
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

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So True for a Devotee


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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 12/15/11

"There are only two ways to live your lifeOne is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."   [ Albert Einstein ]



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Fly and the Bee - Our conception of the Material and Spiritual World


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via (title unknown) by Divyangi Lalita Devi Dasi on 11/19/11

The fly is living happily in the box of manure.

He is becoming fat, enjoying the opulence.

The bee comes by and the fly invites him to see the opulence of the fly.

"I do not wish to offend you, but this place is not very nice, my dear fly.

The place where I come from is full of fragrant flowers, the trees are tall and they are swinging in the autumn wind.

There is a lot of space to fly, and many flowers prduce a lot of pollen for our food."

"What is so special about that? This is a box of manure and is perfect, I can't imagine better place than this. The gardens of flowers and trees and grasses... sounds unusual, I have never seen such thing before and because I like my home I don't wish to go anywhere else."

"I invite you only this one time to see my home, warm and bright."

"But it is so far away from my home."

"It will take us very short time to fly there and back, just come with me, this is the chance of your life."

The fly and the bee flew out of the manure box

and entered the flower garden.

"My dear fly, can you see this wonderful place? 

Can you smell this fragrance coming from the blossoming flowers?"

"No, the place seems nothing special,

it smells exactly like at home."

The bee suspects that fly's perception is disturbed.

He takes the fly to the river and they both take bath.

When fly's senses are pure, he can see the beauty.

"This is such a nice place, it smells so nice, I will never go to that box of manure again!"


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All fired up – Part 2


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via by hina on 12/21/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta Part 2

In the ecstatic side of Khetari, it is said that Srila Narottama Das Thakur had started this new style of kirtan, and it created such ecstasy that everyone just got up and were dancing spontaneously! Suddenly, they saw that the Panca Tattvas were also dancing in that assembly. All the devotees were in the greatest ecstasy and the next thing that happened was that the Panca Tattvas had disappeared! So when they disappeared then everyone started to cry in separation and the ground became wet from all the tears and turned into mud. So there were a lot of people crying and a lot of tears! So that was the Khetari festival.

Jahnava Mata was the senior most vaisnavi and she was respected by all as the person presiding over the festival. She was the senior most and definitely given the most respectful position. Although she accepted all this respect, at the same time she went into the kitchen and cooked an incredible feast for all the devotees. It was a very transcendental event!


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All fired up – Part 1


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via by hina on 12/21/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta Part 2

So the Khetari festival (besides it being a transcendental experience) had established Gaudiya Vaisnavism clearly in Bengal. Before that, Nityananda had preached in Bengal (by the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu) and had created a lot of enthusiasm. The Caitanya Bhagavata describes how there were kirtans that were so ecstatic that everyone just joined in….the whole village is emptied out and old men begin to jump up high….. so high that they jumped up right into the trees! And they begin to dance on the branches of the trees…even from the tips of the branches and those branches don't break!

The young boys were in the kirtan for thirty days. These boys got so fired up…..and more and more fired up that they didn't even get any prasadam or nothing to eat, but just kirtan non stop for thirty days! In the end they were just mad….totally mad and so fired up that they ripped trees out of the ground!

So it was a fired up kirtan – Nityananda's kirtan. People were just seeing the kirtan and disappeared right into it! People lost their relatives and so they went looking for them! Whilst looking, they merged into the kirtan, and they too had disappeared! The whole villages and families from those villages had disappeared. Several village leaders would go looking for them and in this way the whole village would disappear into the kirtan of Nityananda. So the kirtan of Nityananda was conquering Bengal…………………………………….The Khetari festival was a festival that brought structure in Bengal where Nityananda brought out the enthusiasm in the people, and ecstasy in the people. There was not much philosophy behind it, but Khetari brought ecstasy and philosophy. So Khetari was very significant!


