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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 9/18/10
You see there are always a few parts in us …….Let's say now I'm travelling with Aatish, and Aatish is travelling with me. My cameraman. We're travelling and now, I can do things for Aatish. Aatish can do things for me, and that's ok;
"Are you comfortable? Do you have what you need, that we can do while we travel? Do you need some of this? Do you need some of that?" That we can do to each other the whole day. That's what you do when you are travelling together. "You want some water? You want some of this? You want some of that? Do you want some nuts?"
Like that, one could do things for each other. But there is a third person there, in the relationship – Krsna! And then when we act, then we can do things for each other. That's ok we can do things in any relationship that we have, but it should always be an offering to Krsna! ...Krsna is always part of it. Always a three way relationship. Never a two way relationship.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, August 2010)
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