
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

GAURANGA Trademark!

GAURANGA Trademark!

"In the modern world, trademarks are very common. And they are protected. 
The trademark for marketing the holy name is the causeless mercy of
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Lord Gauranga. In this Age of Kali, it is not possible to achieve
the pure holy name without chanting the names of the 
Pancha-Tattva prior to chanting the Hare Krishna  maha-mantra.
Whoever wants to market the holy name must be a sincere follower
of the Lord and distribute the name under Gauranga's brand name,
or  process, of chanting. Many people chant Hare Krishna maha-mantra,
but true followers of Lord Caitanya are especially empowered by His mercy."

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HH Jayapataka Swami
From the book: Sri Godruma Kalpatavi
Courtesy: ISKCON Congregational Development Ministry


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  • Technorati - Spontaneous devotional service Part 2

Spontaneous devotional service Part 2

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 04:52 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanna Swami, Finland, 2011)

Such spontaneous devotional service can manifest in all kinds of ways:

We had a Catholic priest who was visiting our temple. Suddenly somebody walked by with a tray full of maha prashadam, and there were some balloon puris on there. This priest just suddenly became taken over, and he just grabbed one! Just like that, he took the puri – something nobody would do in a strange place, but he did it because somehow or other he got taken over to the spontaneous platform, and he took that puri.

Something similar was going on when Srila Prabhupada was flying on the plane. Srila Prabhupada had some puffed rice in a bowl. He was eating this puffed rice and the stewardess who was just walking past, and somehow or other she became completely attracted to that puffed rice, and she said:

"Oh, that looks very nice!"

And she just put her hand in there and took some out of Prabhupada's bowl! Just like that it was completely spontaneous.

Going to another level….for a moment stepping out of the stewardess and passenger reality and onto an eternal plane where the opportunity was there to get the remnants of the pure devotee. She took it and she got it – Prabhupada's remnants.

So what an amazing thing, and she became a devotee, of course later on….naturally…I mean how could she not, after getting Prabhupada's remnants. So amazing things are sometimes taking place in devotional service!

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Spontaneous devotional service Part 1

Posted: 13 Sep 2011 04:32 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanna Swami, Finland, 2011)

This is our movement – the movement of chanting and dancing, which brings us to the spontaneous platform, where we go beyond reason…… beyond where we just completely….spontaneously begin to call out the name….begin to jump. That is actually giving us a taste of spontaneous devotional service.

Spontaneous devotional service is real devotional service, where we are chanting, dancing and serving Krishna because we are doing it out of natural attraction. It is no longer calculated as:

"This is good for me. Well this is what is prescribed in the scriptures; this is my religious duty".

All these consideration are no longer there. One doesn't even think about it – one just does it! And that is the level of being attracted, which is very powerful!

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Hands Up!

There's a difference in surrendering to thieves and surrendering to
Krishna.One is out of fear and the latter is out of Love. And How do
we surrender? Hands Up! ,Says Nitai Gaurachandra...


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It can often be found in his correspondence to devotees and others. In a 'garden conversation' in Los Angeles, USA, on June 25, 1975, Prabhupada says "Some way or other, if they read my books, they will be benefited. There is no doubt about it." "So far we have found there are at least 42 different ways that Srila Prabhupada has instructed the devotees to read his books," For the benefit of everyone, here are the many ways Srila Prabhupada told us that we should read his books.

"Always," "again and again," "as much as possible," "attentively," "at least one hour daily," "at least three hours a day," "by discussing them," "carefully," "constantly," "continuously," "daily," "devotedly," "diligently," "faithfully," "from different lights of directions," "from all angles of vision," "intensely," "in small installments," "in the association of devotees," "minutely," "more and more," "nicely," "one after another," "over and over," "penetratingly," "persistently," "philosophically," "profoundly," "profusely," "regularly," "repeatedly," "scientifically," "scrutinizingly," "seriously," "sincerely," "submissively," "thoroughly," "thoughtfully," "to understand the subject matter from different angles of vision," "with adherence," "very deeply," and "with the help of your senior God-brothers and sisters."

Courtesy : Gopi Priya Devi Dasi



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  • Technorati - The eternal spiritual benefit

The eternal spiritual benefit

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 05:40 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

In the material world (if some of you may remember), you go to the material party and it's a big thing. Then the morning after, you wake up with a huge headache from all the alcohol and everything. You feel terrible …and it's like a hangover from the night before – that's a material party.