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Our shelter


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via by Yadurani on 12/21/11

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, 21 December 2011, Cape Town, SA)

Sometimes I come on this point of taking shelter and how no one on his own is spiritually strong. It's just by taking shelter that one becomes spiritually strong. So yes, again and again we must take shelter. The mind says, 'no!' the body says, 'no!' that may be…and even people around us might say, 'what are you doing? Come on!' maybe those who are close to us will shake their heads and say, 'you're gone! You're lost! You're totally impractical! Be more practical! I mean how are you going to deal with life like this? Now you're young, and you think you are going to last like this your whole life? And what will you have later on, when you'll need it to fall back on? Nothing! You're wasting the best years of your life!' In this way we hear and seeds of doubt are planted in our consciousness by the environment, by family, by friends, by the media, by our own minds…

So how do we counteract all these mundane influences that are somehow or other entering our consciousness? By just turning back to the devotees.


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If we are not serving the Lord


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via by hina on 12/20/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta Part 2

"Anything religious, or irreligious, which is not pure devotional service to the Supreme Lord is sinful!"

As stated by Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami. When you hear things like that then you think that he is a fundamentalist. Some might say that he is a bit on the fundamentalistic side every once in a while. But no, it is not at all about fundamentalism. Fundamentalism is a type of reductionism – it is a type of trying to simplify the diversity of arguments and reasons in an entire paradigm to just a limited number of elements, and therefore everything is made to be black and white – it is either good or bad.

But that is not what Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami was doing. When I read the verse:

"Anything religious, or irreligious, which is not pure devotional service to the Supreme Lord is sinful!" Then I take that as a symptom of Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami's ecstasy…. I think that he is in ecstasy! He is in ecstasy about devotional service and that anything that is not devotional service, then it is useless! What do we benefit from it? All right we are religious, but it is not devotional service. So we are acting according to pious standards and so on. We pray and give to the poor, but we are not serving the Lord. So what is the point?


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An oversexed world


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via by Yadurani on 12/20/11

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, 20 December 2011, Cape Town, SA)

Sex life is not something which comes forth the soul but that it is simply imposed upon us by the body. Of course when one comes to that age then it goes on. I remember my father had a joke book and most of them were stupid but there was one joke and it was about an old man. So they asked him, 'what are you thinking about?' and he said, 'sex!' and they said, 'even at your age?' and he said, 'I'm always thinking about sex…' My father thought it was a joke and I thought it was serious! It's a serious case and there is an element of truth in it that even in old age the thought of sex life remains. When we speak about the train of thought then the image of the train of thought is that one thought is connected to another and so on…and the large coach on that train is inevitably sex life if you go down all the coaches. That is the tendency in material life. So it is very strong and very deep and very much at the roots of our existence. Some may deny that and say, 'naah, that's not at all true actually' but they are simply not aware of how much they are controlled by sex life. Brahmananda was also bringing this up to Prabhupada and is saying how a foolish professor at university and that once Brahmananda had written an essay about how people are inherently, deep down driven by spiritual interest. And this foolish professor couldn't see it and gave a low mark for the essay because he said, 'no, everything in this world is driven by sex.' 'Just see,' Brahmananda was trying to say to Prabhupada, 'just see how foolish these karmis are…' and Prabhupada said, 'your professor was right!' Prabhupada had his way of exposing things! Hayagriva had a picture of a girl in wallet, who was his previous girl friend and he said to Prabhupada that he was still attached to her and then he showed Prabhupada the picture and Prabhupada said, 'Oh, she's not very beautiful!' And like that, all attachment was finished, just like that!


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[srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - The animal did not understand anything

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Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 20:00:13 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - The
animal did not understand anything

The animal did not understand anything

Prabhupada graphically described how the material world was a
miserable place, replete with anxieties. From the big controllers,
down to the insignificant ant, Prabhupada said, life was a struggle.
"Even President Nixon, he is also full of anxieties: 'When shall I be
dethroned? Let me take protection.' And the ant -- the ant is going,
you stop it by your finger. He will struggle: 'Why you are stopping?'"

