
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Faith & individual effort are essential, even though mercy is available like radio waves in the air

1. The material world is compared to the forest where there is lot of
struggles and also ocean where the person is drowning and not able to
cross . These eg are to show the hopeless condition of the material
2. The material world is made up of gunas and human beings acts ,
thinks, desires within the gunas and the result is also within the
gunas as rebirth.
3. Whatever birth it may be whether a human or devata or animal it is
still in the material world.
4.In case of devatas the struggle is less however it is also in the
material world and their body is also material. The animals also have
suffering but their awareness is less.
5. Jiva is not very intelligent to take the msg and advice of the lord
as paramatma , so it is delivered through devotees.
6. To accept it At first the jiva has to have faith which is the
product of mercy of the devotees and the supreme lord. The mercy is
there in all stages but to advance the jivas effort is required to get
knowledge and sadana is necessary- HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj ( SB#5.14.1)
Source# Notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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Devotional service gives higher taste to rise above the ulterior modes and the pain inflicted from that!

1. In the material forest thieves are ones own senses, one needs to
continuously supply objects to satisfy the senses.
2. The problem is its very difficult to control the mind and senses.
But krsna also tells one must try and do repetition to control
3. The only possible way is to give the senses a higher taste. It
may also be material like advancing from one guna to another.
4. The first stage of sense control is that he is not the body but
the atma. It also happens through jnana for which one has to be in
sathva gun
5. Other process is directly getting bliss by engaging in the service.
6. Higher taste completly eradicates any enjoyment in the material
world even liberation. In order to stop the plunders the best process
is to engage in Bhakti
- HH.Bhanu Swami Maharaj ( SB#5.14.2)
Source# Notes from Priyadarshini Mataji


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A glimpse on a-Swamis and glories of Parampara!

This Vedic literature, is suitable for all time,everyone and of all
ages and it's perfect because it's compiled by the perfect being Srila
Vyasa Dev.Before coming to Krishna consciousness I had a chance to
read Karma yoga-a book from Aurobindo, but I hardly understood
anything in that. They dont know what they are talking about,How can
others understand that? It was full of mental concoction. I remember
only one thing from that. It was said that we have to imagine a shield
of net above us to protect us from danger or evil.Simply foolish and
childish. But Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad Gita,I am able to atleast
theoritically grasp with my dull head. Srila Prabhupada presented
Bhagavad Gita, as it is. No addition, no deletion. I am so fortunate
and grateful for having been saved by Srila Prabhupada,the Saviour of
the fallen conditioned souls and Jagad Guru-Spiritual Master of the
whole world.
Also I read once in my curriculum in school that this rascal
Vivekhananda saying that playing football is better than reading
Bhagavad Gita. All activities lead us to the same path. How come? If I
study for doctor.How is that become an engineer?
When he came back from the US, he brought a woman from there. But
Srila Prabhupada made Sannyasis in the west and imported them to
Somehow due to the influence of Kali,this bogus aSwami Vivekhananda
became famous in South India. His guru named RamaKrishna Paramahamsa
was another culprit. In Vedic literature it's said that except
wife,every other woman should be regarded as mother. But this fool
used to enjoy sex profusely with wife and when he becomes impotent,he
would call her mother.
aSwami Vivekhananda was so much fearful of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta
Saraswati Thakur,the Lion Guru who would smash bogus religion and


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via GITA COACHING by on 8/8/11

In the US as the elections in 2012 approach (and elsewhere as elections approach), voters will suddenly receive a "newsletter" from their Representative or Senator apprising them of all that's been done for them.

This demonstrates a very low respect for voters' intelligence.

Where were the newsletters during the prior few years?

Why not keep in touch electronically more frequently?

This same hypocrisy holds true for any organization, public or private, for-profit or non-profit.

Don't merely contact people when you want something or need them.

Stay in touch, provide value, offer free help.

Relationships aren't built on contacting someone solely when you need them for your own self-interests.

- Alan Weiss,


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via GITA COACHING by on 8/8/11

There was a Christian monk that said, "Act as if everything depends on you, and pray as if everything depends on God."

We are responsible in front of Krsna for our lives. We don't want to engage Him in our service. We want to do things, knowing that the results depend on him. But we want to make a proper, sincere effort.

There is a very nice tool for procrastination. It's three words - do it now. If you think you have to do something, do it right now, if you don't have anythiing super urgent to do in that particular second.

