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via GITA COACHING by on 8/6/11

Krsna consciousness is a combination of nectar and austerity.

When one gets practiced in austerities, he starts to like them, like getting up early or hearing our rounds of chanting very attentively.

It is a great austerity for the mind in the beginning, because the mind wants to think of so many things.

Once you develop a taste for attentive chanting, you always want to do it that way.

Advancement does not come only through suffering. Is eating prasadam suffering? Is singing and dancing suffering?

It may be an austerity to get out and distribute books, or get into the kitchen and cook. But once you start doing it, with the proper consciousness, thinking that Krsna will be pleased with this and that ultimately you will also be very happy, then it is not a suffering. It is a pleasure.


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