
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna



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via Gita Coaching by on 12/31/10

In the Tenth Canto, Fourteenth Chapter, verse 8, it is said,

"My dear Lord, any person who is constantly awaiting Your causeless mercy to be bestowed upon him, and who goes on suffering the resultant actions of his past misdeeds, offering You respectful obeisances from the core of his heart, is surely eligible to become liberated, for it has become his rightful claim."

This statement of Srimad-Bhagavatam should be the guide of all devotees.

A devotee should not expect immediate relief from the reactions of his past misdeeds. No conditioned soul is free from such reactionary experiences, because material existence means continued suffering or enjoying of past activities.

If one has finished his material activities then there is no more birth. This is possible only when one begins Krsna conscious activities, because such activities do not produce reaction.

Therefore, as soon as one becomes perfect in Krsna conscious activities, he is not going to take birth again in this material world.

A devotee who is not perfectly freed from the resultant actions should therefore continue to act in Krsna consciousness seriously, even though there may be so many impediments.

When such impediments arise he should simply think of Krsna and expect His mercy. That is the only solace. If the devotee passes his days in that spirit, it is certain that he is going to be promoted to the abode of the Lord.

By such activities, he earns his claim to enter into the kingdom of God. The exact word used in this verse is daya-bhak. Daya-bhak refers to a son's becoming the lawful inheritor of the property of the father.

In a similar way, a pure devotee who is prepared to undergo all kinds of tribulations in executing Krsna conscious duties becomes lawfully qualified to enter into the transcendental abode.

- Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 10


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Am I God/Dog?

Aham Brahmasmi means I am spirit soul (of the same spiritual nature as
God,in quality,not in quantity) doesnt mean I am God.No it is false
propaganda.God means Supreme Controller,not ctrld by anything.Wat is
our position,v cant ctrl our own body's pain,oldage,death.wat kind of
God r v? dis is common sense.
2day,Dogs claim themselves as God.Foolish dogs accept them as God.


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Without darkness one cannot appreciate brightness


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 12/28/10

Therefore we have started this society, society. Society means that you'll get here the cause of being elevated. Just like there are so many societies, equal class of men. "Birds of the same feather flock together." So here is a society. Who will flock here? Who will come here? Because this society is meant for liberation... People are suffering so much on account of material condition of life. Nobody is happy. That is a fact. But because they are in ignorance, they are accepting unhappiness as happiness. This is called maya. This is called maya.


Unless there is darkness, you cannot appreciate the quality of brightness; therefore Krsna has created darkness, maya also, so that you can appreciate what is brightness. Two things are required.  Without darkness, the brightness cannot be appreciated. The two things are there, side by side. Just like there is sunlight, and here is shadow, side by side. You can remain within the shadow; you can remain within the sunshine. That is your choice. If we remain in the darkness, then our life is miserable, and if we remain in the light, brightness... Therefore Vedic literature instructs us, tamasi ma: "Don't remain in the dark." Jyotir gama: "Go to the light." So this attempt, Krsna consciousness movement, is an attempt to bring people from darkness to the light. So don't misuse this opportunity. Some way or other, you have come in contact with this movement. Properly utilize it. Don't go to the darkness.


- Srila Prabhupada


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Digging in the Minds of the Scriptures!

I guess this statement "but that tone has to dig" is like this "but that one has to dig"


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via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 12/29/10

There was a picture of Pulinda lady who came to Krsna and who was coming door to door selling some fruits. And Krsna as a child when he heard that she was selling some fruit, came out of the house and he brought some grains in his hand to exchange for the fruits. But because he was very small, he dropped all the grains on the floor! They all fell through his hands and everywhere. So in the end he had nothing left, but she didn't mind. She just simply piled him up with fruits! It was so nice. Then when she looked in her basket - the basket was filled with jewels!

So, it is Krsna's magic basket! It is the magic basket of that Pulinda woman that is filled with jewels by Krsna. So this evening we are speaking about the jewels of Krsna.

In Caitanya Caritamrita it is stated that one should dig in the minds of the scriptures to collect the jewels from there. So it is interesting that jewels are available, but that tone has to dig, and cannot expect the jewels to plop out of the sky.

"Oh what's that?"

I think that most of us have grown beyond the level of dreaming like that. We know that if you want something, than you have to work for it, you have to make a sacrifice. Digging in the minds of the scriptures, means a sacrifice. Isn't it? That's a fact. So sacrifice is there. In spiritual life we have to make an endeavour.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th December 2010)


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Digging in the Minds of the Scriptures!

I guess this statement "but that tone has to dig" is like this "but that one has to dig"


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via KKS Blog by (Hina) on 12/29/10

There was a picture of Pulinda lady who came to Krsna and who was coming door to door selling some fruits. And Krsna as a child when he heard that she was selling some fruit, came out of the house and he brought some grains in his hand to exchange for the fruits. But because he was very small, he dropped all the grains on the floor! They all fell through his hands and everywhere. So in the end he had nothing left, but she didn't mind. She just simply piled him up with fruits! It was so nice. Then when she looked in her basket - the basket was filled with jewels!

So, it is Krsna's magic basket! It is the magic basket of that Pulinda woman that is filled with jewels by Krsna. So this evening we are speaking about the jewels of Krsna.

In Caitanya Caritamrita it is stated that one should dig in the minds of the scriptures to collect the jewels from there. So it is interesting that jewels are available, but that tone has to dig, and cannot expect the jewels to plop out of the sky.

"Oh what's that?"

I think that most of us have grown beyond the level of dreaming like that. We know that if you want something, than you have to work for it, you have to make a sacrifice. Digging in the minds of the scriptures, means a sacrifice. Isn't it? That's a fact. So sacrifice is there. In spiritual life we have to make an endeavour.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th December 2010)


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