
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Song of the Week! :) : Krishna

Song of the Week! :) : Krishna

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Song of the Week! :)

His_Grace_Swarupa_Damodar_Prabhu's Gopinath Kirtan Link

Song Name: Mama Mana Mandire
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
(refrain) mama mana mandire raha niśi-din
kṛṣṇa murāri śrī kṛṣṇa murāri
bhakti prīti mālā candan
tumi nio he nio cita-nandan
jīvana maraṇa tava pūjā nivedan
sundara he mana-hārī
eso nanda-kumār ār nanda-kumār
habe prema-pradīpe ārati tomār
nayana jamunā jhare anibār
tomāra virahe giridhārī
bandana gāne tava bajuk jīvana
kṛṣṇa murāri śrī kṛṣṇa murāri

Refrain: Please abide in the temple of my heart both day and night, O Krsna Murari, O Sri Krsna Murari!
1) Devotion, love, flower garlands, and sandalwood- please accept them, O Delighter of the Heart!
2) In life or in death I worship You with these offerings, Beautiful One, O Enchanter of the Heart!
3) Come, son of Nanda, and then, O Son of Nanda, I will offer Your arati ceremony with the lamplight of my love.
4) The waters of the Yamuna river cascade incessantly from my eyes in your separation, O Holder of Govardhana Hill!
5) May I pass my life absorbed only in songs of Your praise, O Krsna Murari, Sri Krsna Murari!

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Little Krishna Animation Movie Link Embedded

Little Krishna Animation movie


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Only Spiritual Master can solve our real problems&lamentation!

There r many economically developed countries with all material
comforts&facilities,still they lack peace&happiness.Why so? Arjuna
said2Krsna,Even if I win a prosperous&unrival Kingdom on Earth like
demigods of heaven,I'll not b able2solve my problems of life.So
Academic knowledge,hi position,scholarship r useless in solving life's
probs.Only a Spiritual master like LordSriKrsna can solve d real
problems(oldage,disease,death,repeated birth)of life2saveUs.


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Why fool,r u asking4medicine?

Youth is often blind&deaf2d oncoming oldage&death.A passionate young
person may think such warnings r4 old timers,who dont know
how2enjoy."Enjoy as much as u can while u r young becoz u live only
once"-this widespread attitude is condemned by King Kulasekhara.As per
Vedic wisdom,d present life is just1 in a series of countless lives
v'll experience&have experienced in countless bodies.This body's
beauty is fleeting&@last d body must succumb2death after its 100s of
joints have stiffened with old age.So why fool r u asking4medicine?
Just take d Names of Lord Krsna,1 cure that never fails -MM#37


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Song of the Soul!

Been a prisoner for aeons
Even Forgot being bound by the bars
Never found a way to protest for release nor did I know me being bound
What once seemed nectar found to be only venom

There appeared an Angel releasing the bound
Those that followed Him got an easy way out
By my own way I found it impossible to get the going
But He does the magic to turn the bars of war into Weapon of Love to
Win the God of Love!

Seeing the Ray of Hope to go all the way out&see myself free
Patching up the holes of the heart with Devotional Service to fill with
nectarean love
Cry of the soul is getting dry by the warmth of the Mercy
Heart breaks to see my fellow prisoners not knowing Him&the magic

Tragic was the time without His magic which keeps me stay myself
The lazy didnt learn the magic but say it's not worth it is!
I got my mind,set to learn the magic to let me live&show them the path
of Love that I learn from Him
Awaiting that day of my release which is predictable in the wheel of
time in His calendar!


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Wednesday, April 20, 2011-Akrura Das, Gita Coaching
navyavad dhridaye yaj jno

brahmaitad brahma-vadibhih

na muhyanti na socanti

na hrishyanti yato gatah


navya-vat -- ever-increasingly fresh; hridaye -- in the heart; yat -- as; jnah -- the supreme knower, Paramatma; brahma -- Brahman; etat -- this; brahma-vadibhih -- by the advocates of the Absolute Truth; na -- never; muhyanti -- are bewildered; na -- never; socanti -- lament; na -- never; hrishyanti -- are jubilant; yatah -- when; gatah -- have attained.