Why so much anxiety? The reason, Prabhupada pointed out, was due to
misplaced love and affection. "Because we are missing God, we are
loving this thing, that thing and then frustration. That very love
which is reserved for God, we are applying it to this material world.
'I love my country. I love my society, I love my family, I love my
dog, I love my ' I love. But I'm missing whom to love. That is the
point. I'm placing my love in so many things, and I am becoming
frustrated. So when we understand that love is meant for God, that is
our perfection of life, and if you love God, then you love everyone.
That is perfect love. Without loving God. Just like you are the son of
your father. So when you love your father, naturally you love your
brothers also because you know, 'My father will be pleased'. So this
is love. That universal love can be possible when you actually love
God, samah sarvesu bhutesu.

"On the material platform that is not possible. But a devotee, a pure
lover of God, he loves everyone. Just like we are. Because we have
tried to love God, therefore we are wandering, touring all over the
world, with the same message, 'Please try to love God'. We have no
other message because we have understood, to some extent, that without
love of God, they are suffering. So they will be happy when they begin
to love God. This is our mission."

During question time a spokesman from a popular yoga group that
claimed that their guru was God asked Srila Prabhupada a "loaded"

"Prabhupada, Lord Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that when there is a
decline of true religion and when evil increases in the world, that He
manifests Himself in a body, a human body, and comes to earth to
rescue the human beings from their illusion. Now these conditions
exist today. Is He here in the human form or is He still to come?"

Prabhupada answered gravely, "God has already come".

"In what form?"

"In the form of His name, Hare Krsna."

But the man was argumentative. "No. No. He said he manifests in a human form."

Prabhupada took pains to explain further. "God has a human form. And
God is everywhere. So if He comes in the form of sound, what is the
objection. Because what is this human being? You are seeing a human
being, this flesh. That is combination of matter, earth, water, fire,
air, ether. That is the combination. What are you seeing? Your eyes
are also the combination, but the sound is ether. So if you accept
earth as the form, where is your objection to accept ether? Because
they are all material."

The man persisted in arguing. "There are two objections," he said,
"One is that He said: 'I manifest in the human body', in the human
body such as we have here .."

"So that requires a little intelligence. That anyone who is preaching
the holy name of God, he is also God."

Prabhupada paused. The hall was silent. Prabhupada repeated the point.
"Anyone who preaches the glories of God, he is also God." More

Man: Are you God?

Prabhupada: I am servant of God.

Man: But you're preaching the holy name of God?

Prabhupada: Yes, that is my business.

Man: But then, by your own words, you are God.

Prabhupada: But that does not mean that I am God, but I am equal to God.

Long silence.

Prabhupada: Or at least you should see like that. That is explained:
saksad-dharitvena samasta sastrair uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih,
kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya vande guroh sri-caranaravindam.
Guru's position is like this. What is that? Saksad dhari. He is God.
Saksad dhari. How he is Hari, God? Samasta-sastraih: 'It is said'.
Tatha bhavyatha eva sadbhih: 'Those who are intelligent, they accept
like that'. Then the next line says kintu. Why he is God? Kintu
prabhor yah priya eva tasya. 'He is God because he is very, very dear
to God.' So as I said, in the absolute world, God and a person very
dear to God, he is also God, but he does not think that he is God. He
knows that he is a servant of God. It requires a little spiritual
intelligence to understand how the servant of God and God is the same.

A Christian lady asked whether Srila Prabhupada believed in the Bible.

"Why not?" Prabhupada laughed along with the audience. "It is holy.
God's message. Why shall I not believe?"

An aspiring devotee in the audience asked Srila Prabhupada how to
develop enthusiasm. Prabhupada gave the example of a drunkard. "If you
want to become a drunkard," he said, "you mix with people who drink.
Then you drink little, little, little. Then you become a big drunkard.
Similarly, if you have got little sense, that 'I shall understand what
is God', this is very much the qualification. If anyone also wants
sincerely that 'I will understand what is God', then your 'drinking'
business begins immediately. Then, if you continue, just as the
drunkard becomes a bigger drunkard, then you become a big devotee."

Finally, a man stood up and asked Prabhupada's opinion of the recent
news article that misquoted Prabhupada as saying that he planned to
return to earth as a dog. Prabhupada answered with a grin. "The animal
did not understand anything," he said, referring to the reporter. The
audience erupted in laughter and applause.

