
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna



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via GITA COACHING by on 8/6/11

If you find your specific role in this Krsna consciousness movement and also in the world, that role can facilitate the development of bhakti (devotion).

Having a specifically defined role helps us have an identity within the spiritual environment of the Krsna Conscious Society.

Find your role in Krsna consciousness instead of losing your identity.


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via GITA COACHING by on 8/6/11

Krsna consciousness is a combination of nectar and austerity.

When one gets practiced in austerities, he starts to like them, like getting up early or hearing our rounds of chanting very attentively.

It is a great austerity for the mind in the beginning, because the mind wants to think of so many things.

Once you develop a taste for attentive chanting, you always want to do it that way.

Advancement does not come only through suffering. Is eating prasadam suffering? Is singing and dancing suffering?

It may be an austerity to get out and distribute books, or get into the kitchen and cook. But once you start doing it, with the proper consciousness, thinking that Krsna will be pleased with this and that ultimately you will also be very happy, then it is not a suffering. It is a pleasure.


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Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via GITA COACHING by on 8/7/11

When we are further advanced, we do not see only Krsna, but we see His devotees also.

We can recognize, "Here is a pure devotee of Krsna."

But in the lower stage, a, the devotee's concerned with the Deity worship, but he does not take much care of the devotees.

But when one is advanced further, he can see Krsna and His devotees also.

Isvara tad-adhina. Tad-adhina means devotees. Devotees are always under the service of Krsna.

So anyone who is giving service to Krsna, we should take care of them also. We should offer our respect in...

You'll find in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, it is stated somewhere, that if, if a devotee is coming, then another devotee who is engaged in worship of the Deity may stop Deity worship for the time being and should go immediately to receive the devotee.

So Krsna also says, mad-bhakta-puja abhyadhika. Krsna is satisfied more when a devotee worships His devotee.

Krsna says, "If one is worshiping Me and one is worshiping My devotee, then the person who is worshiping the devotee, he's more important than the person who is worshiping Krsna."

- Srila Prabhupada, Nectar Of Devotion Lecture


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In the London fitness club there is a sign on the wall which says, "The extra mile is between your ears." The way you think affects the results you have in your life. So if you change your thinking, if you change your consciousness, your life will change and your results will change.

One thing that unsuccessful people do is - they make excuses. So my question to you is: do you want to have excuses or results in your life?

You can become expert in making excuses. Maybe you are already an expert. What are your top ten excuses or top one excuse for why you are not the best you can be, or why you are not achieving better results?

"I do not have enough time."

Nice, that is a classic one.

"It is too hard."

"I am not good enough." 

"My parents were very incompetent so the genes and environment is not conducive to my growth." 

So many things you can say, but if you think deeply, you can see that all these are actually excuses. 

What else do unsuccessful people do? They blame others.

How many of you are expert in blaming others?

Another one is justification. How many of you are expert in justifying your own imperfections?

So Bhagavad Gita is teaching us to stop making excuses, stop blaming others and take full responsibility for our lives.

Courtesy : Akrura Das (Gita Coach)


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It's story time!!! We restrict ourselves by our thoughts!

A little story. Once there was a chicken farmer who was also a very a very passionate mountain climber. One day he was climbing the mountain and he came across a nest with three large eggs and the eggs were beautiful, so he was thinking: shall I take one?

He had a henhouse and he was thinking that maybe I can put it there and the chicken can hatch it. But he knew it is illegal, it is unethical and it is not ecological. He was in doubt whether he should do it or not but still he did it. Put in the bag, climbed up to the top and when he came back down to the village he put it in his henhouse.  

The chicken enthusiastically laid on it and after some time a creature came out and the chicken was very proud because it was different from other chicken. And this little creature looked at the other chicken and started living with them and identifying with these chicken, thinking that he is a chicken. It was doing what other chickens do, pecking around a courtyard, sometimes trying to fly a few metres like chickens do. They do not fly very much.

For many years this bird lived with the chicken, like a chicken, doing things like them. But one day this bird saw something in the sky and was so impressed, and asked the sister chicken, "What is this?  It is so wonderful. It is like poetry in motion."

And the chicken said, "This is an eagle, it is the king of the sky, the king of the birds. And we are not part of his life. We are just meant to do what we are doing here. He can fly so elegantly and so high."

But something was touched in him at that moment. Why? Because he was not a chicken. He was an eagle. So he looked and he was thinking, oh okay, and he continued living for years like a chicken, doing what chickens do. And this eagle - he lived and died as a chicken because it is all he thought he was. A sad story.

So you tell me, what do you find in this story? Is there any message that you are getting?

"He did not try to find out his real identity."

"We develop desire and consciousness according to the association we get."

"He based his life on the false belief that he is a chicken."

"You do not get what you expect and if you identify with a set of restrictions then you will not be able to surpass them."

So it's our choice. If we want to remain where we are, if we are happy with what we have, we can continue as we do. But if we want to soar we can do that to, by learning and applying the timeless success principles given in the Gita.

This book gives even deeper success principles than you can find in other books, because this book is spiritual. So if you use these principles, and get assistance on how to apply them from devotees, then you will highly increase the likelihood of your success.

The opportunity is available so please take it and be happy.

Courtesy : H.G. Akrura Dasa (Gita Coach)


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