Aham Brahmasmi means I am spirit soul (of the same spiritual nature as
God,in quality,not in quantity) doesnt mean I am God.No it is false
propaganda.God means Supreme Controller,not ctrld by anything.Wat is
our position,v cant ctrl our own body's pain,oldage,death.wat kind of
God r v? dis is common sense.
2day,Dogs claim themselves as God.Foolish dogs accept them as God.
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
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Therefore we have started this society, society. Society means that you'll get here the cause of being elevated. Just like there are so many societies, equal class of men. "Birds of the same feather flock together." So here is a society. Who will flock here? Who will come here? Because this society is meant for liberation... People are suffering so much on account of material condition of life. Nobody is happy. That is a fact. But because they are in ignorance, they are accepting unhappiness as happiness. This is called maya. This is called maya.
Unless there is darkness, you cannot appreciate the quality of brightness; therefore Krsna has created darkness, maya also, so that you can appreciate what is brightness. Two things are required. Without darkness, the brightness cannot be appreciated. The two things are there, side by side. Just like there is sunlight, and here is shadow, side by side. You can remain within the shadow; you can remain within the sunshine. That is your choice. If we remain in the darkness, then our life is miserable, and if we remain in the light, brightness... Therefore Vedic literature instructs us, tamasi ma: "Don't remain in the dark." Jyotir gama: "Go to the light." So this attempt, Krsna consciousness movement, is an attempt to bring people from darkness to the light. So don't misuse this opportunity. Some way or other, you have come in contact with this movement. Properly utilize it. Don't go to the darkness.
- Srila Prabhupada
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Without darkness one cannot appreciate brightness
I guess this statement "but that tone has to dig" is like this "but that one has to dig"
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So, it is Krsna's magic basket! It is the magic basket of that Pulinda woman that is filled with jewels by Krsna. So this evening we are speaking about the jewels of Krsna.
In Caitanya Caritamrita it is stated that one should dig in the minds of the scriptures to collect the jewels from there. So it is interesting that jewels are available, but that tone has to dig, and cannot expect the jewels to plop out of the sky.
"Oh what's that?"
I think that most of us have grown beyond the level of dreaming like that. We know that if you want something, than you have to work for it, you have to make a sacrifice. Digging in the minds of the scriptures, means a sacrifice. Isn't it? That's a fact. So sacrifice is there. In spiritual life we have to make an endeavour.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th December 2010)
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Digging in the Minds of the Scriptures!
I guess this statement "but that tone has to dig" is like this "but that one has to dig"
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So, it is Krsna's magic basket! It is the magic basket of that Pulinda woman that is filled with jewels by Krsna. So this evening we are speaking about the jewels of Krsna.
In Caitanya Caritamrita it is stated that one should dig in the minds of the scriptures to collect the jewels from there. So it is interesting that jewels are available, but that tone has to dig, and cannot expect the jewels to plop out of the sky.
"Oh what's that?"
I think that most of us have grown beyond the level of dreaming like that. We know that if you want something, than you have to work for it, you have to make a sacrifice. Digging in the minds of the scriptures, means a sacrifice. Isn't it? That's a fact. So sacrifice is there. In spiritual life we have to make an endeavour.
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th December 2010)
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Digging in the Minds of the Scriptures!
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Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 16:32:08 -0500
Subject: Thought-a-Week
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By the mercy of the Lord even a layman can compose prayers of the highest
spiritual perfection. Such spiritual perfection is not limited by material
qualifications but is developed by dint of one's sincere endeavor to render
transcendental service. Voluntary endeavor is the only qualification for
spiritual perfection.
--His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.9.38, Purport
Check out books like The Perfection of Yoga or The Path of Perfection to read
about bhakti-yoga; the process by which we can easily purify the mind through
transcendental service, no matter what our seeming material qualifications may
be. http://store.krishna.com/Search.bok?
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2day v deny things beyond our experience(is ltd)&v declare it doesnt
exist.Scientist being unable2c life in other planets declare no life
exists there.But frm authorized VedicScriptures,v find dat soul exists
everywhere.V cant live in Water,it doesnt mean no life exists in
Water.VedicScience is Perfect!
So-called worldly science is not perfect!
