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via Bhava Bhakti devi dasi by Bhava Bhakti dd on 21/12/09

I read today that the way in which we approach the Holy Names is
indicative of our relationship with Krsna.

I found this very interesting.

It makes sense really as we understand the holy names are non-different
from Krsna.

In this respect we can gaze at the Deity and act out our devotion to
Him, swoon in ecstasy or become stunned into silence.

We can work 24-7 for Krsna and receive plaudits that we are such hard
workers and do sooooo much service.

But what of the way we treat Nama Prabhu?

He has mercifully descended into this dark, miserable material world as
a life line to the spiritual world. He is like an umbilical cord
connected to Krsna that gives us life and sustenance.

Yet when we associate with Him through our japa or kirtan where is our

What is our mood?

Are we looking to serve Him or be served by Him?

Do we hanker for a drop of taste from the Names or do we acknowledge He
is 'Rasa raja'? The Supreme enjoyer of rasas.

Nama Prabhu is a person - He is Krsna Himself.

Treat Him well and He will treat you well.

The object of our desires is on our lips and we allow the mind to wander
to lesser, coarser pleasures.

Keep dragging it back to the centre - to the names - once we realise
that the holy names are the goal of our practices as well as the means
to get there it will be amazing!

Trust the Holy Names and keep the faith!


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