"Because he is an animal, he is thinking like that. Everyone thinks
others are like himself." Prabhupada explained his observation by way
of an amusing story: A man who was hard of hearing called his wife,
asking her when dinner was ready. She answered him saying, 'Yes, yes,
I'm coming as fast as I can'. Because the man was deaf, however, he
could not hear his wife answering. Therefore he considered that his
wife was deaf and could not hear his question. In actual fact, the
reverse was true: he was deaf and he could not hear her answer. In the
same way, Prabhupada said, the person who wrote the article was
thinking that Prabhupada was like himself.

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu

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Preaching Krishna's Glories Tirelessly

On the twenty-hour journey from Frankfurt to Melbourne, Satsvarupa
dasa Goswami was Srila Prabhupada's only travelling companion. During
the flight to Singapore, Srila Prabhupada opened one of his
Srimad-Bhagavatam volumes. He read for over an hour and then placed it
in the chair-pocket in front of him. He was mostly quiet, but once,
while looking out at the silver wing he turned to Satsvarupa Goswami.
"It took so much intelligence to build a plane like this," he said,
"so how can they say there is no God? If a plane flies in the sky by
human ingenuity, then how can we say that the planets, sky, clouds and
the whole cosmic arrangement have no brain behind it?" Prabhupada's
observation struck Satsvarupa as wonderful.
Satsvarupa: It was simple, but solid. Here you were, riding with that
person whose task it was to glorify God to the whole world, and even
in his quiet moment he had a Krsna conscious thought and shared it
with you. I was grateful and felt renewed strength.

In the morning, Srila Prabhupada and Satsvarupa dasa Goswami changed
planes in Singapore. As they sat in the waiting lounge, a weary
Satsvarupa kept dutifully checking their tickets and his watch, hoping
that everything would go without mishap. Again Prabhupada was mostly
silent, but when a little child passed with a toy on wheels,
Prabhupada said to Satsvarupa: "I remember being that young. I also
had toys like that." And he added, "I once scraped my knee".

Satsvarupa: Prabhupada tended to be withdrawn during the airplane
trips. He did not feel at home with the karmis and their meat-eating
and smoking. He was not like a businessman, who has a few drinks and
then starts talking loudly or does a lot of office work during a
flight. Prabhupada, at least when I saw him, was mostly quiet, just
waiting with infinite patience to get to the next place for spreading
Krsna consciousness.

As the plane descended through the clouds over Melbourne, Prabhupada
again spoke to Satsvarupa: "When we took off in Germany there was all
green, and now here it's also green. So why do they say that we cannot
travel to the spiritual world, and that there will be no life there,
just as there is here?"

Prabhupada spoke simply, but Satsvarupa took it as unforgettable nectar.

- From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu

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Pure Devotion Transcendental to Knowledge

Pradyumna: Is there a difference in the quality of service between a
person who is, just accepts outright Krsna, service to Krsna, and one
who wants to scrutinize and inquire more and more about it, between
someone who just accepts, "That's it, this and this," and someone who
inquires more and more?

Prabhupada: One who loves Krsna without inquiry, that is nice
position. To inquire about Krsna is knowledge. And pure devotion is
transcendental to knowledge.

Love does not depend on the greatness. If a boy loves a girl or the
girl loves a boy, even in this material field, it does not depend on
the greatness of the boy. Of course, here everything is on material
consideration. But actual love is without any consideration, what He
is or what He isn't. That is real love. That is the perfectional stage
of love, without inquiring how great He is or what He is. But for the
neophytes it is necessary to know about Krsna. Because we have no
love, so if we understand that Krsna is so great, then gradually we
can love.

Our position is different because when... Therefore
Caitanya-caritamrta, it is said that siddhanta boliya citte na kara
alasa: "Try to understand about Krsna." Just like Krsna is explaining
in Bhagavad-gita that "I am this amongst the trees. I am this. I am
this planet. Amongst this, I am this. I am this." So just to impress
upon the neophyte devotees about the greatness... And those who are
advanced devotees, they do not want to see whether Krsna is great or
small. They simply love Him. That's all. That is pure love. In
Vrndavana, at least these gopis, they never saw Krsna's any jugglery
or any greatness. But they still love, pure love.

