunction to
restrain them.

The devotees, of course, ignored the ultimatum.The whole continuing
debacle had attracted the attention of the Council for Civil
Liberties, an enthusiastic group that championed the cause of the
legally oppressed. They argued that the devotees had a fundamental
civil right to practise their religion by means of peaceful assembly.

Lawyers representing the Council for Civil Liberties had approached
the Sydney City Council and argued the devotees' cause. Their
solicitors had even defended the devotees in their numerous court
cases at the Central Court of Petty Sessions without charging any
legal fees. They had argued that the charges of obstruction and
loitering laid under the Metropolitan Traffic Act Regulations were not
only discriminatory, but were also a useless waste of time for legal
authorities concerned. It meant the tying-up of courts, police and
council officers, who should be dealing with more substantial

The Council for Civil Liberties was eager to follow the case through
to the Supreme Court, but was running out of money. Its lawyers asked
the devotees whether they could pay something for consequent legal
representations. Meanwhile, harassment became more and more frequent.
Now almost every day, no matter where the devotees set up downtown,
the police would soon arrive. The devotees became accustomed to
immediately dispersing, running in all directions, provoking the
police into desperate high-speed chases on foot, sometimes through
Farmers' Department Store and other times down side streets. Those who
couldn't run fast enough were immediately arrested. The situation had
become chaotic. Caru wrote to Srila Prabhupada on 31 August asking for
advice. Srila Prabhupada replied ten days later with clear directions:

Now, regarding this business of sankirtana; the solution is simply to
go on with sankirtana activities as you have been doing and let them
arrest us if they like. We will not stop.

Just like in London, they became arrested so many times and there was
so much public display over arresting, that gradually the police
stopped arresting, and now they have sankirtana anywhere they like,
without any botheration.

If we take this case into court and spend so much money for big, big
lawyers and still if we do not win, then they have got legal right to
stop us. So, better to forget this business of lawyers and judges and
simply go on with sankirtana. That is Civil Disobedience Movement. Let
them fill their jails with us again and again, but we shall not stop
our sankirtana movement.

Also, it may help if you get some public sympathy through publicising
our constant prosecution in the newspaper journals. Gradually, the
City officials and constabulary will become embarrassed to arrest us
further, and gradually we will be allowed to carry on our sankirtana
unhampered. But I do not think this business of expensive lawyers and
going to court will solve anything, better to simply become determined
to hold our sankirtana in our own manner, as we like, and simply
depend upon Krishna and His protection at all times.

Srila Prabhupada added in a handwritten postscript:

There is no difference between our chanting on the street or in a
temple or in jail. A Krishna conscious person is not afraid of any
place, but he wants to chant constantly, in all circumstances.

The issue stayed on Srila Prabhupada's mind. Three days later he
reiterated his firm and strong feelings on the matter in a
Srimad-Bhagavatam class in Los Angeles:

"You have to chant the Hare Krsna mantra against the demons. Just like
in Australia, the demons have instituted a case against us, a big case
by the city authorities. So what can be done? They want to appoint
big, big lawyers. I have advised, 'Don't appoint lawyers. You go on
chanting. They may put you in the jail. So you go on chanting.' What
is that? You chant on the street, or chant in the jail. They're the
same thing. So don't be afraid. They'll take you to jail. Go on, 'Hare
Krsna'. We have got one means. Narayana parah sarve na kutascana
bibhyati: 'Those who are devotees, they are not afraid of anything.'
Svargapavarga-narakesv api tulyartha-darsinah: 'Either they're sent in
the heavenly planets or in the hell planet, it doesn't matter.' We
want simply to chant Hare Krsna and remember Krsna. That is Krsna
consciousness. It doesn't matter whether it is in hell or heaven."

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu

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