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via Seed of Devotion by Bhakti lata on 19/04/11

My brain swirls in whirlpools of words.

I write this in those suspended midnight hours. For hours now - hours - I have labored over three speeches that I am writing for my Speech Writing class.

What do I have to show for it? 500 measly words each. For weeks I have contemplated these words, I have hammered out these words, sometimes I have been close to weeping over these words. I have wrung out my soul.

Yeah, 500 words.

And how long does each speech need to be?

1,000 words.

How long do I have to finish?

3 days.


Despair sucks. 

Still, I am learning. I am grateful. The other evening I attended a live theater performance, and one of my professors stepped in to say the lines: "Writers aren't sacred, words are."

When for the Lord, sacred indeed.


To pray is to serve; to serve is to love; to love is to live. I pray to serve my spiritual master with love for as long as I live.  

The Lord is my North Star when I am lost and I have lost everything; the Lord is my sun when I am found and I have found everything. 


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