Pure love means
anukulyena krsnanu
silanam bhaktir uttama
 [Brs. 1.1.11]
Without any cultivation of knowledge, without any activities of
fruitive action, without any desire, simply to love Krsna in order to
please Him -- that is the highest perfectional stage of devotion.
There is no consideration "Whether Krsna is God or not, whether we are
getting benefit or not." "Simply we love Krsna." That is the
perfectional stage.

>>> Ref. VedaBase => Questions and Answers -- September 6, 1968, New York

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Everywhere are His hands and legs, Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.13.16]

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.13.16]

TEXT 14:

sarvatah pani-padam tat
sarvato 'kshi-siro-mukham
sarvatah srutimal loke
sarvam avritya tishthati


Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes, heads and faces, and He
has ears everywhere. In this way the Supersoul exists, pervading


As the sun exists diffusing its unlimited rays, so does the Supersoul,
or Supreme Personality of Godhead. He exists in His all-pervading
form, and in Him exist all the individual living entities, beginning
from the first great teacher, Brahma, down to the small ants. There
are unlimited heads, legs, hands and eyes, and unlimited living
entities. All are existing in and on the Supersoul. Therefore the
Supersoul is all-pervading. The individual soul, however, cannot say
that he has his hands, legs and eyes everywhere. That is not possible.
If he thinks that under ignorance he is not conscious that his hands
and legs are diffused all over but when he attains to proper knowledge
he will come to that stage, his thinking is contradictory. This means
that the individual soul, having become conditioned by material
nature, is not supreme. The Supreme is different from the individual
soul. The Supreme Lord can extend His hand without limit; the
individual soul cannot. In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that if anyone
offers Him a flower, or a fruit, or a little water, He accepts it. If
the Lord is a far distance away, how can He accept things? This is the
omnipotence of the Lord: even though He is situated in His own abode,
far, far away from earth, He can extend His hand to accept what anyone
offers. That is His potency. In the Brahma-samhita (5.37) it is
stated, goloka eva nivasaty akhilatma-bhutah: although He is always
engaged in pastimes in His transcendental planet, He is all-pervading.
The individual soul cannot claim that he is all-pervading. Therefore
this verse describes the Supreme Soul, the Personality of Godhead, not
the individual soul.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada


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GLORIOUS KRISHNA: Vrindavan Meditations - Krishna Controlled by Love...

GLORIOUS KRISHNA: Vrindavan Meditations - Krishna Controlled by Love...:

"The sun is naturally warm, the moon is naturally cool, the earth naturally tolerant, the wind naturally restless, the saints naturally grave, and the ocean naturally deep. Similarly, Krishna is naturally controlled by love."

[Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami, Sri Govinda-lilamrta]

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Am I God? [BG.13.14]

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.13.14]
(Purport to 13.08-13.12 continued) 
In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.11) this is explained. Vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam. "Those who are actually knowers of the Absolute Truth know that the Self is realized in three different phases, as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan." Bhagavan is the last word in the realization of the Absolute Truth; therefore one should reach up to that platform of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus engage in the devotional service of the Lord. That is the perfection of knowledge.
Beginning from practicing humility up to the point of realization of the Supreme Truth, the Absolute Personality of Godhead, this process is just like a staircase beginning from the ground floor and going up to the top floor. Now on this staircase there are so many people who have reached the first floor, the second or the third floor, etc., but unless one reaches the top floor, which is the understanding of Krishna, he is at a lower stage of knowledge. If anyone wants to compete with God and at the same time make advancement in spiritual knowledge, he will be frustrated. It is clearly stated that without humility, understanding is not truly possible. To think oneself God is most puffed up. Although the living entity is always being kicked by the stringent laws of material nature, he still thinks, "I am God" because of ignorance. The beginning of knowledge, therefore, is amanitva, humility. One should be humble and know that he is subordinate to the Supreme Lord. Due to rebellion against the Supreme Lord, one becomes subordinate to material nature. One must know and be convinced of this truth.
Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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True Respect

Must read...Worth reading!!!


