
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles.

Tips for the Struggle

If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles, don't be alarmed, it is natural and to be expected for any individual who makes sacrifices (mental or physical) in order to progress spiritually. In fact, expect challenges as you move forward, be prepared for them and gradually work through them rather than evade them, otherwise they will only come back again and again. Find your own level of manageable practice, even though initially it may appear to be a compromise, gradually work up to the ideal, it may take weeks……., months………, or even years! But, sincerely persevere and the Lord within the heart will reciprocate.

Whenever there is a human impulse, our tendency is to respond immediately without even contemplating the outcome. In reality there exists a short moment between an impulse and a response, catch yourself during this short moment, think first, then act. If this thinking is based on principled directions (or scripture), you will succeed in holding back the force of unwarranted impulses.
Remember, whilst striving for the highest spiritual principles, we still have responsibilities to our spouses, children and friends. We must be conscious of their needs before imposing our own.

In all cases of upholding any vows, the key principle is DESIRE, half of the battle is won if we ourselves make a conscious decision to follow a practice rather than feel obliged to do so – so desire it!

Things to do

· Pray to Krishna for strength and direction. · Learn to take shelter in chanting, this will help to transform your heart. · Find your own maintainable level of devotional practice, one which will gradually enable you to reach the ideal rather than an unrealistic and unachievable end which will only frustrate you. · Associate with those who have a slightly higher level of practice than you do (those who are also struggling but maintaining higher standards). · Practice some level of self discipline, it is the genuine path to higher enjoyment.

-- HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj


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Last week msgs back up-those who missed my sms can catch up here

"Fools make fun of Me when I come here in d HumanForm,thinking I am1
among d conditioned souls.They dont know my Supreme Ctrl over all that
It looks as if d Lord is subjected2d laws of nature when He
appears&disappears here.Sun appears2rise&finish@nite.But is
there@nite,v r unable2c B-)

Even d learned r confused abt wat is action&inaction.Every action
gives either good/bad results.A person who sees action in
inaction&inaction in action is really in knowledge.Inaction isnt
possible&is condemned.Action in PerfectKnowledge(self,Supreme,nature)
is Akarma(no reactions2actions)&is recommended.

V r eternal(ever existing) but becoz v r Influenced by d
mind,senses,sense enjoyment,v r struggling&fatigued.When v become too
much fatigued, Krsna comes&gives us good counsel saying,u rascal,give
up all these desires&surrender to Me,I'll give u protection"-BG#15.7

"Moment by moment by moment,v r advertising ourselves by d way v
talk,by d way v dress,by d way v behave2show v r such&such.V bcome
what v think"-By a sannyasi

Humanity is divided in2 2Sections 1.Regulated
1.Those that follow d principles of prescribed duties in d scriptures
r never Lost.2.Life of an unregulated person,b it
civilized/uncivilized,educated/uneducated,strong/weak but with no idea
of next life/salvation like animals is Miserable-6.40

"It is undoubtedly very difficult2ctrl d mind,but is possible by
suitable Practice&Detachment.For1whose mind is unctrld,SelfRealization
is difficult work.But he whose mind is ctrld&who tries by proper means
is assured of success.That is My Opinion."-Lord Srì Krishna in
Bhagavad Gìtà Chapter#6 Verse#35-36

V have no experience seeing something coming out of Nothing.Which
means everything comes out of something.Creation has a Creator,not
Void.S v need qualification 2c d Creator,God.C thru eyes of Vedic
Scriptures.If d President doesnt come in front of my eyes,he doesnt
exist! Makes Sense?NonSense is nt it?

Who is that Supreme Person from whom everything comes? If it were
possible2trace our ancestry(who is d father of my grand father&his
father&his father....)V wud arrive@1 Person2Whom there's no Father.He
is d Supreme Lord.He is d coz of all causes but there's no
coz4Him.Such is d Supreme Lord I Worship :)

Just becoz v cant live in other planets doesnt mean no life exist in
other planets.If v dont want2accept things beyond our experience it's
our foolishness.V cant live in water :(,it doesnt mean no life exists
in water.Fishes live in water.V cant live in fire that doesnt mean no
life exists in fire :-o

If a dog with bread in mouth sees himself in d water,he thinks another
dog is trying2take bread so he'll lose even what he had.This is d
difference b/n human&animals.A Lion so powerful but saw another lion
in d well&jumped inside,he was finished.Becoz he's an
animal.Moral:Human Intelligence is Powerful.