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I recall that I came to visit Maharaja and at the door of his apartment there was a schedule, which said;
"Morning: Mangal Aarti, then Japa, then Bhagavatam….then a little break…then bhajans. At 12.00 more Srimad Bhagavatam followed by Kirtan"
The whole day there was schedule of hearing and chanting. I came in and said;
"Maharaja you have a pretty nice schedule posted on the door"
He said;
"Yah, otherwise people will just talk about my liver all day, and they'll ask how my liver is and I will have to tell them how it is – that my liver is not so good. What can be said ".
So in this way Maharaja was using his time in hearing and chanting – and by that hearing and chanting he became more and more absorbed in being fearless! So much so that at the time when finally his health was really breaking down, he was in Mayapur and there was fluid in his belly - Maharaja only had a little bit of a belly, but there was fluid and it was getting blown up to huge proportions. Maharaja was lying on the bed and someone came and touched the belly. Maharaja was lying there with his eyes closed, and then he opened his eyes and said;
"It's a boy!" (laughter)
Who can joke on his deathbed? About his own condition? One who is transcendental. One who is not identifying with his material body. Then one morning he told his servant;
"Okay, I'm going to give up my body today".
He never made a thing about it and he said it earlier in the morning, and around 10 o'clock he left this world totally peaceful, totally nisthitā, totally unaffected, because he knew that Krsna is the well wisher of his devotees. He had no doubt about it. He was firmly fixed in that faith;
" Krsna is my well wisher, Krsna is my shelter, there is no other shelter"
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 12th December 2010)
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Firmly Fixed in that Faith
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One can look in all directions and find something wonderful about Krsna. For example let us go to Srimad Bhagavatum and in the beginning of the Bhagavatum we get some little portion of the Mahabharat. We get the situation where Aśvatthāmā has decided to kill the very last – the last of the Pandava. So that they will become extinct by killing Maharaja Pariksit in the womb as is planned. For the purpose thus he has unleashed the ultimate weapon a brahmastra. So this weapon is coming with great speed towards the womb, but Uttarā who is running towards Krsna for protection! And Krsna is personally protecting the embryo in the womb - Maharaja Pariksit.
Later we see how Maharaja Pariksit then for an entire lifetime is simply searching for that personality, that he saw when he was within the womb.
He had the darshan within the womb of the Supreme Lord – even before his birth. After that Maharaja Pariksit was no longer interested in any other person. Therefore, his name became Pariksit – the one who is doing a pariksha – a test from whoever he met;
" Is this the one I met Pariksit?"

"Is this the one?"
"Is that the one?"
"That one?"
Like that Maharaja Pariksit was not interested in mundane life. He simply had no interest, although he was the emperor of the world, he had no interest in mundane life. So how merciful was Krsna? That he appeared in the womb to give darshan to Maharaja Pariksit.
"Why did he do that?"
We can think of different reasons. One is that Maharaja Pariksit must have been a very special soul who already in the last life must have been a devotee. Otherwise why would the Lord appear in this life - one can argue.
But, one might also consider other reasons. Another reason would be that his father's and grandfathers – they were extraordinary personalities. His grandfathers – he had five, they had pleased the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So, when one's grandfather has pleased the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then all auspiciousness will come upon us. That is Krsna's kindness, because Krsna recognises relationships. Krsna knows very well that the grandson is dear to the grandfather, so therefore when the grandfather is his devotee than naturally he will shower that grandchild with his blessing!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 11th December 2010)
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The Amazing Nature of Krsna
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There are two kinds of production: material production and spiritual production.
Arthadam. Artha means factual profit. So there are two kinds of profit.
Those who are materialists, they calculate profit by dollars, and those who are spiritualists, they calculate profit: "How much I have advanced today in spiritual or Krsna consciousness?" Both of them are profits.
So either make this profit or that profit, but don't waste your time. That is the proposal. But the best profit is, for human form of life, to advance in Krsna consciousness.
- Srila Prabhupada
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But suddenly, a cyclist who was also not slowing down, and had gotten in the middle of the road and right in front of our car and, 'Bang!' we hit him and then our car flew off the road – and it rolled! In the next moment I was flying! I didn't know that I could fly, but I could! (laughter). I was flying and then I had a landing on the grass - which I guess was good – on the part that we usually sit on (laughter). I was not sitting for a long time! You can understand that, that was definitely a situation and what do we do at such moments?
I was lying at the side of the road, and the people who were Bengalis were angry. Someone in their village had been injured, but still alive, and they thought that I was responsible. So there was a whole angry crowd that were around me. I learned Bengali on the spot on that day! (laughter). I didn't speak Bengali but I learnt it right there and then and managed to say to them;
"Did you get the driver?"