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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 12/8/11

The acarya, the spiritual master who teaches all the Vedic knowledge and gives initiation by offering the sacred thread, is the personification of all the Vedas. Similarly, a father personifies Lord Brahma; a brother, King Indra; a mother, the planet earth; and a sister, mercy. A guest personifies religious principles, an invited guest personifies the demigod Agni, and all living entities personify Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.  [  SB 6.7.31 ]


Srila Prabhupada's purport:


"According to the moral instructions of Canakya Pandita, atmavat sarva-bhutesu: one should observe all living entities to be on the same level as oneself. This means that no one should be neglected as inferior; because Paramatma is seated in everyone's body, everyone should be respected as a temple of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This verse describes the different ways in which one should respect a guru, a father, a brother, a sister, a guest and so on."


[ SB 6.7.31]



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Vrindavan Meditations

Controlled by Love!!!


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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 12/10/11

"The sun is naturally warm, the moon is naturally cool, the earth naturally tolerant, the wind naturally restless, the saints naturally grave, and the ocean naturally deep. Similarly, Krishna is naturally controlled by love."


[ Krishnadas Kaviraja Goswami, Sri Govinda-lilamrta]



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via by Ragalekha on 12/19/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 19 December 2011, Cape Town, South Africa)

Srimad Bhagavatam

When we come to the spiritual platform, we think it's only love and only peace, that there's only one feeling, one emotion… LOVE and PEACE.

But no, no, no… true spiritual emotions are not only 'lovey dovey', it is also YOU RASCAL! We know one of Prabhupada's favourite words was rascal. In fact, I didn't even know the word before I started reading Prabhupada's books. I learnt the word from Prabhupada. It may even be an out-dated word but in Iskcon it's a bit of an endearing word.

When people were doing all kinds of things, Prabhupada was ready to call them rascals! The whole world is engaging in all kinds of abominable activities and in a modern way of thinking, we start to think of them more and more like victims… a victim of the circumstance. But Prabhupada would say rascal! Because it would make people responsible… because you know what you are doing… and you know what you supposed to do… you know it's wrong…and still doing it… rascal!

So the paramahamsa platform means to take responsibility to rearrange one's life.

But ohhh, so much work (one may say), then lazy rascal… too lazy to rearrange your life!

Well, it's so difficult, it takes so much energy. I mean I'm trying…

No, trying is not good enough, you must do it. Trying basically means that you are not doing it… that means RASCAL!

Like that Prabhupada has this refreshing spirit of being rebellious and had a fighting spirit. Not just being defeated… ohhh, it's so difficult. And we make it more difficult than it already is so that we don't have to do anything about it and everybody will say: Well, that's very reasonable. You have presented so many points there and we understand. Because everyone, in the back of their mind, is thinking that tomorrow it may be my turn. This is a pact that the rascals have with each other!


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Surcharging the world with happiness


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via by hina on 12/19/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Mayapur, November 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritamrta Part 2

The appearance of Sri Krishna Caitanya Prabhu Nityananda had surcharged the world with happiness! As the sun and moon drives away darkness by their appearance and reveal the nature of everything. These two brothers had dissipated the darkness of ignorance – covering the living beings and enlightening them with the absolute truth…………………By the grace of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda, this darkness is removed and the truth is brought to light!

The absolute truth is Sri Krishna, and loving devotion to Sri Krishna exhibited in pure love is achieved through congregational chanting of the holy name which is essence of all bliss. The sun and moon dissipates the darkness of the external world and thus reveals external material objects, like pots and plates.

But these two brothers, Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda had dissipated the darkness of the inner core of the heart and thus they help one meet the two kinds of bhagavatas (person or things in relationship with the Lord). In the Mangalacarana, the line:

'hṛdaya-kandare sphuratu vaḥ śacī-nandanaḥ' (C.c.Adi1.4).

'Hṛdaya-kandare' - means deep caves or cavities in the heart, or the inner most chambers…….. One of the bhagavatas is the great scripture – Srimad Bhagavatam and the other is the pure devotee absorbed in mellows of loving devotion.

In these actions of the two bhagavatas, the Lord instils the mellows of the transcendental loving service in the heart of the living being, and thus the Lord (in the heart of His devotees) comes under control of the devotee's love. The first one is that both brothers appear simultaneously, and other is that they illuminate the inner most dance of the heart!