One of the keys to success is - do the first step. Get up and do the first step: make that phone call, do this exercise, write this letter, write this CV, etc.

Just do the first step, and then the second step and third step, and you will start moving like anything.


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  • Technorati - Hope Against Hope

Hope Against Hope

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 04:59 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2004)

Rupa Goswami's prayer:

"I have no love for Krishna! Nor the causes for developing love for Krishna. Mainly hearing and chanting in the process of bhakti yoga, in which one is always thinking of Krishna, and fixing His Lotus Feet in the heart is also lacking in me. As far as philosophical knowledge or pious words are concerned, I don't see any opportunity for me to execute such activities. Above all, I'm not even born of a nice family. Therefore I must simply pray to you – Gopijana-vallabha.

Krishna the maintainer and the beloved of the gopis. I simply wish and hope that someway or other I maybe able to approach Your Lotus Feet, and this hope is giving me pain, because I think myself quite incompetent to approach that transcendental goal of life!" (N.O.D.ch18)

"The purport is that under this heading of 'asa-bandha', one should continue to hope against hope that some way or other he will be able to approach the Lotus Feet of the Supreme Lord." (N.O.D.ch18)

Hope against hope – so this 'asa-bandha' is very important, and we live on this 'asa-bandha'……and our whole movement is based on this 'asa-bandha'. We are not very good in this 'asa-bandha' (in the one sense) because we are not very good in the sādhana-bhakti. We don't do a very good job!

Freedom In Unlimited Happiness

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 01:01 PM PDT


 (Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains that the 'jiva' is empowered by the 'cit' and  'ananda'  – the potency of the Lord.  It is logical that the spirit soul which is in the spiritual world is in the condition of 'sat cit' and 'ananda' – meaning that it is full of eternity, bliss and knowledge.

In this material world the eternal aspect is not attained, as we are in a temporary situation of the body. But the other two full of bliss, and full of knowledge can be attained within this material body, so that one becomes empowered with the knowledge and bliss potency. First to a limited degree and then it is increasing and then there is no limit to that. It is there that we find our freedom in the unlimited knowledge and unlimited happiness in devotional service.

In that way, as our knowledge for Krishna is increasing, in the same way our desire to serve Krishna will increase, because everything that we find out about Krishna is wonderful and is touching to the heart, since Krishna is bringing out different moods of the devotees!


A Class in Cologne

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 12:00 PM PDT

This is a wonderful class held by H.H.Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, in which he speaks about finding the right balance in Krsna consciousness. The class is in both, German and English and it is held in the temple in Cologne one day after the great Cologne Ratha Yatra. It's a test-run – the class is not edited – but still: Enjoy the nectar!

S.B. 1.5.14
Su, 07.08.2011
Cologne, Germany


If you cannot listen to the class, please click here for the download.

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    [srilaprabhupadanectar] Remembering Srila Prabhupada - Trnad api sunicena

    Trnad api sunicena

    Thursday, 16 October 1972 - Vrndavana, India

    Although Srila Prabhupada was separated from his beleagured disciples in Australia by a vast distance, still his thoughts were on their many problems. Srila Prabhupada had been lecturing morning and evening on The Nectar of Devotion at the samadhi tomb of Rupa Gosvami located in the open courtyard of the Radha-Damodara temple. That morning, Srila Prabhupada, was speaking of Jagai and Madhai, two arch opponents of harinama sankirtana.

    "So they will arrest you. You have got good experience. In London, they were arresting."

    Srila Prabhupada turned to Gurudasa. "You were in London. How many times you were arrested?"


    "Three times. Our record is that our police were arresting 36 times. Now the police have become disgusted. They don't arrest. Yes. But this thing is going on in Australia, especially in Melbourne. Our men were being taken into police custody. I have received one letter. So they asked me what to do. 'The lawyers want $2,000 for defending.' So I advised then that 'why you should defend? Better go to jail and chant Hare Krsna there!' So that they are doing. They are not eating. The minister in charge of the gaol department, he was perturbed that 'these people are not eating', and they were allowed to do that, 'You can cook,' but they refused, because the same kitchen, they are cooking, I mean to say, flesh. So refused. So then after a few days, they were let loose. 'Alright. You go home.' Yes. So this is going on.

