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via Gita Coaching by on 5/16/11

Krtina, Slovenia
Srila Prabhupada wrote to a disciple:
You are experiencing some doubts, that you cannot believe that the Krishna from Krishna Book can be the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that it must be like some fairy-tale.
To clear up these things the best remedy is to discuss amongst yourselves all members regularly all our books in classes, then these doubts will be killed.
Without reading books it becomes hackneyed and such obnoxious ideas trouble us.
Our thoughts are always changing, that is the nature of the mind, so you cannot expect that even the great saintly persons are free from thoughts coming and going.
But after thinking there is feeling and willing, willing being the stage of putting the thoughts into action.
So if we are able to employ our intelligence, then we kill the thoughts before they become manifest in activity, but because we are so much inclined to enjoy something unintelligently, we have to therefore daily sharpen our intelligence faculty by reading and discussing and preaching to others.
In this way we are able very easily to defeat all challengers to our philosophy and everything becomes very clear as it is revealed from different angles of vision.
Krishna makes promise to one who is striving to serve Him sincerely that He will give such devotee the intelligence by which he may come to Him.
Therefore we should always pray that Krishna may kindly provide me the intelligence to kill all demons of doubt, and because He understands the heart of His sincere devotee, immediately He gives assistance.
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