This concept is actually the way a mobile phone works across the designated cells(towers). Thats why a mobile is also called a cell-phone.
Alright,I'll not break you with technology but someone who knows this concept would really relish it.
Here I am linking this concept with the relationships especially the marital relationships. Astrology is a branch of Vedic Science handed down by God Himself to know what we were in the past and what are our inclinations in the future or what our tendencies are. This really comes to use when we want to get together with a spouse in marriage or to find a suitable person matching the modes of nature we acquired.
It has been Vedic tradition to find a horoscope match of birth charts to see if the partner from a good family is suitable for marriage. Until the charts match&both the families agree upon,the girl and the boy would never even be allowed to see or talk. The birth chart gives an idea of the natural tendencies of the couple. we are aware only of our own mind&body but not of others,therefore astrology is a tool or gift of God to know ourselves and others for better relationships.
It worked all the time so well and there were lasting relationships through out the world when Vedic civilization was prominent. If the horoscope didnt match it's a break before make&no one was hurt in the process. While if it matches, it's a make before break(the connection between the partners is ensured to be strong enough well before marriage to avoid a break)
But today it has become a fashion to date with countless number of people to find a suitable spouse by mere talk& or a dinner. The attraction between man and woman is so Strong that they become highly emotional or kind of flirting or mostly suffering with infatuation. When this is the case, they cannot even think about the priorities or their values of life. Meeting merely sensual demands will not create lasting relationships but more frustration resulting from the expectation of heavenly pleasures. The result of action in the mode of passion is always miserable for the ones involved in it just like a nectar turning to poison. In the western countries,before a woman would approach getting married she would've already lost her virginity and aborted atleast 10 to 20 times. It's considered normal there. Animals dont know what's good and what's bad. If we act like animals we'll become animals for sure by the arrangement of material nature which is controlled at the will of the Supreme Lord.
This idea of Love marriage is like a monkey marriage where a man and woman simply meets,talks and then gets married. In kali yuga,the present age in which we live,we'll find that people are valued based on their ability to enjoy the senses. The more one can do sense enjoyment the more one is considered advanced. If you talk sense,you'll be considered uncultured or uncivilized. Advanced Human Civilization means more sense enjoyment according to the modern world.
Going forward in this yuga,this marriage will only be based on skin.
The very word "Divorce" is part of this mileccha basha(english language). There's no such thing in Vedic civilization. There's no equivalent word for divorce in any of the indian languages.
For instance-in tamil language this word was coined as VivahaRatthu from two separate words. "Vivaha"-meaning marriage and "Ratthu"-meaning cancel.
This is getting very prominent even now in india due to the influence of the western unculturedness or uncivilizedness.
A God-centered life would never break relationships. It's because they have no higher values of life or they seldom see marriage as a means for building community projects for the welfare of the world. 99% of the people dont know really what's marriage all about or they think that it's for a different reason than it actually is.
Remember that the rule is simple in a Vedic Marriage-"Make before break or break before make,but dont break yourself in the process"
Courtesy# Sri Radha Govinda Dasi for her valued contribution in her book "How to mess up your life with astrology"-(online book link can be found at the right side of my blog)
Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone
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