But the spiritual party (besides the fact that we are having a good time whilst we are having a party) has a spiritual dimension, that you are also making an eternal spiritual advancement at the same time! We eat and stuff ourselves:

"Yes, I'll have some more of that apple pie…yes I will!"

But the apple pie is also giving us eternal spiritual benefit…………………..this is the amazing thing about this movement. One always makes spiritual advancement…..always!

Prabhupada once mentioned that:

"Even the devotee who is always sleeping – he makes spiritual advancement because at least he is sleeping in the temple!"

So like that, everyone is getting the benefit, and it is important that we appreciate how much benefit there is, how much mercy there is and how wonderful it is! It's just amazing how much better the quality of life of a devotee is!

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The holy tulsi leaf

Posted: 12 Sep 2011 04:02 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

I was reading in 'The Padma Purana', that:

"All the holy places of the universe are in one tulsi leaf!"

And we just think about that…..when you're a sannyasi, they always give you a tulsi leaf, and when you get the carnamtra it sort of gets stuck in your throat…there were moments when I thought:

"Oh God, here comes the tulsi leaf again".

I was reading, then Krishna made me read:

"All the holy places of the entire universe are in one tulsi leaf!"

Even when it gets stuck in the throat, it's very good….very nice!

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9/11: Items from a small chapter of history

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 02:54 PM PDT

Do I obsess about 9/11? At least I try not to. In short: The official story of the "terrorist attacks" appears to me a fraud. The fraud has apparently succeeded in accomplishing its objectives. And so goes yet another small chapter in the endless history of the material world.

But though I have better things to think about than 9/11, I do sometimes think about it, especially on the anniversary of the event, or when I'm subjected to extra searches by airport security, or when something about 9/11 I didn't know before comes to my attention as particularly striking.

Today, two such special items.

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We get what we put in! Garbage in,Garbage out! We are accountable for our actions.

We are accountable for our actions. We get what we put in our
consciousness. Garbage in garbage out. So we have to carry out our
actions very cautiously and consciously. Otherwise we'll get trapped
and it becomes miserable.
It's because we thought we arent responsible for our actions,we
acted/acting whimsicaljy.
When we see the fruitive work mentioned in Karma kanda in the Vedic
literature,we infer that we are responsible for our good pious actions
and in return we reap the good results. By executing these principles
of karma kanda,one will come to the understanding that one is
responsible for one's actions. This realization is greater than the
modern idea of beg,borrow,steal or do whatever you can to become
happy. Every moment we are adding to our karma, the intentional or
unintentional ill good and bad actions. Only when we understand where
we are now and what we are doing now and where does our actions take
us, we'll be able to get to where we want to go or become what we want
to be!


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  • Technorati - To enjoy or to serve?

To enjoy or to serve?

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 04:12 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

Even with Vrindavan, there is a danger that we can become the enjoyer of Vrindavan, rather than in the mood of serving in Vrindavan. So there are many who are going to Vrindavan, not only in the mind but physically, enjoy Vrindavan:

'Oh Vrindavan….Vrindavan….Vrindavan!'

Even in Vrindavan one must always say:

"Well, what service can I do?"

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The topmost level of devotional service

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 04:48 AM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Berlin, September 2011)

The topmost level of devotional service is not to serve Krsna directly, because, in the topmost level of devotional service, one realises that what service can I render to Krsna to please Him?

"What is my capacity to please Krsna?  I am so limited!  I am small and insignificant, so even if I would render the greatest service that I could possibly do, even if I would go beyond all my limitations, and go to the maximum of what I can do and make the very best offering that I can, what is the meaning of it in comparison to the offerings that Srimati Radharani makes?  In comparison to the offerings the gopis make?  Therefore, the best I can do is act as an assistant."

(Sanskrit) So, in this way, to assist the assistants a hundred times removed from Srimati Radharani – that is the essence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teachings.

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Floating stones of Lord Sri Ramachandra

Here in the attachment you can find the floating stones at Rama Kund in Rameswaram temple. This stone which weighs about 10-12 Kilos is floating in the Rama kund in the temple tank. This is demonstrated by HH.Bhakti Vikasa Swami Maharaj. 

It's not a big wonder that a simple stone is made to float by the Supreme Lord Sri Ramachandra. Because the Lord is making the planets which are so big containing the oceans and mountains in the Universe float in the space, not even water. The foolish scientist cannot make any such wonders but the Supreme Lord is the perfect scientist and the perfect mystic.

Lord Shri Ramachandra Bhagavan Ki Jai

Hari Om Tat Sat!!!



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Forgive me my Lord!