They said; "Driver?...driver?"
"Did you get him? He must be getting away"
So all the men said, "Yes lets go, and get the driver!"
So that was good. So we get in very difficult situations, and of course we have to do something practical at the time of death! But we also have to remember Krsna! Ultimately we take shelter of Krsna! I was there and I realised;
"Krsna I'm in big trouble…Krsna I mean I cannot runaway now…Krsna I depend on you and whatever you want, but it's up to you".
Then I became peaceful, and could accept; "Alright whatever Krsna desires"
That is transcendence. Transcendence is not that we pray on our knees;
"Oh Lord, oh Lord! Please save me! Please save me Lord !" – No that is not transcendence.

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 12th December 2010)
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The Transcendental State Of Consciousness
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Bhagavatam says:
"ātma-sainyesv asatsv api" - Fallible soldiers – what kind of protection can they give us?
"My money will protect me".
Then you get an economical crisis and suddenly your bank has gone bankrupt and your money is gone! Or it has no more value. What security is there in this world? No security – we never know. Simply our only security is Krsna! And if we keep that in mind – only then – only one who is fully remembering that;
"That my only security is Krsna".
Such a person is peaceful. Only such a person is peaceful. As simple as that, then we can be free from anxiety – then we realise that actually I have no real relationship with this temporary world or anything from this temporary world – my only real relationship is with Krsna.
The only thing that matters in this life is what I've done for my eternal position, and everything I am doing for the temporary is not important. Everything for the temporary is…you have to eat something, you have to sit somewhere, you have to sleep, we have to do these things – but they are not important. Not important whether we sleep in a golden bed or whether we sleep somewhere else – sleeping is sleeping.
So the main thing is to do something for our eternal spiritual benefits – to render some devotional service for Krsna, then we will surely attain perfection in life!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 12th December 2010)
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Our Only Security Is Krsna
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So we need some nectar. It's very important that we have some nectar. It is not all about determination:
'I shall do it!!! I shall never do it again!!! I'm giving up sex life!!! At least all illicit sex, and in between I just bite a piece of wood!!!'
That is not going to work.
Srila Prabhupad spoke about a yogi who was walking naked and who had put a lock on his genitals and the Prabhupad asked the intelligent question:
'They may put the lock, but the question is:
'who has the key?!?''
Yes, very intelligent. A lock will not do, - what will the piece of wood will do?
We need nectar in Krsna Consciousness.
Transcribed By Yamuna Devi Dasi
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Fruska Goranga camp 2010)
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A Lock Will Not Do
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It's not easy at all to push on this Krishna consciousness movement in this world - not easy, it's heavy!
"Takes gallons of blood"
Blood, sweat, heh-heh... Tears!
But, it also becomes ecstatic.
Transcribed by Bhakta Frederick
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, 2008 Stockholm)
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Blood, Sweat, Tears and Ecstasy!
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"that is the situation, degradation is setting in very fast - very fast, rapidly, culture is being lost…
So it is coming to that very quickly - everything is getting lost:
Bollwood is growing and so on!
ISKCON is also growing but if ISKCON is not an active preaching movement then Mayavada will win the race."
I was reading some statistics about India the other day and in these statistics it said that now thirty one percent of people are vegetarian, but six percent of them eat eggs - so that brings it down even more – and then there are also the ones that eat onion and garlic out of those that are vegetarian - so pure vegetarians are even less.
So that was quite a low figure actually if you think about it for a country like India, and it is all going very fast.
When I came to India, forty years ago, that time there were separate canteens on the railway platform: vegetarian and non-veg, separate kitchens but now…well!
We see on the plane very few are taking the vegetarian diet. Yesterday on the flight to Delhi, the vegetarian meals were left over - we didn't take those either:
They were walking around:
" we have plenty left of the vegetarian"
So that is the situation, degradation is setting in very fast - very fast, rapidly, culture is being lost…
So it is coming to that very quickly - everything is getting lost:
Bollwood is growing and so on!
ISKCON is also growing but if ISKCON is not an active preaching movement then Mayavada will win the race. They are also catching on…they are on television yes,
videos yes,
they are on the internet,
they are everywhere
and where are we?
We eat a lot of prasadam and then rest! Then we wake up and start the cycle again, we eat and a little more rest…
We are falling behind, Impersonalism is presiding everywhere.