Always engaging in the activities of devotional service, devotees feel ever-increasingly fresh and new in all their activities. The all-knower, the Supersoul within the heart of the devotee, makes everything increasingly fresh. This is known as the Brahman position by the advocates of the Absolute Truth. In such a liberated stage [brahma-bhuta], one is never bewildered. Nor does one lament or become unnecessarily jubilant. This is due to the brahma-bhuta situation.


A devotee is inspired by the Supersoul within the heart to advance in devotional service in a variety of ways. The devotee does not feel hackneyed or stereotyped, nor does he feel that he is in a stagnant position. In the material world, if one engages in chanting a material name, he will feel tired after chanting a few times. However, one can chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra all day and night and never feel tired. As chanting is increased, it will come out new and fresh. Srila Rupa Gosvami said that if he could somehow get millions of ears and tongues, then he could relish spiritual bliss by chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. There is really nothing uninspiring for a highly advanced devotee. In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He is situated in everyone's heart and that He helps the living entity forget and remember. By the grace of the Lord, the devotee gets inspiration.

tesham satata-yuktanam

bhajatam priti-purvakam

dadami buddhi-yogam tam

yena mam upayanti te

"To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me." (Bg. 10.10)

As stated (kusala-karmanam), those engaged in auspicious activities in devotional service are guided by the Supersoul, described in this verse as jna, one who knows everything, past, present and future. The Supersoul gives instructions to the sincere, unalloyed devotee on how he can progress more and more in approaching the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Srila Jiva Gosvami in this connection says that the Supersoul, the plenary expansion of the Personality of Godhead, exists in everyone's heart, but in the heart of the devotee He reveals Himself as ever-increasingly new. Being inspired by Him, the devotee experiences increased transcendental bliss in the execution of his devotional service.


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The Most Beautiful Poem


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via Seed of Devotion by Bhakti lata on 14/04/11

I flip through the pages of a thick book by my favorite poet, seeking inspiration to write a speech for a college class. I skim for eye-catching words, but then land upon a poem that draws me all the way in.

"Wow," I breathe.

I softly knock on Shalagram's door. "Come in," she says.

She's eating dinner in front of her window, and I settle upon her mattress. "May I read you a poem?" I ask.

"Sure," she says. "Who is it by?"

"The ancient Sufi poet, Hafiz," I reply.

When I finish my declamation, we sit in silence for several moments. Then, "Wow," Shalagram breathes.

"Stunning, no?"

"Amazing. Bhakti, do you think it's possible to have that kind of love?"

I ponder for a moment. "It's not possible with material love," I say. "Only spiritual love. I realize that... Srila Prabhupad has shown this love to us. How profound that he has shown this love to thousands and millions of us."

We sit in silence for a couple moments more, pondering this poem.


"Some Fill With Each Good Rain"

There are different wells within your heart
Some fill with each good rain,
Others are far too deep for that.

In one well
You have just a few precious cups of water,

That "love" is literally something of yourself,
It can grow as slow as a diamond
If it is lost.

Your love
Should never be offered to the mouth of a

Only to someone
Who has the valor and daring
To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife

Then weave them into a blanket
To protect you.

There are different wells within us.
Some fill with each good rain,

Others are far, far too deep
For that.



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Whirlpool of Words


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via Seed of Devotion by Bhakti lata on 19/04/11

My brain swirls in whirlpools of words.

I write this in those suspended midnight hours. For hours now - hours - I have labored over three speeches that I am writing for my Speech Writing class.

What do I have to show for it? 500 measly words each. For weeks I have contemplated these words, I have hammered out these words, sometimes I have been close to weeping over these words. I have wrung out my soul.

Yeah, 500 words.

And how long does each speech need to be?

1,000 words.

How long do I have to finish?

3 days.


Despair sucks. 

