If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles.
Posted by dinesh
Apr 02
Tips for the Struggle
If you find yourself struggling with chanting or the four regulative principles, don't be alarmed, it is natural and to be expected for any individual who makes sacrifices (mental or physical) in order to progress spiritually. In fact, expect challenges as you move forward, be prepared for them and gradually work through them rather than evade them, otherwise they will only come back again and again. Find your own level of manageable practice, even though initially it may appear to be a compromise, gradually work up to the ideal, it may take weeks……., months………, or even years! But, sincerely persevere and the Lord within the heart will reciprocate.
Whenever there is a human impulse, our tendency is to respond immediately without even contemplating the outcome. In reality there exists a short moment between an impulse and a response, catch yourself during this short moment, think first, then act. If this thinking is based on principled directions (or scripture), you will succeed in holding back the force of unwarranted impulses.
Remember, whilst striving for the highest spiritual principles, we still have responsibilities to our spouses, children and friends. We must be conscious of their needs before imposing our own.
In all cases of upholding any vows, the key principle is DESIRE, half of the battle is won if we ourselves make a conscious decision to follow a practice rather than feel obliged to do so – so desire it!
Things to do
· Pray to Krishna for strength and direction. · Learn to take shelter in chanting, this will help to transform your heart. · Find your own maintainable level of devotional practice, one which will gradually enable you to reach the ideal rather than an unrealistic and unachievable end which will only frustrate you. · Associate with those who have a slightly higher level of practice than you do (those who are also struggling but maintaining higher standards). · Practice some level of self discipline, it is the genuine path to higher enjoyment.
-- HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaj
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