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  • Technorati - A world of difference

A world of difference

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 05:06 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

I was travelling to India, and there was a lady sitting next to me who was a yoga teacher. She was going to India for training with Iyengar. She was a serious yoga teacher, because Iyengar is serious yoga.

So anyway, she was a serious person, wasn't just in general but a thoughtful serious person. We had a nice discussion and she was interested in Krishna Conscious and everything, but I didn't immediately tell her that I was from the Hare Krishna Movement, since I was just preaching.

Anyway she said:

"So, actually what are you?"

So then I explained:

"Well okay I'm a member of the Hare Krishna Movement".

"Oh…no! Oh no… oh Hare Krishna…oh no!"

So I asked:

"Well, what happened to you? Did you have a bad experience with the Hare Krishnas?"

She replied:

" Oh…oh…I got so badly cheated. You know I have one problem. I cannot say no!"

So you can just imagine a sankirtan devotee found a lady who just couldn't say no!

So she got a full set….the whole set….the complete everything…all the small books and everything. I don't know how much she paid but, she must have paid thousands for it. Then her husband came home later, and there was a big drama! She spent thousands on these books, and these books they had been standing there…and they are like the joke of the family. Whenever there was a family gathering, they have to make some jokes about her books:

"Oh! Look at them! They're they are!"

She cannot throw them away, because she spent so much money on them. So how can you throw them away. The books were just standing there to testify for her stupidity…now she got cheated! So this is the story she had told me on the plane, and then I said:

"Well, how do you know that you got cheated? Did you read them?"

She replied:

"No…actually no…I never read them".

So I said:

"Why don't you read them…maybe they're really nice…if you read them and find them really nice, then you can tell your whole family":

'Actually I didn't get cheated they are good books…they're really nice'.

She said:

"This is great! I'm going to read these books!"

So sometimes just a conversation with someone can make a world of difference – that is also giving!

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The happiness of others

Posted: 09 Sep 2011 04:14 PM PDT

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Finland, 2011)

Happiness is natural. It is said that,

'Anandamayo 'bhyasat', – every living being by nature is looking for happiness, and every living being is meant to be happy! So the art though is to know that the greatest happiness is to see happiness in others. If by our actions we can create happiness in others – that is greater than if by our actions we are concerned with our own happiness. And the greatest happiness is found, when we are trying to please Krishna! When we are trying to make Krishna happy, and then with all others, when we give them Krishna….then we give them happiness!

So there in giving happiness is found and not in taking. So we have to get out of this mentality:

"What's in it for me? What am I getting out of this? I've been a member of Iskcon for so many years – so what am I getting? I am disappointed…no really. I had expected more! First of all, I thought that devotees would be more elevated. But now I know the truth! I just thought that really there would be much more support… I thought that I would get much more support. If I would have known that I would have gotten only so little support than I wouldn't have started this…so little!"

So the mentality is:

"What am I getting? I'm not getting enough. I'm not getting what I need. I'm not getting".

But actually, we have to think:

"What am I giving? I should give?"

And if we start to think about this 'giving' then automatically the happiness follows…automatically!

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Hear the cry of the soul!

Hear the cry of your soul...
We are spirit souls possessing material body and not that we are body
and we have a soul.
The nature of the soul is to always be happy but because the soul now
is bound by the gross and subtle bodies, the soul is feeling great
discomfort like a fish on the sand.
No matter How much wealth you have. No matter How beautiful your wife
is. You can never be satisfied by these material elements which are
covering the Actual self,soul.
The soul can only be satisfied when serving the Supreme Lord. Without
connecting the self with Supreme Lord,it's not possible to remain
satisfied and happy. By reviving our dormant God consciousness, all
birds, beast, men,everyone will feel the bliss in their heart of the
hearts. That's the only solution to all problems of the world.
Everyone will understand that we are children of God and universal
brotherlihood will be the result.
Hear the cry of the soul and reunite with the Supreme Lord to become happy...


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Enjoyment in this world is worse than miseries

Enjoyment in this world is worse than miseries, because this little
enjoyment is going to trap one further to this maveral world.Miseries
atleast help us to remind us of our precarious position in this
material world&give realizations to understand what where How why we


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A MONKEY for 20 days!


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via Gouranga-Epistle Of Love by Maral Alimova on 8/7/11

In Holy Braj, no, it is not good,
To maintain material mood.
Those desires me now killing,
As if they stopping my breathing.