    "So religious persecution is always there. Even the father, what to speak of others? Father, Hiranyakasipu, he chastised his son. So don't be afraid. Similar disturbance is to happen everywhere. Therefore, Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave us instructions that you should be tolerant. Trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna. Because there will be so much impediments. Amanina manadena kirtaniyah sada harih. We must chant; we must always do our business, despite all objection, obstacles. That is our business."

    - From "The Great Transcendental Adventure" by HG Kurma Prabhu

    Please Chant: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare And Be Happy


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    Money Magic!

    Money Magic!
    When there's money, people come around you and when not,you'll be all
    alone. All relatives and Friends will not even think about you fearing
    that you'll ask them money. And you'll be considered invalid. Same
    applies to oldage. You would have worked all the life and sacrificed
    most part of your life but people will only come to enjoy the wealth
    you accumulated and again you are invalid.No one is interested in your
    talks.Also there'll be a huge generation gap.
    But above all there's one Person who's constantly listening to you in
    your times of distress or joy.When He gives you special mercy,He'll
    take away everything and make Him your only refuge-SB.
    Thats what Krishna did for Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada also
    told that he had a good chart as predicted by an astrologer that he
    would've become a big business man with huge wealth.He didnt choose
    that as his wealth but Krishna.


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    Balaram’s Plow and Krishna’s Flute-Must Read!!!

    Balaram's Plow and Krishna's Flute

    Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja

    Gour Govinda Swami: Rules and regulations are needed at the beginning, that's sädhana-bhakti. Therefore we have two paths: sädhana-bhakti and rägänugä-bhakti. Therefore, Balaram's plow and Krishna's flute. Balaram has a plow in his hands and Krishna has a flute in his hands. Why? Balaram will cultivate. Sädhana-bhakti is cultivation. The cultivated field is the heart. After being properly cultivated by sädhana-bhakti, then comes karñaëa, you'll come to räga-bhakti. Then Krishna's flute will attract you, äkarñaëa. Karñaëa and äkarñaëa are the activities of Krishna-Balaram.

    Devotee 1: Doesn't sädhana-bhakti mean that very little love is there?

    Gour Govinda Swami: Love will generate! Love will be produced if properly cultivated. If guru sows the seed of the bhakti creeper but your land is barren, then it will never sprout. Gopinath Acharya said to his brother-in-law Sarvabhauma, üñarabhümite yena béjera ropaëa — "I am just sowing seed in a barren land. How it will sprout, germinate?" täìra kåpä yabe habe — If Mahaprabhu showers mercy, then it will happen. (Cc. madhya 6.105-106] After the field of the heart has been cultivated and all anarthas are gone, then you'll be attracted to Krishna. Then you will hear Krishna's flute and be attracted. Then you'll run in the dead of night like the gopés. Bilvamangala was so mad that he was running to the prostitute Chintamani in the dead of night in spite of torrential rain and all the land being inundated. Then Chintamani gave him a great blow, saying, "What is this? Why are you so attracted to my body? All nasty things are inside this body — urine, stool,blood, bile, mucus, hair, bones, and marrow — all nasty things. Is there anything nice in my body? Why are you are not attracted to the all-beautiful Krishna? Why are you are not running to him, and instead are running to me?" Then Bilvamangal turned his face towards Krishna. The plow had gone very deep and rooted out the weeds. That is the action of Balaram's
    plow. That is the slap of guru. Guru karëa-dhära— guru catches your ear and slaps you, "Hey, rascal!
    What are you doing?" Guru gives you a kick to help you understand. With one kick, everything will be finished. One kick is enough. My Guru Maharaja used to say that the blacksmith has a big hammer. With one stroke of that hammer,everything is finished. Nityananda's kick is Balaram's plow. It goes to the deepest regions of the heart. That kicking is his mercy.

    Devotee 1: Should we pray for that kicking?

    Gour Govinda Swami: Yes! Pray for that kicking from Nityananda Ram, Balaram. You should beg for his mercy, welcome it. Don't be afraid of it. ·
     — From a lecture in Bhubaneswar, 1 March 1992
    © ISKCON Bhubaneswar/Gopal Jiu Publications


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    • Technorati - Karmic Reactions

    Karmic Reactions

    Posted: 08 Aug 2011 12:12 PM PDT 

    (Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

    Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

    Animals on their own cannot take up spiritual service. They can take advantage of spiritual service created by human beings. They can take prasadam that is left over. Elephants can carry deities and in this way by human connection they can take up devotional service. But human beings can actually take the initiative to have the freedom to choose.

