
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna - Chanting at different pace

Chanting at different pace

Posted: 17 Oct 2011 03:06 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Helsinki, Finland, 2011)

I was in the forest in Germany with two people, of whom one was saying:

'It was impossible to chant'.

And the other one was explaining how it took him six years to get to sixteen rounds….little by little. They were perfect for each other. I could have never preached to this person in the same way as he could, because I didn't take six years, since when I started to chanted I thought one round meant that you go up and down (with the japa bead), from the way they were explaining to me. It sounded as though one round meant that you have to go one way and then back the other way, which counts as one round. So I chanted 32 rounds! It took a few days before I realised:

"What is wrong with me? I cannot finish these rounds!"

But he had taken six years to gradually step by step get up to sixteen rounds. He was explaining it to the other boy who felt very encouraged by it! So there are different people that need to go at a different pace

More Helsinki Lectures!

Posted: 17 Oct 2011 01:48 PM PDT

Below is a link to the morning program given by Kadamba Kanana Swami earlier this year in Helsinki, Finland. Enjoy the nectar!!

Helsinki – Morning Program



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  • Technorati - Allergic to religious words?

Allergic to religious words?

Posted: 15 Oct 2011 04:45 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, Australia, October 2011)

I was once at a program with all these western people, and Bhakti Charu Maharaja was leading the program in Amsterdam. At one point he said to all these western people:

"And now fold your hands and now we are going to pray!"

In Europe, usually you would not say that to people………you have to be careful, by not saying the word 'pray' or the word 'God'….you don't say that too much since they do not like hearing it in the lecture. A little bit is okay but, not saying the word 'God' twenty times in a lecture. So Bhakti Charu Maharaja was sayng:

"Now everyone fold your hands".

Because he was an Indian Guru they did it! If I would have said it, then they would never have done it, but because he was Indian they just did it! And suddenly you see all these atheistic people praying! They have never prayed in their lives! So they are allergic to these things,

If you say the word 'God' a lot of the times, then they say:

"You are trying to convert me!"

So one has to be more careful, and we cannot be so direct by saying 'God' and 'pray' and all these words – that's why they like words like 'yoga' and 'meditation'. So instead of 'praying' you can say 'meditation', and instead of 'religion' you can say' yoga'.

If they are religious, then be a little alert, since the church has been very heavy on the people for a hundreds of years:

"You are going to hell if you don't do that! Pay your donations or you'll burn and burn!"

People have turned away from the churches and they are allergic from religion. It is not just that they are outright atheistic – it's the church that has made them into atheists with their heavy preaching. So they are allergic from religious words!

Krishna becomes one's life and soul!

Posted: 15 Oct 2011 04:33 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, Australia, October 2011)

In the beginning I liked Krishna Consciousness. The deities were beautiful. The singing was very sacred – I liked it. Prashadam was attractive. I liked the books and I thought they were deep and profound, so I liked these things. The principles and all the duties I found them difficult – I found it to be a struggle, with so many duties and rules to follow.

Initially I struggled a bit by doing all that, but I had strong faith and I believed in it, so I decided:

"Okay, so I have to get serious about this".

I got very serious and then I was not able to go into deep meditation on Krishna, therefore I took responsibility for practical service. I could understand the difference between:

Sometimes doing service and taking responsibilities. I took responsibility and then the devotees gave me more and more responsibilities. In that my surrender was challenged again and again, because of these services I had to do all kinds of things that I would never have done. That I had to do just like everyone. For instance if you start a company then you have to surrender and maybe work till midnight. Everyone worked till five but since you had started the company, then you have to work till midnight, otherwise your company is finished…….. so you have to surrender now!

So if you take on the responsibility for Krishna, then you are forced to surrender. So within that surrender, the material desires have to go in the background. Overtime one finds that they are diminished, and then one can become very fixed in ones service and in wanting to surrender and so on.

Naturally, once you become very fixed in that type of service then the taste begins to come………more and more taste! And such taste goes deeper and deeper. Clearly then one develops a genuine and deeper attachment to Krishna – then Krishna becomes one's life and soul! What else is there when it's all:

'Krishna…Krishna………….Krishna, all day long!'

So that's the result and everyone will get there. It's not like it will happen to some and not to others. No! It's not like that!



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O Madhava, You are my only shelter!

Many people disregarded me in many different ways,all the way in my
life despite my best dealings with them&my support to them. I tried my
best and see it's all fun with the 24 material elements here. But what
can I do,all the perception is with these elements and to surpass this
is practically so hard without Your mercy. Whoever wants to take
whatever from me,let them take,because by giving(for Your cause) I
find happiness rather by taking(from You). And all the time I saw
there's none as best as You are My Lord.You've been with me@all hard
times&I expect much more harder times to take complete shelter of
You.This way You teach Me that there's no one better than You for
shelter/refuge. And that's what You wanted. These obstacles between us
cant last long. They'll get shattered by Your mercy soon.You are
always helping me to approach You but my most misfortune that I
disregarded You,but atlast found I am disregarded. I got back what I
had put. You are my only shelter!


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When will I renounce the circle of material family life, and, drowning in transcendental bliss, go to Vrajabhumi?

Beautiful Vrindavan

Beautiful Vrindavan is filled with cintamani gems and many jewel palaces and temples. Many regal swans play in the waters of the Yamuna, and in those waters a splendid golden lotus flower grows.

In Vrndavan the kadamba trees offer obeisances, their flowering branches reverently touching the ground. Bumble bees enjoy pastimes in Vrndavan, which is filled with a very sweet fragrance.

Radha and Krsna stay in the place where They enjoy pastimes. How beautiful They are. Their bodies are decorated with jewel ornaments, and They are wealthy with many gem mines of intelligence and wit.

Vrindavan -  YamunaWhen will I renounce the circle of material family life, and, drowning in transcendental bliss, go to Vrajabhumi? O Lord Hari, Lord Hari, when will this be?

When will I see Govardhana Hill, my eyes filling with tears? When will I reside at Radha-kunda? When, as a result of constantly wandering in Vrndavan, will this body fall down?

When will I become pure at heart by bathing in the waters of the Yamuna?

When will I circumambulate the land of Vraja, wandering from forest to forest? When, becoming fatigued, will I stop to rest on the shore of the Yamuna?

When will I be able to see the gardens of Vrndavan where the great devotees worshipped the Lord?

When will I find relief from the heat of midday by resting in the cooling shade of Vamsivata? When will I associate with the Vaisnavas in the groves of Vrndavana?

(Narottama dasa Thakur - Prarthana)



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Holy Name reveals Himself accordingly!

Utterance of the holy name while one engages in sense gratification is
an impediment on the path toward achieving ecstatic love for krishna.
On the other hand if one who is eager for devotional service utters
the holy name even partially or improperly, the holy name, which is
identical with the supreme personality of god head, exhibits its
spiritual potency because of that person's offenseless utterance. Thus
one is relieved from all unwanted practices and gradually awakens his
dormant love for krishna. CC.


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