Still, I am learning. I am grateful. The other evening I attended a live theater performance, and one of my professors stepped in to say the lines: "Writers aren't sacred, words are."

When for the Lord, sacred indeed.


To pray is to serve; to serve is to love; to love is to live. I pray to serve my spiritual master with love for as long as I live.  

The Lord is my North Star when I am lost and I have lost everything; the Lord is my sun when I am found and I have found everything. 


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Mercy Case


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via by jan on 20/04/11

It's who you know in this world, they say. It's all about who you know.

Well, Prabhupada knows Krishna very well,  right?  Quite close, you know, quite close.

And he also knows Lord Caitanya, who is extremely merciful. He is very well connected. So when Prabhupada prays it helps. It helps a lot! When Prabhupada says: "Please accept these devotees, who chant 16 rounds and follow four regulative principles," that helps a lot!

That is the whole principle of Lord Caitanya's movement. It is based on that mercy. It is based on the pure devotees who are praying.


(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Pretoria, South Africa, April, 2011)


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Getting on Fire!


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via by jan on 21/04/11

To be a servant means to put our own ideas aside, 'Oh, I want to do this. I like this; I don't like that. I like this service; I don't like that service.  I like this temple; I don't like that temple…' No, sooner or later one has to come to the point where he says, 'Okay, I'm going to first of all be a servant of Prabhupada and do something for Prabhupada's mission.'

Prabhupada had a mission and one has to say, 'I'm going to do something for Prabupada's mission and I'm taking up something.' We have to take up something. That is what it means to become a servant, to serve the vaisnava. That's what it means to take the dust of the lotus feet of a pure devotee; to serve the pure devotee and to take up some service. And so that is also what we want.

Nowadays in ISKCON the focus has shifted too much to trying to live an inspiring spiritual life. Previously it was really about trying to do something for the mission of the spiritual master. This spirit of trying to do something for the mission has gone down a bit. But that's what we need to get on fire!  How else will we get on fire? It's not so easy to get on fire about rising for mangal arati everyday, to get on fire about faithfully chanting the rounds everyday, to get on fire about reading some Bhagavatam every day. It is not so easy. But when we are on fire about doing something for Prabhupada, doing something for those who are the servants of Prabhupada and say, 'Okay, I'm going to sacrifice for that,' that is where we get more advanced.


(HH Kadamba Kanana Swami, Pretoria, South Africa, April 2011)


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Modern education creates Godless people!

Pebbles drown even in water wat2speak of space? But Countless
Planets(wid mountains,ocean) float in space.With our tiny brain v say
gravity&other laws.But these laws r already in action&v just
discovered.There's a Ctrller behind nature&nothing comes like big
bang.ModernEducation creates Godless people. Everything belongs2God.
How is it possible2remove God from everything. If we negate God from
everything, we can never be happy.


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I am a soul&I've a body,not dat I am body&I've a soul.

Wen v say my body,my mind.It means Im different frm d
body,mind,intelligence.Wat am I then? Im pure spirit soul covered by
material elements such as
earth,water,fire,air,ether,mind,intelligence,false ego,5senses such as
touch,smell,taste,sight,sound.I am a soul&i have a body not dat I am
body&I've a soul.


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From: Jyoti Pahuja

You write to say that simply you want to surrender, but according to the
preface of T.L.C. you'll find that surrender means (1) to Act favorably to
develop Krishna Consciousness; (2) to reject everything unfavorable; (3) to
have full faith in Krishna that He will give protection to His pure devotee;
(4) to keep oneself as one of the dependent devotees of the Lord; (5) to
have no separate interest besides the interest of the Lord; (6) to always
feel meek and humble. These six things are surrender, And it is then that
there is no question of weakness. Our spiritual strength lies in steadfastly
following the regulative principles also, and once stopped, then immediately
there is falldown and all that has been accomplished becomes choked up. So
to keep ourselves fit in spiritual life, we must strictly follow the
principles, and chant at least 16 attentive rounds of beads daily and
without fail. Otherwise, everything else loses its potency. At first there
may be some inconveniences, and they may appear like poison, but we must
tolerate them and Krishna, seeing our sincerity, will surely help us. This
material world is such a miserable place that if we were not tolerant, we
couldn't stay here for a moment. So simply continue this process diligently
and my full blessings are there.