I am in the topmost place,
In the holiest land in all universe.
It is Radha and Shyama Kund,
Crest jewel of all which are around.
The foolish monkey is me,
For saintly people as like enemy.
Everyone busy with Holy Names,
Loudly chanting: Radhe! Radhe!
All came to serve, all came to chant,
To feed their Bhakti plant.
Surrounding Sri Govardhan they do penance,
Walking around with not a step but obeisance.
24 hours some do sing,
The Holy Names as a Holy song.
2-3 drops some take from Kunds,
To purify forever their bodies and souls…


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Echo in Krishna's ear


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via Gouranga-Epistle Of Love by Maral Alimova on 8/19/11

-Do you hear this sound, Arjuna?
-Which sound? No, I do not hear anything.
            It was long after battle of Kurukshetra. Arjuna and Krishna were sitting together and Krishna opened His heart to His friend. He told that still I hear the crying voice of Draupadi calling My Name: "Hey, Govinda!" This echo is still there in my ear and heart. And every time I keep Myself ready to run to help to her."
            When Draupadi was put before the assembled guests of Hastinapur in not suitable form and cruel hearted Duhshasana wanted to take her sari out she, crying, started to beg for the help. She asked for the help to the most powerful warriors like Bhishmadev, Dronacharya what to say about her own husbands?! For that time, even being an emperor, Dhiratashtra refused to help her. Then loosing her hope for anyone, Draupadi thought she will protect her herself.
            When Duhshasana shamelessly started to pull her sari she tried to catch her sari and stop him. Later she understood that her strength is nothing comparatively to Duhshasana's. She remembered Krishna, that He only can help her. That He is only dearest Friend and real Protector of helpless. Draupadi catching with one hand her sari and another holding up, cried out:
-Hey, Govinda!!! Hey, Govinda!!!
Within last moments, she was in the stage of being disgraced to whole society. What to do? Who will help her?
Realizing that she can not do anything, loosing her hope for her own endeavors she surrendered to the will of Krishna.
Crying loudly, holding both of her hands up, she called:
-Hey, Govinda!!!
Only You can help me!
-Hey, Govinda!!!
Please, beg You, hear me!
-Hey, Govinda!!!
Oh, dearest Friend, my only Shelter! Please, do not neglect me!!!
Of course, Krishna is with us always. Every moment He is waiting us to turn our glance towards Him. He never leaves us alone, because He knows that we are being insignificant may be lost in this huge creation.
We should understand that whatever difficulty we see in our life is only for our benefit. Difficulties are there to give to us a lesson and the understanding that only Krishna can help us.
If we even once call the Name of Krishna with full faith and surrender to Him, He will deliver us. He will take us to His lap. Pure sound of His Holy Names uttered by sincere Devotees with shivering voice will create echo in His ears.

Bhakti Shastra lectures given by His Holiness Bhakti Vigyana Maharaja
(1999-2002 collections).  


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At least Krishna appeared in Mysore


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via Gouranga-Epistle Of Love by Maral Alimova on 8/30/11

