
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Drops of Bhakti!

1. If one has money , he spends it for sense gratification when that
becomes uncontrolled one does sinful activities.
2. In varnashrama dharma one has rules , they are allowed to have
money but it should be spent in a lawful way and not sinful.
3. According to the guna also the rules changes , a person in sathva
gun has to follow more rules than the others.
4. Bhakthi is beyond the gunas and it is for everybody , one who is in
or above or below varnashrama dharma can practise bhakthi.
5. Only qualification is for bhakthi is faith and the hope is that
one will ultimatly transcend the whole system and simply dedicate
everything to the supreme lord.
6. The principle of bhakthi is superior ,when other rules obstruct
bhakthi they can be given up-HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj SB#5.14.7
Source#SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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A wonderful movement of wonderful devotees

Posted: 11 Aug 2011 02:17 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Cologne, August 2011)

Devotees should be very complete personalities.  It is about developing all aspects of our personality, and we should be complete human beings.

This is something that really attracts me to Prabhupada, mainly that, not only is he the great exalted pure devotee completely on the topmost transcendental platform, but that at the same time, he is so human, so very human in his dealings.  And that endears him to me very much.

I'm thinking that if we also can react like that, then that would be wonderful.  Sometimes we see devotees may reach up to Lotus Feet of Krsna in great devotion, but they don't come back down.

So then I feel it's incomplete.  When there's a movement of devotees who are spiritually very deep and realised, and at the same time human – on the human platform – then that's very nice.
That's when I feel like, 'Yes, yes, I want to be part of this movement. Then I want to be a Hare Krsna after all!' Then I'll say, "Okay then, I'll do it. I'll be there!"

That's what I want: a wonderful movement of wonderful devotees!

Freedom from Frustration Part 2

Posted: 11 Aug 2011 01:13 PM PDT


(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

Uddhava was very qualified as he was the disciple of Brihaspati. Brihaspati is the spiritual master of the demigods and he is the Lord of speech, because he had unlimited knowledge. He really knew everything about everything. There may be many spiritual masters who all have perfect knowledge because they know, what is the goal of life. They know what is the essence, although they may not know every tiny detail that is described in the scriptures.

Brihaspati was truly like a living encyclopaedia. So as soon as you brought up a topic, Brihaspati knew everything about it. So there was a constant river of information coming out from his mouth and therefore his disciple Uddhava was extremely learned! It was Uddhava who was chosen by Krishna to remain behind after Krishna had already left the planet, so that he could enlighten the devotees who stayed behind.

One day Krishna instructed Uddhava in great detail so that he could remain behind. It was Vidura who met Uddhava. Vidura realised how Krishna had instructed Uddhava, so that he could instruct him. Just by seeing how Krishna had made arrangements for him, had deeply touched Vidura making him over whelmed with tears.

So, Krishna captures so many devotees by making arrangements for them, and in that we find freedom. So, it is difficult to understand how one becomes a servant and surrenders and surrenders……and how is it that one becomes free? Because it looks like we are giving our freedom by voluntarily surrendering, even though it is out of love, but still we are getting freedom from frustration!

In this world, one is always frustrated to some degree, some less, or some more. That is the nature of material world – to be frustrated! It is said that one speaks being frustrated, well that is our condition. We are just not getting what we want, we are getting something else instead, which is alright, but it is not exactly what we wanted and therefore we are not satisfied. But in Krishna Consciousness one becomes fulfilled!



Being complete human beings

Posted: 11 Aug 2011 08:36 AM PDT

(H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami, Cologne, Germany, August 2011)

(Transcribed by Yadurani Mataji)

Devotees should be very complete personalities, it is about developing all the aspects of a personality and we should be complete human beings. This is something that really attracts me to Prabhupada, namely that not only that he is the great, exalted, pure devotee and completely on the topmost transcendental platform but at the same time he is so human, so very human in his dealings. And that endears him to me very much, that combination. I'm thinking that if we also can reach that then that will be wonderful.

Sometimes I see devotees, they reach up to the lotus feet of Krsna in great devotion and there they do very good but they don't come back down in their human dealings. Then I feel that it is incomplete because when there is a movement of devotees who are spiritually very deep and realised and at the same time on the human platform, then that's when I feel, yes,yes I want to be a part of this movement. Then I want to be a Hare Krsna after all. Then I can say okay then, then I'll do it, then I'll be there.