Ref. VedaBase => Srila Prabhupada letter to: Jitendriya, 22 February, 1971

The only way to counteract the effects of this age of Kali is chanting
the Holy Names of Lord Krsna. There is no other way. There is no other
way. There is no other way. (Brhan Naradiya Purana)
Chant and be happy - "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"


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via Gita Coaching by on 29/03/11

'Risk is the tariff for leaving the land of predictable misery.'

- Howard Figler


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via Gita Coaching by on 14/04/11

We cannot control what happens to us or how people will behave. But we can control how we react to what happens to us and how people behave.

We have a freedom to choose our response.

We can always choose to choose our freedom of choice, in any given situation.

Life becomes interesting if we see it as a test of our responses - will we react wisely or not to what life brings us.

We can choose to be a victim or a volunteer, and victim or victor.


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via Gita Coaching by on 14/04/11

By Sacinandana Swami

Preserve your spiritual status - avoid stress.

In the name of service, we often overburden ourselves with impossible schedules, high expectations from ourselves and others and big projects and goals. Sometimes we end up stressed out and frustrated. We have lost the Higher connection.

At that time, our happy Krishna conscious mood leaves us, our spiritual practice might become compromised, and instead of gratitude, we feel burned out, bitter or anxious.

Of course, there is something like "healthy stress," an excitement which brings out the best in us, but here we are addressing unhealthy stress that brings about distress. This stress should be avoided. It harms us.

Here is a letter by Srila Prabhupada that will guide you further:

Krishna Consciousness means we should always be satisfied and happy. Not that we try to do some impossible work, become overburdened, and then because we are unhappy by so much trouble we lose enthusiasm altogether and give up all hope. No. Too much endeavor should be avoided. By all means we must preserve our spiritual status. That is the point. Not that we are mad after big buildings, many devotees, life-members, and this and that. No. These are only ways to engage the devotees so they may apply the principles of devotional living to some kind of work for practical realization of these principles. It is not the result of the work we want. If we only sincerely preach to one person a day, that is sufficient. Never mind big, big programs. So my request to you is that you do not be bothered by these things.... Krishna does not like to see his sincere devotee suffer or become frustrated or depressed. He will not stand by idly in such a case. Krishna has some plan for you. Always think in that way, and very soon he will provide everything to your heart's desire.
(Letter to Tejiyas, 19 December 1972)

Srila Prabhupada reminds us here that preserving our spiritual status is our primary project. The many engagements we have are really meant to help us realize our devotional principles. By bringing these principles out into the open field of practical life and engagement, we are supposed to understand them in a deeper way, not lose them. Spiritual life always comes first, in the middle and at the end.

What can we do from our side?

Again and again contemplate: what is this visible world? Who am I really? Who is Krishna and what is my relationship with Him? These questions will help us to get back on track, in case we get lost.


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Duty of a Vaisnava


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via Jyoti Pahuja's Facebook Notes by Jyoti Pahuja on 11/04/11

There are many fortunate persons all over the world, and many unfortunate persons also. So those who are fortunate, they're taking to this Krsna consciousness, this ideal life, hopeful life, pleasant life, blissful life, life of knowledge. They're taking to it. But it is the duty of Vaisnava to go door to door to make them fortunate. Although they are unfortunate, but you have to go door to door to make them fortunate. That is your duty.



 [Srimad-Bhagavatam lecture in New York, 21 July 1971]



Suppose a man accidentally comes in contact with our society and gives some service willingly or unwillingly, that is the beginning of his fortunate life. We go from door to door canvassing people to join Krsna Consciousness movement means that we are trying to make them fortunate.

[Letter to Tosana Krsna, 13 November 13, 1968]


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