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via KKS Blog by (aatish) on 12/20/10

"that is the situation, degradation is setting in very fast - very fast, rapidly, culture is being lost…
So it is coming to that very quickly - everything is getting lost:
Bollwood is growing and so on!
ISKCON is also growing but if ISKCON is not an active preaching movement then Mayavada will win the race."
I was reading some statistics about India the other day and in these statistics it said that now thirty one percent of people are vegetarian, but six percent of them eat eggs - so that brings it down even more – and then there are also the ones that eat onion and garlic out of those that are vegetarian - so pure vegetarians are even less.
So that was quite a low figure actually if you think about it for a country like India, and it is all going very fast.
When I came to India, forty years ago, that time there were separate canteens on the railway platform: vegetarian and non-veg, separate kitchens but now…well!
We see on the plane very few are taking the vegetarian diet. Yesterday on the flight to Delhi, the vegetarian meals were left over - we didn't take those either:
They were walking around:
" we have plenty left of the vegetarian"
So that is the situation, degradation is setting in very fast - very fast, rapidly, culture is being lost…
So it is coming to that very quickly - everything is getting lost:
Bollwood is growing and so on!
ISKCON is also growing but if ISKCON is not an active preaching movement then Mayavada will win the race. They are also catching on…they are on television yes,
videos yes,
they are on the internet,
they are everywhere
and where are we?
We eat a lot of prasadam and then rest! Then we wake up and start the cycle again, we eat and a little more rest…
We are falling behind, Impersonalism is presiding everywhere.
Every devotee: It doesn't matter whether you are wearing kurta, dhoti or if you are a plain clothed devotee - the same thing, the same duty, whether shaved or lots of hair – that doesn't matter, the essence is what are we doing about it:
'SAMSARA DAVA… ' This world is afflicted by the blazing forest fire, suffering of karma, jnana, sense gratification and impersonalism.
What are we doing about it - to tell people to stop their sinful activity?
To expose the mayavada's foolishness, what are we doing about it?
That is the question – that is the big question we should ask our self:
"What am I doing?"
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Delhi 2010)
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