That's what I want, a wonderful movement of wonderful devotees.


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Of purifiers I am the wind, of the wielders of weapons I am Rama, of fishes I am the shark, and of flowing rivers I am the Ganges.

TEXT 30:
prahladas casmi daityanam
kalah kalayatam aham
mriganam ca mrigendro 'ham
vainateyas ca pakshinam

Among the Daitya demons I am the devoted Prahlada, among subduers I am time, among beasts I am the lion, and among birds I am Garuda.

Diti and Aditi are two sisters. The sons of Aditi are called Adityas, and the sons of Diti are called Daityas. All the Adityas are devotees of the Lord, and all the Daityas are atheistic. Although Prahlada was born in the family of the Daityas, he was a great devotee from his childhood. Because of his devotional service and godly nature, he is considered to be a representative of Krishna.

There are many subduing principles, but time wears down all things in the material universe and so represents Krishna. Of the many animals, the lion is the most powerful and ferocious, and of the million varieties of birds, Garuda, the bearer of Lord Vishnu, is the greatest.

TEXT 31:
pavanah pavatam asmi
ramah sastra-bhritam aham
jhashanam makaras casmi
srotasam asmi jahnavi

Of purifiers I am the wind, of the wielders of weapons I am Rama, of fishes I am the shark, and of flowing rivers I am the Ganges.

Of all the aquatics the shark is one of the biggest and is certainly the most dangerous to man. Thus the shark represents Krishna

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


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Bhakti lata

1. Seeds are planted in a land but there are lot of weeds which keep
on growing . The weeds are like attachment to the material world.
2. But just as how a fish cant be a enjoyer in land, our attempts in
the material world to be happy is impossible , as its contradicts the
nature of jiva.
3. When the jiva tries to enjoy independant of the lord he accepts the
ahankar , this is called ignorance. To come out of this ignorance we
have to
* know that we are not the body
* realize that we are not the enjoyer but the supreme lord is the enjoyer.
4. When we strive for our enjoyment we get suffering . So we give up
all our enjoyment and try to give enjoyment to the lord by which we
get bliss.
5. It is difficult to remove the weeds one by one as it will again
rise up so we have to remove the root which is ignorance. For which we
have several process like jnana and yoga and bhakthi.
6. In jnana one destroys the false conception of we are the body , in
yoga one stops the mind from material conscious. In bhakthi it is to
activate our relationship with the supreme lord , for that faith is
the qualification , after which we engage ourselves in the service of
the lord.
- HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj ( SB#5.14.3)
Source# SB notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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  • Technorati - Freedom from Frustration Part 1

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)
Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi
I was reading  a book called the 'Prema-vivarta' which was written by
Jagadānanda Pandita who had a hot nature. He was very learned and knew very
well what vedic duties were according to ones position and ashram.He also
knew that Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as a sannyāsī, was supposed to live
a renounced life, and yet he got him two jugs of first class perfumed oil.
So Lord Caitanya said:
"I am a sannyāsī. So what will I do with perfumed oil? It can be taken to
the temple of Lord Jaganath and burnt in the lamps and thus it can be very
nicely used."
So Jagadānanda Pandita took those jugs away and smashed them on the floor
out of anger in Kāśī Miśra's house, were Lord Caitanya was staying. Later,
when there was an enquiry about this Jagadānanda Pandita simply said:
"Nothing is going on!"
When he left, he was very very angry and he was fasting. So it became a
problem, and Lord Caitanya was getting concerned and wondered what to do.
So finally, Lord Caitanya sent His messenger Govinda to say that:
"The Lord was also fasting and that he would not eat until Jagadānanda
Pandita cooked for him"
So he had to come out of his angry mood, and cook for the Lord and then
Govinda offered him the remnants. Now fasting out of anger for Jagadānanda
Pandita was a big thing, but when it came to getting the remnants from Lord
Caitanya, how could he refuse it? And he was forced to eat and then later
Lord Caitanya had said:
"When the cook is angry the preparations are even tastier!"
Then Jagadānanda Pandita became even more angry! So like this, Lord
Caitanya is playing with the sentiments of his devotees and is pulling out
stronger and stronger emotions in us, so in this way we are getting more
and more experience, making us more and more attached to Krishna!


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