Every devotee: It doesn't matter whether you are wearing kurta, dhoti or if you are a plain clothed devotee - the same thing, the same duty, whether shaved or lots of hair – that doesn't matter, the essence is what are we doing about it:
'SAMSARA DAVA… ' This world is afflicted by the blazing forest fire, suffering of karma, jnana, sense gratification and impersonalism.
What are we doing about it - to tell people to stop their sinful activity?
To expose the mayavada's foolishness, what are we doing about it?
That is the question – that is the big question we should ask our self:
"What am I doing?"
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Delhi 2010)
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What are we doing about it?
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It's the weak devotee that takes shelter. So we must learn to take shelter. We have no strength! We are full of fear – we are weak, but we must take shelter of the process that gives strength. The more fear we have, we take shelter of chanting Hare Krishna. We take shelter of the scriptures. We take shelter - that's what will give us strength, and in that way we will rise above that weakness – than we will not stay in the impediment!
(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Chowpatty, 12th December 2010)
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We Must Take Shelter!
When I was thinking to myself that I undergo so much hardships to
commute to office&do the sadhana. It appeared to me that I suffer so
much since I am conscious of only my individual self. But Krsna who is
conscious of Everything, taught me a lesson that there are people
whose lives are much more horrible than mine.
1 day, I started to office by a cab(arranged for 1 day). As I was
talking to the cab driver, I learnt that he sleeps very little in a
day some 3 or 4hrs that too broken and in the cab parked alongside
As the talks went on,the driver explained abt his Story which was
touching my heart and inspiring.
He was a school boy 15yrs ago who used to be top scorer. But becoz his
father died&had very little funds for education, he ended up landing
in Chennai city with only 10Rs with an idea to earn&support the
family&give his Sister in marriage.
He was telling,how difficult life has been since the time he started
working. He walks so
Long without money for bus fare on the roads of the city. Finds a
driver job, drives for tourists&finally gives his Sister in
marriage&then gradually recovers from debts. Of late he bought a
cab&is getting better.
My Chanting time over by now after these talks in the cab.
The Most important trait I observed in him was vairagya(determination)
which is essential for a vaishnava. I then thought what best i can do
to him. Advised him2take a Bhagavad Gita. Found in my own eyes how
4kinds of people come to Krishna.He is distressed but sukrutino-pious
person whereas a Duskritino will never turn to God even if he is in
And finally,he agreed2get one BG tho he doesnt find time to read&I was
so happy abt it.
Lesson by Antaryami-The all knower/supremely conscious
No matter how Hard v try2keep d body in good condition,it
fails1day4sure.If this body is provided by God only4enjoyment,why is
it so miserable&troublesome? D very presence of pain gives an idea
that something is incompatible.Yes v r bound by d limits of body as
long as v want2exploit d material nature :(
Pain shows incompatibility of our self with this body
Thinking d body as self is d main defect of d modern world,becoz body
is only a covering of d RealSelf,Soul-d minute particle,d real
conscious entity who is ServantOfGod.If v polish d bird cage&dont feed
d bird within d cage,d bird will die.This is wat v r doing in our
present soul-killing civilization!
Modern Civilization is Soul Killing Civilization!
Microsoft Office Compatibility pack-Worth having if you have MS office 2003 and looking to open office 2007 files
Posted by dinesh
Dec 24
Microsoft Office Compatibility pack-Worth having if you have MS office 2003 and looking to open office 2007 files
Sri Prahlad's Kirtan-Very Inspiring!
Glory to the Sri-Krsna-sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death. This sankirtana movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are always anxious-Sri Sri Sikshastakam
Even though the lust burns like fire in the hearts of the conditioned souls in the material world, the rays of the benediction moon from the Sri Krishna Sankirtana movement is so cool that it extinguishes the fire of conditional life of repeeated birth and death.
The burning fire cooled by the benediction moon!
From: Dr Satish Gosain (Sri Krishna Hari Das)
From: Saci Gaurasundara Das
A nun in Warsaw, Poland, filed a case against ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness). The case came up in court.
The nun remarked that ISKCON was spreading its activities and gaining followers in Poland. She wanted ISKCON banned because its followers were glorifying a character called Krishna "who had loose morals," having married 16,000 women called Gopikas.
The ISKCON defendant to the Judge: "Please ask the nun to repeat the oath she took when she was ordained as a nun."