    For animals, it is said that they are not responsible for their actions and can do what they like. Animals kill and do so many things, but for them no karma applies. But the animal is going through the karmic reactions of previous life, since they suffer from karma, but it is from previous life, as they don't create karma from any of their actions.


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    Giving and receiving the mangoes distributed by Lord Chaitanya!

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: The Secret <>
    Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 17:38:25 -0400
    Subject: The Secret Scrolls - From The Secret Daily Teachings
    To: dinesh mahesh kumar <>

    A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
    Creator of The Secret and The Power

    From The Secret Daily Teachings

    The fastest way to receive is to give, because giving starts the
    reciprocal action of receiving. We all receive according to how
    much we give. Give the best of you everywhere you go. Give a smile.
    Give thanks. Give kindness. Give love.

    Your giving should be a giving without expectation of return - a
    giving for the sheer joy of it.

    May the joy be with you,

    Rhonda Byrne
    The Secret... bringing joy to billions

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    Privilege of serving the Lord

    From: Jyoti Pahuja

    Dhruva Maharaj: "Because of my state of complete foolishness and
    paucity of pious activities, although the Lord offered me His personal
    service, I wanted material name, fame and prosperity. My case is just
    like that of the poor man who, when he satisfied a great emperor who
    wanted to give him anything he might ask, out of ignorance asked only
    a few broken grains of husked rice."


    In this verse the word svārājyam, which means "complete independence,"
    is very significant. A conditioned soul does not know what complete
    independence is. Complete independence means situation in one's own
    constitutional position. The real independence of a living entity, who
    is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is to remain
    always dependent on the Supreme Lord, just like a child who plays in
    complete independence, guided by his parents, who watch over him. The
    independence of the conditioned soul does not mean to fight with the
    obstacles offered by māyā, but to surrender to Kṛṣṇa. In the
    material world, everyone is trying to become completely independent
    simply by fighting against the obstacles offered by māyā. This is
    called the struggle for existence. Real independence is to be
    reinstated in the service of the Lord. Anyone who goes to the
    Vaikuṇṭha planets or Goloka Vṛndāvana planet is freely offering his
    service to the Lord. That is complete independence. The living entity
    cannot be happy trying to be independent in the material world. One
    has to surrender, therefore, unto the lotus feet of the Lord and
    engage in his original, eternal service.

    Dhruva Mahārāja regrets that he wanted material opulence and greater
    prosperity than that of his great-grandfather, Lord Brahmā. His
    begging from the Lord was like a poor man's asking a great emperor for
    a few grains of broken rice.

    The conclusion is that anyone who is engaged in the loving service of
    the Lord should never ask for material prosperity from the Lord. The
    awarding of material prosperity simply depends on the stringent rules
    and regulations of the external energy. Pure devotees ask the Lord
    only for the privilege of serving Him. This is our real independence.
    If we want anything else, it is a sign of our misfortune.

    Srimad Bhagavatam :: 4.9.35

    The only way to counteract the effects of this age of Kali is chanting
    the Holy Names of Lord Krsna. There is no other way. There is no other
    way. There is no other way. (Brhan Naradiya Purana)
    Chant and be happy - "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/
    Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"


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    Real freedom comes in relationship to Krishna


    Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


    via by gurudasa on 8/6/11


    (Kadamba Kanana Swami, Sweden, 2010)

    Transcribed by Madhumati Devi Dasi

    So, this desire to be free is there in every living entity. But there are always some obstacles in our freedom. For the children, it is the parents who are constantly blocking them from moving around. The parents constantly grab them and stop them, and at one point when they grow to maturity, they move away from their parents, and think:

    "Freedom at last!"

    But there is still no freedom. Like even if there is no one to tell us what we should do or should not do. Even then we are so bound and limited in that material energy, and we encounter the limitations of our mind; limitations of the senses; limitations of the intelligence; limitations after limitations and that we are always driven. The Vedic scriptures say that there are six waves that are just dragging us along hunger, thirst, lamentation, old age, infirmity and death. So these six waves are over powering forces and we cannot do anything and we simply have to respond and thus life goes on.

    Eight million four hundred species of life, and all are hungry in the morning….. starving but Krishna makes arrangements for their sustenance. So here it is explained that real freedom comes in relationship to Krishna, because as we turn away from Krishna, we become minimised in our power and currently we are very much minimised in our power!