ThoseWhoseMinds r nt developed&who isnt situated in SelfRealization
cant c how d body is changing.2day,There r many so-called yogìs doing
some GymnasticExercise&r satisfied if d body is WellBuilt&Healthy.They
r nt SelfRealized.Only those who realized Self,World,d SupremeLord can
c things as they r-BG15.11

B4giving up this present body if 1 is able2tolerate d urges of d
MaterialSenses&check d force of desire&anger,he's well situated&happy
in this world.1 who's able2ctrl d forces of
talk,anger,mind,stomach,genitals,tongue is called
Gosvämi/Svämi(Go-senses,Svämi-ctrler).Such is d SelfRealized&is

Wall,hand cuff,chain are used to keep the prisoners in jail. But
nature is so perfectly designed that keeps the prisoners here by
beautiful women-SP

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Today's sloka

"Wat is d position of an unsuccessful yogi who practices devotional
service2d Lord in d beginning&later deviates/gives up d practice
due2worldly mindedness? Will
he bcome like a scattered cloud with no position in any sphere,failing
in both material&spiritual life? ",Arjuna2Lord Sri Krsna in

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All a terrorist needs is 50 dollars to bring down a plane-Loopholes of Modern Technologies!!

All a terrorist needs is 50 dollars to bring down a plane

Thu, Mar 18 01:05 PM

Washington, March 18 (ANI): Reports indicate that a terrorist needs just about 50 dollars to purchase a GPS jammer, an electronic device small enough to fit in a shirt pocket, which can conceivably bring down an airplane.According to a report by Fox News, despite being illegal and potentially dangerous, GPS jammers are cheap and readily available online.
With car thieves in the United Kingdom using GPS jammers to aid their getaways, experts say it's only a matter of time until crooks - and, ominously, terrorists - in the United States catch on.Jammers transmit a low-power signal that creates signal noise and fools a GPS receiver into thinking the satellites are not available.

They can be used to confuse police and avoid toll charges, and some pranksters use them to nettle unsuspecting iPhone users.But the real threat is the unknown.
Criminals could use them to hide their whereabouts from law enforcement - and some experts fear terrorists could use high-powered jammers to disrupt GPS reception on an airplane or in military operations.The devices pose serious societal risks, and they are unquestionably illegal to buy and use in the United States.
The FCC is bullish about pursuing anyone who buys a GPS jammer and will prosecute and jail anyone who uses one.
Yet, they're easily bought online, and their proponents say they should stay that way.

"GPS is so embedded in the transportation, manufacturing industries and economies of our societies that the risk is high," said David Last, an Emeritus Professor of Bangor University in the UK and a well-known authority on criminal use of GPS jammers."It's especially so in telecommunications: GPS is the ultimate source of timing for most of our telephone systems, the Internet and, in the US, phone cells," he added.

All those systems are potential prey for jammers, and that's largely why they are illegal.GPS and cell phone jammers are not exactly state of the art.The devices, which cause signal confusion and disruption, are actually similar to illegal cell phone jammers.The risk is low for airplanes, which use ground-based radars for guidance and have a back-up navigation system that does not depend on satellites.Military personnel use a private GPS network. But GPS jamming could nonetheless cause confusion in the cockpit as pilots have to switch to back up navigation systems.

And maritime shipments that rely on GPS coordinates for finding port locations could face problems as well.

Source :


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Birds in outer space-When will our scientists recognize them?

HH.Satsavarupa Das Gosvami

Krishna is human-like. Radha and Krishna are the most beautiful. The birds please Radha and Krishna. The peacocks are especially pleasing. Swans are beautiful birds. The Sanskrit word for swans is hamsa. The saintly person is called a paramahamsa. Rupa Gosvami wrote a book called Hamsaduta in which Lalita sent a swan to Krishna in Dvaraka to tell Him how much Radharani was suffering in separation. Crows are not so pleasing. Their song is harsh and annoying. They eat garbage. They are aggressive and will invade a human's dinner table and steal food. Wood thrushes have a pleasing song with a variety of notes. Bird feathers used to be used as writing quills. Humans should not eat bird's eggs because they are conceived living entities. And they should not eat birds. There are gigantic birds that fly in outer space, and they can fly from one planet to another. They lay eggs and the birds hatch as the eggs fall through space. This information is given in Vedic knowledge. Geese and other birds mate for life. Sukadeva Gosvami is the pet parrot of Srimati Radharani. As Radha's pet parrot, Sukadeva knows all Her intimate pastimes. There are one million species of birds. More than a mundane ornithologist knows. The figure is given in the Padma Purana. Sparrows are plucky birds and blue jays shriek. William Carlos William wrote poems about those birds and his most famous one is about the wheelbarrow and the chickens.

The Red Wheelbarrow

"So much depends

a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white

Jatayu was the brave old bird who challenged Ravana and sacrificed his life but gave Lord Rama the crucial information about the kidnapping of Sita. Birdsongs in spring are very pleasant. But bird droppings are disgusting and a nuisance.


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