The Judge asked the nun to recite the oath loudly. She would not.
The ISKCON man asked whether he could read out the oath for the nun.
Go ahead, said the judge.
The oath said in effect that 'she (the nun) is married to Jesus Christ'. The ISKCON man said, "Your Lordship! Lord Krishna is alleged to have 'married' 16,000 women. There are more than a million nuns who assert that they are married to Jesus Christ. Between the two, Krishna and the nuns, who has a loose character?"
The case was dismissed.
The case against Lord Krishna.
Brahmacarya.info |
Posted: 20 Dec 2010 07:24 AM PST This was written by HH Jayadvaita Swami. (www.jswami.info/computer) Yes, I've got one. Use it all the time. And I've been close to them for more than twenty years, since the days when we first computerized our typesetting. They save lots of work, and make the impossible possible. But they're dangerous, devilish machines, and we use them at our peril. I'm not talking about low-level radiation, or the computer's role in weapons of mass destruction. What I have in mind is its role in mass distraction. Here I am with a short human lifetime, and somehow, by good fortune, I've discovered it's meant for spiritual realization. But for spiritual perfection one needs to focus tightly. One has to mold one's life in such a way that one constantly remembers the Supreme, or Krishna. In the present age, therefore, the Vedic sages have recommended we focus our minds on the Absolute, on Krishna, through the chanting of transcendental sound, as found in the Hare Krishna mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. As soon as we say "Krishna," we're at once in touch with Krishna, so meditation becomes very easy. We can chant Hare Krishna, talk about Krishna, hear about Krishna, remember Krishna, serve Krishna. And in this way we can absorb ourselves in Krishna consciousness and attain the perfection of life. But Maya says no—Maya, "the illusory energy," the force whose job it is to distract us from what's real and enchant us with what's false, to draw us away from spirit and keep our eyes on matter. "Here," she says, "have a computer." And a wonderful thing it is. You can calculate, simulate, innovate, communicate. The French were perhaps the first to discover you can even use it to fornicate. (When France got its homes all wired up with the Minitel, a little box that tells you train schedules, checks your bank account, and whatnot, the clever French soon found more colorful uses—they came up with "la messagerie rose," a sort of online brothel.) But even apart from la messagerie rose, the computer is an invitation to illusion. The Vedic sages say the main illusions we get hooked on are two: "I am the enjoyer" and "I am the controller." And for being the controller, the computer is great. You give it instructions, commands. You figure out how to make it do things. You point and click. And soon, as with the television, as with the car, you think you've got a computer, but in fact the computer has you. Soon our minds are there, deep in silicon, preoccupied with chip speed, disk drives, memory, modems, operating systems, applications, upgrades, viruses, bugs. We meet with our friends and talk hardware, software. And what happened to spiritual realization? What happened to Krishna? Forgotten. For hours at a time, days at a time, entire lifetimes … Computers are great—like everything material, we can use them for Krishna. Then they have spiritual value. But as with everything material, we should use them with constant mindfulness of Krishna, or we'll end up used by Maya. We need to stay focused undistractedly on Krishna, the ultimate goal of life. At the end of life, our computer won't save us. Krishna will. Hare Krishna |
The Evil Computer
D very foundation of all our activities is based upon d consideration
that v r this body.Just like there's a huge work in a structure built
with playing cards&when d bottomMost card is shaken,Everything
falls2dGround.Similarly,LordKrsna says
that u r not this body but spirit soul,d 1st instruction of BG.
Pyramid in Playing cards!
1who doesnt follow d sacrifices(karma/jnana/Bhakti yogas)established
by d vedas,certainly leads a life full of sin.Living4only d
satisfaction of senses,such a person misuses human life which is
meant4self realisation-BG#3.16
He lives for no greater cause!
Unless we control of our appetites, we will not be in control of our passions and emotions. We will, instead, becomes victims of our passions, seeking or aspiring our own wealth, dominion, prestige and power.
I once tried to counsel a junior executive to be more committed to higher principles. It appeared futile. Then I began to realize that I was asking him to conquer the third temptation before he had conquered the first. It was like expecting a child to walk before crawl. So I changed the approach and encouraged him to first discipline his body. We then got great results.
If we conquer some basic appetites first, we will have the power to make good on higher level resolutions later. For example, many people would experience a major transformation if they would maintain normal weight through a healthy diet and exercise program. They would not only look better, but they would also feel better, treat others better, and increase their capacity to do the important but not necessarily urgent things they long to do.