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Becoming sinless…


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via by Yadurani on 12/20/11

(Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, 11 December 2011, Durban)

No one can become sinless on his own. One cannot decide that, 'from today on I will be sinless.' It doesn't work like that. One might temporarily give up some sinful activities, like on the 1st of January, people have all these good promises like, 'I'll stop smoking, I'll stop this…and I'll start…' so many things. But on the 2nd of January it gets tough and if you make it to the 3rd then you're doing extremely good! So it is like that. Some people are extremely determined and they can give up some sinful activities. Someone can say, 'I'll stop smoking…' and then smoke the last and then finished! Very determined, but all this is not durable. Just by a good decision, good intentions and so on, one cannot become sinless. It won't work. Well many of us might of have thought of many things we could do to become sinless. But the only real way to become sinless is to engage in constant devotional service. That's the only way to become sinless- to hear about Krsna, to glorify Krsna, to serve Krsna in some way or another- all the time! As we increase that devotional service, all the sinfulness is pushed out of our life, permanently!


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Bhgavad Gita As It Is - A Treasure Beyond Time

A Treasure Beyond Time

Bhagavad Gita – Song Of God is a timeless (Beyond time - past, present, future) treasure handed down by God Himself in person. It was spoken 5000 years ago at Kurukshetra(Delhi), India by the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Himself.This 700 verses of Bhagavad Gita is the essence of all the Vedic literature. One who reads this book is sure to dispel the darkness of ignorance & experience the existence of God who is full of Knowledge and revive our loving relationship with God.

There are many literatures which are created by ordinary human beings, but they are subjected to get lost over a period of time. Also those literatures are not perfect because the authors themselves are imperfect. No man is perfect but God & those who practice and repeat the word of God is perfect.Therefore, this knowledge is the king of all knowledge and having known this, nothing further shall remain for you to know. This knowledge is scientific, practical and applicable to all living beings at all times (past, present, future) and this is the real and complete knowledge that is sought after by the human beings.

Human life is a means to understand the purpose of life, existence of real self (spirit soul), material nature – the creation, the creator, the prescribed duties for mankind, the forbidden actions and the reactions of the different actions.

My humble request to you is to read through the lines of this book carefully to explore the real treasure of life. And I am sure you will become perfect, successful and happier in your life than you are!  You will find new meaning to life. Just by a little practice in this small portion of our life in this mortal body which is a gap between birth and death, we can go beyond birth and death and become immortal. This art of becoming immortal and happy forever by right means is the subject matter of the Bhagavad Gita.



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Toronto Subway Riders Come Face to Face with Farm Animals

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*Urgent!!! Sign the petition to prevent the ban on Bhagavad Gita in Russia-Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita

*Urgent!!! Sign the petition to prevent the ban on Bhagavad Gita in Russia
Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


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We have to be sober!

The Explosive motor in the car!!!


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via by hina on 12/10/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, Austrailia, 2011) Lecture – S.B.3.25.27

We have get sober. It's just like driving on the highway, and the music is playing…nice and gentle music and you are doing 140 km, and you are driving at a good speed, and it is all sweet and rosy………you kind of get into the illusion that it is very comfy there. You are very comfortable and it is nice in the car on a good soft seat.

But we forget that you are racing with what Prabhupada calls, 'Neck braking speed' over the road and you are sitting behind one metre away from an explosive motor which is at high temperature and is a highly explosive stuff! All the time it is getting hotter and hotter…… you are sitting very close to it form the nice little dashboard which looks very cool, and the whole thing creates an illusion of security.

So one has to be sober behind the wheel…and you get all kinds of signs from the cops to sober people up. Get out of the bubble and realise the serious risk that is there! Where at any moment it can suddenly turnaround with screaming rubber and steel!! With glass everywhere!! And if you have seen accidents then it gets intense!


