
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Krishna Prasadam - Vegetable Long grain rice, Potato Sabji


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You don't need a horoscope or a microscope to see the mess that you're in

George Harrison - 'Awaiting On You All' - Original Audio

                                           "Awaiting On You All"

You don't need no love in
You don't need no bed pan
You don't need a horoscope or a microscope
To see the mess that you're in
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We've been polluted so long
Now here's a way for you to get clean

By chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see

You don't need no passport
And you don't need no visas
You don't need to designate or to emigrate
Before you can see Jesus
If you open up your heart
You'll see he's right there
Always was and will be
He'll relieve you of your cares

By chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see

You don't need no church house
And you don't need no Temple
You don't need no rosary beads or them books to read
To see that you have fallen
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We've been kept down so long
Someone's thinking that we're all green

And while the Pope owns 51% of General Motors
And the stock exchange is the only thing he's qualified to quote us
The lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
By chanting the names of the lord and you'll be free



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It's fire all over, not the time to gossip but to evacuate

When there is fire catching up around, we can't talk unnecessarily but take immediate measures to escape the danger zone. Similarly we are afflicted with the fire of lust in this material world which is burning in our hearts for millions of lifetimes. We don't have much time to examine the cause of the fire but to take shelter of the rain which is the mercy of The Lord in the form of His Holy names, forms, pastimes.

No matter how many buckets of water you pour or bring tankers of water, you can't extinguish the forest fire. Only rain can put off a forest fire. We should invoke the mercy of The Lord by our service to Him and His devotees.

To keep complaining about the situations and people won't help but immediate action.

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Krishna Prasadam - Rice, Curd/Yoghurt and Channa Sabji


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Krishna Prasadam - Puri and Panneer Mutter Sabji


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Krishna Prasadam - Coconut Rice, Brocolli, Steamed tapioca roots


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Never consider yourself the cause of the result of your actions and never be attached to not doing your duty

Arjuna: Do I incur sin by killing my own kinsmen? Is there anyone in the past who attained perfectin by this process?

Krishna: King such as Janaka attained perfection solely by performing prescribed duties. Prescribed duties should not be given up for the sake of bodily discomfort.

Never consider yourself the cause of the result of your actions and never be attached to not doing your duty. One who acts as he is obligated without false ego shall not incur any reactions for his actions.


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Who is my beloved except for You?

"O Lord Hari I have spent my life uselessly. Having obtained a human birth and having net worshiped Radha and Krsna, I have knowingly drunk poison. The treasure of divine love in Goloka Vrndavana has descended as the congregational chanting of Lord Hari's holy names. Why did my attraction for that chanting never come about? Day and night my heart burns from the fire of the poison of worldliness, and I have not taken the means to relieve it. Lord Krsna, who is the son of the King of Vraja, became the son of Saci (Lord Caitanya), and Balarama became Nitai.

 The holy name delivered all those souls who were lowly and wretched. The two sinners Jagai and Madhai are evidence of this. O Lord Krsna, son of Nanda, accompanied by the daughter of Vrsabhanu, please be merciful to me now. Narottama Dasa says, "O Lord, please do not push me away from Your reddish lotus feet, for who is my beloved except for You?" (A poem by Narottama Dasa Thakura)



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We are interdependent beings

If we think we are independent beings, sorry we are mistaken. We are interdependent beings. To continue living, We need the bare minimum support from material nature which is being operated by the higher beings who control the air, water, fire. The individual soul has nothing to do with these material elements with which he is identifying the self. Just like a man bound by chains has to drag them around wherever he moves, the living beings(souls) have to drag their mind and body wherever they move around in the material manifestation. This is the punishment for souls like us who are defying the authority of the Lord.




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Krishna Prasadam- Vegetable Pulav, Panneer Sabji


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Krishna Prasadam - my only shelter - Rice, Black eyed peas&yam gravy, Pappad


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[granthraj] Instructions of Rshabhadeva - Part 13


Hare Krishna Prabhujis and Matajis,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva.

This is in continuation of the transcription of the nectarean class given by our beloved spiritual master, H H Mahavishnu Goswami Maharaj on Srimad Bhagavatam verse 5.5.13 on August 2nd, 1998 in Singapore. In the previous offerings we heard from Maharaj about the importance of austerity and how austere Rshabhadeva and His parents were. Maharaj also explained the meaning of verse 5.5.10 and 11 of Srimad Bhagavatam. Let us continue to hear more nectar about the next verse from Maharaj.

adhyaatama-yogena vivikta sevayaa
praanendriyaatmaabhijayena sadhryak
sac chraddhayaa brahmacaryena shashvad
asampramaadena yamena vaacaam

"Practice reading the revealed scriptures. Live in a secluded place and practice the process by which you can completely control your life air, mind and senses. Have full faith in the revealed scriptures, the Vedic literatures, and always observe celibacy. Perform your prescribed duties and avoid unnecessary talks."

In this verse the word vivikta sevayaa is very important. vivikta sevayaa means living in a solitary place. Those who perform austerity, they love solitary places because there is less disturbances. They love to go away from the modern metropolis. Modern metropolis is all sense gratification. And our way is completely opposite to this. And that is why always Prabhupada insisted that we are swimming against the current. River is flowing in one direction and we want to go against the current. And if we want to go against the current, then continuous endeavour is required. As soon as you stop, you glide down. This is Rshabadev. Why vivikta sevayaa? Why? To study the revealed scriptures - adhyaatma yogena. This is the main thing and there is no end to study. Nobody can claim that, 'I have studied everything'. We may study very hard and at the end of the day we will feel that, 'Ah, I didn't know anything really'. 

It is like examination. You study very hard for the examination. You work very hard. But when you go to the examination hall, whatever you studied completely vanishes from the mind and you think, "What am I going to write?" Somehow or the other Krishna comes to your help and He dictates you, when you write the answer paper. Otherwise, we don't have any capacity. Therein also we have to be very austere. So many austerity is required to learn everything. And when you go to the examination hall, you forget everything. And somehow or the other by Krishna's mercy as if everything is cribbing up, from unconscious thing, we write everything and to our surprise we may get through. This is how, please try to understand these things. And this is adhyaatmic study. It is much more powerful than the ordinary studies. Then Rshabhadeva insists on praanendriyaatmaabhijayena sadhryak - controlling life-air, mind and senses. sac chraddhayaa brahmacaryena shashvad - approaching the scriptures with faith and observing celibacy. Then in the last line He says asampramaadena yamena vaacaam - control your vaaca - This is the main thing.

Krishna willing we will continue to hear more nectar from Maharaj in the subsequent offerings.

Thank you very much.
Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva,
Sudarshana devi dasi.



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Sridham Mayapur Darshan of Sri Radha Madhava



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Sri Radha Madhava - Mayapur


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Krishna Prasadam - Kitcheri , Potato fry


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Krishna Prasadam-Tomato sandwich, Corn, Milk


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Krishna Prasadam - Rice, Channa, Pappad


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