Until you can say "I am my master," you cannot say "I am your servant." In other words, we might profess a service ethic, but under pressure or stress we might be controlled by a particular passion or appetite. We lose our temper. We become jealous, envious, lustful or slothful. Then we feel guilty. We make promises and break them; make resolutions and break them. We gradually lose faith in our own capacity to keep any promises. Despite our ethic to be the "servant of the people," we become the servant or slave of whatever masters us.
This reminds me of the plea of Richard Rich to Thomas More in the movie, A Man For All Seasons. Richard Rich admired More's honesty and integrity and wanted to be employed by him. He pleaded, "Employ me." More answered, "No." Again Rich pleaded, "Employ me," and again the answer was no. Then Rich made this pitiful yet endearing promise: "Sir Thomas, employ me. I would be faithful to you."
Sir Thomas, knowing what mastered Richard Rich, answered, "Richard, you can't even so much as answer for yourself tonight," meaning "You might profess to be faithful now, but all it will take is a different circumstance, the right bribe or pressure, and you will be so controlled by your ambition and pride that you could not be faithful to me." Sir Thomas More's prognosis came to pass that very night, for Richard Rich betrayed him!
The key to growth is to learn to make promises and to keep them. Self-denial is an essential element in overcoming all three temptations. "One secret act of self-denial, one sacrifice of inclination to duty is worth all the mere good thoughts, warm feelings, passionate prayers, in which idle men indulge themselves," said John Henry Newman. "The worst education which teaches self-denial is better than the best which teaches everything else and not that," said Sterling.
- Stephen R. Covey
Implications for Personal Growth-Good one!
Jyotisar The holy Banyan Tree, which is supposed...
So Intimidating!!! About the hidden desires which remain for eons in the heart.
if a devotee has a particular motive, the Lord directly or indirectly knows it, and therefore He does not leave the devotee's material desires unfulfilled
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His Grace Jananivas prabhu joined Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur from the beginning of the project (1972) and has been the personal servant of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava ever since. He enlivens the world by the ever increasingly high standard of the deity worship performed in Mayapur under his guidance. The world can now also benefit from his association via these classes. Prabhu never fails to bring the consciousness of the listener to a higher level, always deeper realizations. He knows the art of opening the heart to be ready to welcome devotional service. My obeisances onto him.
Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.9.29
maitreya uvāca
mātuḥ sapatnyā vāg-bāṇair
hṛdi viddhas tu tān smaran
naicchan mukti-pater muktiḿ
tasmāt tāpam upeyivān
maitreyaḥ uvāca — the great sage Maitreya replied; mātuḥ — of his mother; sa-patnyāḥ — of the co-wife; vāk-bāṇaiḥ — by the arrows of harsh words; hṛdi — in the heart; viddhaḥ — pierced; tu — then; tān — all of them; smaran — remembering; na — not; aicchat — desired; mukti-pateḥ — from the Lord, whose lotus feet give liberation; muktim — salvation; tasmāt — therefore; tāpam — grief; upeyivān — he suffered.
Maitreya answered: Dhruva Mahārāja's heart, which was pierced by the arrows of the harsh words of his stepmother, was greatly aggrieved, and thus when he fixed upon his goal of life he did not forget her misbehavior. He did not demand actual liberation from this material world, but at the end of his devotional service, when the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared before him, he was simply ashamed of the material demands he had in his mind.
This important verse has been discussed by many stalwart commentators. Why was Dhruva Mahārāja not very pleased, even after achieving the goal of life he desired? A pure devotee is always free from any kind of material desires. In the material world, one's material desires are all most demonic; one thinks of others as one's enemies, one thinks of revenge against one's enemies, one aspires to become the topmost leader or topmost person in this material world, and thus one competes with all others. This has been described in the Bhagavad-gītā, Sixteenth Chapter, as asuric. A pure devotee has no demand from the Lord. His only concern is to serve the Lord sincerely and seriously, and he is not at all concerned about what will happen in the future. In the Mukunda-mālā-stotra, King Kulaśekhara, author of the book, states in his prayer: "My dear Lord, I don't want any position of sense gratification within this material world. I simply want to engage in Your service perpetually." Similarly, Lord Caitanya, in His Śikṣāṣṭaka, also prayed, "My Lord, I do not want any amount of material wealth, I do not want any number of materialistic followers, nor do I want any attractive wife to enjoy. The only thing I want is that I may engage life after life in Your service." Lord Caitanya did not pray even for mukti, or liberation.