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    via GITA COACHING by on 8/7/11

    Advanced devotee never disobey or disrespect another devotee. Disrespect to another devotee is a great offense. Vaisnava aparadha. Vaisnava aparadha is very serious offense.

    Therefore we teach to address amongst the devotees, "Prabhu", "Prabhu", "Such and such Prabhu." This should not be simply spoken by the lips. It should be realized. Everyone should think other devotee as his prabhu, master. Not he should try to become master.

    trnad api sunicena
    taror api sahisnuna
    amanina manadena...

    Manadena. We should be always ready to offer respect to all, not only devotees, but everyone. Everyone. Because every living entity is originally a devotee of Krsna. But circumstantially, being covered by the coat of maya, he's playing like demon.

    But his original nature is a devotee of Krsna. Jivera svarupa haya nitya krsnera dasa [Cc. Madhya 20.108-109]. Everyone is eternally servant of Krsna.

    - Srila Prabhupada, Nectar Of devotion Lecture


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    via GITA COACHING by on 8/6/11

    Do we have to give up everything if we want to advance in Krsna consciousness?

    We don't give up anything in Krsna consciousness. We just give up things that are unfavorable. And we use everything in Krsna's service. This is the principle of yukta vairagya.

    Do you have to give up your identity?

    When you are giving up your material life, with which you were identifying, this transition may be difficult. Because you are giving up the old qualities, the old activities, you were identifying with. And now you are getting into new activities, and it seems like you are losing ground under your feet.

    Therefore, this transition has to be done very intelligently, and with the proper guidance from your spiritual master or various siksa gurus, or mentors, so that the devotee always feels that he is still himself. He is still his own person. He is still in there with his own free will.

    Very important point about identity is free will. You choose what you want to do. Therefore I always ask devotees, "What do you want?" They often answer, "Well, I don't know. I wait to see what Krsna wants." Or, "I am trying to do what my spiritual master wants."

    Very important point about our identity is what we want, because a desire is the symptom of the soul. So we have to want something. Whether you want what Krsna wants or want something completely different or completely opposite, you still have to want something, and that shows you that you are a person, you are a living being, you are someone who desires.

    Ideally, you would do anything for Krsna. Whatever He desires. But we are not on that level. Now, at this point where we are, we have to find something to lean on, something to do where we can put our heart into, and that can be our present identity or role.


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    via GITA COACHING by on 8/6/11

    If you find your specific role in this Krsna consciousness movement and also in the world, that role can facilitate the development of bhakti (devotion).

    Having a specifically defined role helps us have an identity within the spiritual environment of the Krsna Conscious Society.

    Find your role in Krsna consciousness instead of losing your identity.


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    via GITA COACHING by on 8/6/11

    Krsna consciousness is a combination of nectar and austerity.

    When one gets practiced in austerities, he starts to like them, like getting up early or hearing our rounds of chanting very attentively.

    It is a great austerity for the mind in the beginning, because the mind wants to think of so many things.

    Once you develop a taste for attentive chanting, you always want to do it that way.

    Advancement does not come only through suffering. Is eating prasadam suffering? Is singing and dancing suffering?

    It may be an austerity to get out and distribute books, or get into the kitchen and cook. But once you start doing it, with the proper consciousness, thinking that Krsna will be pleased with this and that ultimately you will also be very happy, then it is not a suffering. It is a pleasure.


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    via GITA COACHING by on 8/7/11

    When we are further advanced, we do not see only Krsna, but we see His devotees also.

    We can recognize, "Here is a pure devotee of Krsna."

    But in the lower stage, a, the devotee's concerned with the Deity worship, but he does not take much care of the devotees.

    But when one is advanced further, he can see Krsna and His devotees also.

    Isvara tad-adhina. Tad-adhina means devotees. Devotees are always under the service of Krsna.

    So anyone who is giving service to Krsna, we should take care of them also. We should offer our respect in...

    You'll find in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, it is stated somewhere, that if, if a devotee is coming, then another devotee who is engaged in worship of the Deity may stop Deity worship for the time being and should go immediately to receive the devotee.

    So Krsna also says, mad-bhakta-puja abhyadhika. Krsna is satisfied more when a devotee worships His devotee.

    Krsna says, "If one is worshiping Me and one is worshiping My devotee, then the person who is worshiping the devotee, he's more important than the person who is worshiping Krsna."

    - Srila Prabhupada, Nectar Of Devotion Lecture


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