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Independent of Krishna


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via by hina on 12/9/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, Australia, 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritāmṛta

Srila Prahbupada explains that actually it's not the desire of Krishna, that this world was created. Krishna doesn't want to create this world. It is because we are desiring to be in a situation, where we are independent from Him! Then he has to create a situation which is covered over. It cannot be independent of Him, because nothing can be independent from Him! But it is covered over by illusion, which makes it look as if it is independent from Him.

So he doesn't enjoy that! He gets no pleasure out of that. It hurts His heart but it's inevitable, and of course, He builds in some elements that will indirectly bring back all the living beings back to Him. And that's the only pleasure He gets out of all the material creation. He inspires Brahma to create this world, and Brahma sometimes has to do things in the creation that he doesn't like! Like Brahma has to create influences of nescience, forgetfulness and he really doesn't feel good about that, but he has to do it to fulfil our desires!


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We are eternal beings!


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via by hina on 12/5/11

Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritāmṛta

The vacuum inside of our heart – that empty feeling is still not filled. Still there is a need for more, no matter how much we are experiencing in this world. So Lord Caitanya in this way came to drive out that ignorance. He also came to drive out the impersonalist concept. The concept that our identity, our sense of self is false, and when we come to spiritual realization, then we can actually realize that we are not that…..that we are not this temporary material energy, but that we are eternal beings!


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Kicked to a next destination


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via by hina on 12/5/11

Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritāmṛta

Srila Prabhupada was speaking about football (lets say soccer and not football) and the point was that people were playing with that ball, and they considered themselves the players. So Prabhupada said:

"They think they are the players, when they are in actuality the ball".

So have we ever thought of ourselves as the ball in the game?

So Prabhupada said:

"As the player….. no everyone is the player in this world".

Playing somehow or other, manipulating, arranging ….trying to get a good result – we know what we're doing, but Srila Prabhupada said:

"No, in reality we are the ball and in any point in time we can be kicked. Kicked to a next destination!"


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Another type of suffering


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via by hina on 12/2/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, Belgium, 2011) Lecture –Initiation, Part 1

Although we desired happiness in the material world, but somehow or other the activities that we were performing were not really successful. Sometimes for a while it seems successful but then it didn't work out. As pointed out by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura that:

"One is baffled in material life."

Baffled means defeated…we are defeated. Bhagavatam says:

"parābhavas tāvad abodha-jāto
yāvan na jijñāsata ātma-tattvam",
(S.B. 5.5.5).

When a person is not dedicating his life to the absolute truth (not only into enquiring about the absolute truth, but also not living according to the absolute truth)then that person is entangling himself in the network of more and more complications, which are endless. And these complications are ultimately leading to unhappiness.

Sometimes, the unhappiness may not be acute. Not acute in the sense that the suffering is so much prevalent. Especially in the western world where we are living in, where there is a lot of comfort. Sometimes people say:

"But I have never really experienced so much suffering. My life has been quite pleasant".

Yes, it may have been, but there is another type of suffering…..the suffering of not being fulfilled. Maybe when we live in comfort in our western world and after so many years, there has been peace in society, with so many years economically we have been doing well….we have all lived in great opulence in the western world. But we have only experienced emptiness of all that opulent lifestyle. The emptiness – the lack of happiness in that. So therefore, it is a fact that without Krishna Consciousness one cannot be happy!


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There is no life without the Bhagavatam


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via by hina on 11/30/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, Belgium, 2011) Lecture – C.c Adi 7.20-21

There is absorption in chanting and hearing Srimad Bhagavatam. If we have not read the Srimad Bhagavatam (there are many devotees in our movement who have not read the Srimad Bhagavatam) then that means that you have given up the fight! It also means that you have not fulfilled your duty….that means that you are below the minimum. Sometimes they speak about being below the poverty level. You are below the poverty level….not even the minimum.

Without the Bhagavatam, you cannot live; without the Bhagavatam you are dead; without the Bhagavatam you are a ghost. It's like that, because the Bhagavatam is the very foundation of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement!

We see the evidence in the Caitanya-caritamrta, as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu presents the principle evidence which is also in the Bhagavatam….all in his preaching, and we see that the whole lifestyle that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was teaching is found in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Without Srimad Bhagavatam one cannot live! It is like that, what is there without it?


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