 Exactly 365 days ago there were nearly 10 Devotees in whole Mysore who used regularly chant the Holy Names and attend the Sunday Programs. Even among them only 5 were real residents, others were comers.
            Disciples of His Holiness Jayapataka Swami Maharaja His Grace Ananda Dham Prabhu (from Mumbai) and his good wife Vijayakamala Mataji (from Madurai) settled in a rented room in Mysore, just to organize here preaching programs. With the financial help of other Devotees they rented a half house as a ISKCON registered Temple. Devotees installed Deities of Sri Sri Goura Nitay and take care of Them.
            There are also other Devotees who a from other cities. Who do their jobs and schoolings here in Mysore. Other times they also fully engaged with book distribution, Deity worship etc.
            One day for me also was given chance to distribute books. It was my first time. I thought I will enjoy doing that, thought that everyone will buy Srila Prabhupada's books. They are so interesting, with pictures…It was Ekadashi, sunny day. As usually Indian people adore to visit Temples on weekends and take darshan of different Deities of the Lord or Demigods. We also knowing that, hoped to see crowd of people at the Balaji Temple and all our books, needed staffs there.
            We made a small shop on the table. Some Prabhus stood over the table and started to distribute books. But with Vijayakamala Mataji we were asked to stand in front of the out door and distribute books there.
            By the time lots of people started to come to the Temple. They used to stand in the long line for hours and hours, just to see the Lord. Some of them had half broken coconuts, lemons. Some of them had garlands made of Tulasi leaves.
            At the outdoor Temple pujari used to offer a plate of Prasadam to those guests. That door was tight enough, because of that filled with crowd. After standing in lines for several hours, afterwards this crowd made people tired. They did not even have strength to look to our books.
            Sun was scorching with heat, books were getting heavier and heavier, stomach started to beg for food, but we were determinate to distribute even only a book.
-Bhagavad Gita! Please, Bhagavad Gita!!! J
No response!
            3-4 hours past. My smile became dry, as if I was forcing my face muscles to smile and create friendly contact with others. Energy was gone. Back could not stand straight anymore and shoulders began to refuse to hold my head…
-please!!! At least one of you take one book!!!
Sun set, lights turned on, but for our fortune people were coming and going still.
I thought not to beg but to force people to take the mercy of the Lord Gouranga. Now for the this time took only 5-10 small books and stood right before the comers.
-You should take this book! And your life will be changed!
-You should!
-You have!
Unfortunately, most of population did not understand English. Some of them joined their five fingers and touched their mouth saying to me that they do not have money for food, how they can buy these books.
-Oh, dear Krishna! Please, do something!
            People were going, I used to stop them and give book to their hands and with enthusiasm forced them to take.
Oh my God! Some more people took!!! Yes! It works!
Then again pause for several minutes.
I thought these people are tired of so called religions, swamijis. There are so many of such like organizations. Some of them were victims of pseudo religions, pseudo gods…HOW DIFFICULT NOW TO BRING THEM TO THE REAL PATH??? I understood that here in India to preach is far enough tuft comparatively to other countries.
            To teach the taught one is far more difficult than that one who does not know anything.
            Sometimes I just wanted to catch from the collar of some of them and say:
-Hey, rascal! You spend money for tobaccos why not to take this mercy and change your life?
-Hey, rascal! You have money for buying a pure Mysore silk sari so why not to take this and to become free from all sufferings? …
            Despite to these difficulties, these Devotees not loosing their hope, patiently preached everyday. Some distributed books till late nights. His Grace Ananda Dham Prabhu used to give classes on Bhagavatam and his wife used to cook for Deities, Devotees and guests.
            Within a year, more than 20 new Devotees joined Krishna Consciousness. They started to chant the Holy Names in beads. They became pure vegetarians, started to observe Ekadashi and to regularly attend the classes. Among them most of them were from Enforces Organization.
            For Janmashtami Devotees rented a big hall and kitchen in one old Temple. Some of us were busy with cooking, making garlands and some of us decorating the Temple in order to welcome guests of Krishna. Matajis were busy with cooking for more than 1000 people: cutting fruits, vegetables, braking jaggery, washing huge amount of rice.

            All the Devotees including new comers fasted till midnight in order to use their all 24 hours in the service of Krishna and His guests.
            The festival began! Guests started to come and listen the Kirtans, take darshan of Deities, even to do Abhishek.
1000 plates which we had had all used and gone!
What to do? Prasad was finished!
But guests' comings and goings continued till midnight.
Immediately prabhujis brought again 1000 plates, along with items for re cooking. Matajis, firmly tied their belt and marched to cook again.
At the end we had wonderful Kirtan, where everybody loudly chanted and danced.

Each visitor were given chance to swing Gopal.
            This event finished with taking Ekadashi Prasadam. After that guests had gone. But Devotees stayed for other 2-3 hours for cleaning the rented Temple and giving back the key to the owner.
            Now Mysore Devotees pray and hope that one day they will have opportunity to build a house for Sri Sri Radha Krishna and invite Them to stay there for accepting their love and devotion!
All glories to the Holy Names!!!


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Meditating on the Lotus Feet of the Lord


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 9/7/11

Sri Sri Radha Shyamsunder (Sri Vrindavan Dhaam)

The mind of the conditioned soul, on account of its association with the material energy from time immemorial, contains heaps of dirt in the form of desires to lord it over material nature. This dirt is like a mountain, but a mountain can be shattered when hit by a thunderbolt. Meditating on the lotus feet of the Lord acts like a thunderbolt on the mountain of dirt in the mind of the yogi. If a yogi wants to shatter the mountain of dirt in his mind, he should concentrate on the lotus feet of the Lord and not imagine something void or impersonal. Because the dirt has accumulated like a solid mountain, one must meditate on the lotus feet of the Lord for quite a long time. For one who is accustomed to thinking of the lotus feet of the Lord constantly, however, it is a different matter. The devotees are so fixed on the lotus feet of the Lord that they do not think of anything else. Those who practice the yoga system must meditate on the lotus feet of the Lord for a long time after following the regulative principles and thereby controlling the senses.

- Srila Prabhupada (SB 3.28.22 Purport)


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