In this verse Maitreya replied to Vidura that Dhruva Mahārāja, influenced by a revengeful attitude towards his insulting stepmother, did not think of mukti, nor did he know what mukti was. Therefore he failed to aim for mukti as his goal in life. But a pure devotee also does not want liberation. He is a soul completely surrendered to the Supreme Lord, and he does not demand anything from the Lord. This position was realized by Dhruva Mahārāja when he saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead present personally before him because he was elevated to the vasudeva platform. The vasudeva platform refers to the stage at which material contamination is conspicuous by absence only, or in other words where there is no question of the material modes of nature — goodness, passion and ignorance — and one can therefore see the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Because on the vasudeva platform one can see God face to face, the Lord is also called Vāsudeva.
Dhruva Mahārāja's demand was for a position so exalted that it was never enjoyed even by Lord Brahmā, his great-grandfather. Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is so affectionate and kind towards His devotee, especially to a devotee like Dhruva Mahārāja, who went to render devotional service in the forest alone at the age of only five years, that although the motive might be impure, the Lord does not consider the motive; He is concerned with the service. But if a devotee has a particular motive, the Lord directly or indirectly knows it, and therefore He does not leave the devotee's material desires unfulfilled. These are some of the special favors by the Lord to a devotee.
Dhruva Mahārāja was offered Dhruvaloka, a planet that was never resided upon by any conditioned soul. Even Brahmā, although the topmost living creature within this universe, was not allowed to enter the Dhruvaloka. Whenever there is a crisis within this universe, the demigods go to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead Kṣīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu, and they stand on the beach of the Milk Ocean. So the fulfillment of Dhruva Mahārāja's demand — a position more exalted than that of even his great-grandfather, Brahmā — was offered to him.
Here in this verse the Lord is described as mukti-pati, which means "one under whose lotus feet there are all kinds of mukti." There are five kinds of mukti — sāyujya, sārūpya, sālokya, sāmīpya and sārṣṭi. Out of these five muktis, which can be achieved by any person engaged in devotional service to the Lord, the one which is known as sāyujya is generally demanded by Māyāvādī philosophers; they demand to become one with the impersonal Brahman effulgence of the Lord. In the opinion of many scholars, this sāyujya-mukti, although counted among the five kinds of mukti, is not actually mukti because from sāyujya-mukti one may again fall down to this material world. This information we have from Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam (10.2.32), wherein it is said, patanty adhaḥ, which means "they again fall down." The monist philosopher, after executing severe austerity, merges into the impersonal effulgence of the Lord, but the living entity always wants reciprocation in loving affairs. Therefore, although the monist philosopher is elevated to the status of being one with the effulgence of the Lord, because there is no facility for associating with the Lord and rendering service unto Him, he again falls into this material world, and his service propensity is satisfied by materialistic welfare activities like humanitarianism, altruism and philanthropy. There are many instances of such falldowns, even for great sannyāsīs in the Māyāvāda school.
Therefore Vaiṣṇava philosophers do not accept sāyujya-mukti to be within the category of mukti. According to them, mukti means transferal to the loving service of the Lord from one's position of serving māyā. Lord Caitanya also says in this connection that the constitutional position of a living entity is to render service to the Lord. That is real mukti. When one is situated in his original position, giving up artificial positions, he is called mukta, or liberated. In the Bhagavad-gītā this is confirmed: anyone who engages in rendering transcendental loving service to the Lord is considered to be mukta, or brahma-bhūta. It is said in Bhagavad-gītā that a devotee is considered to be on the brahma-bhūta platform when he has no material contamination. In the Padma Purāṇa this is also confirmed: mukti means engagement in the service of the Lord.
The great sage Maitreya explained that Dhruva Mahārāja did not desire in the beginning to engage in the service of the Lord, but he wanted an exalted position better than his great-grandfather's. This is more or less not service to the Lord but service to the senses. Even if one gets the position of Brahmā, the most exalted position in this material world, he is a conditioned soul. Śrīla Prabodhānanda Sarasvatī says that if one is elevated to real, pure devotional service, he considers even great demigods like Brahmā and Indra to be on an equal level with an insignificant insect. The reason is that an insignificant insect has a desire for sense gratification and even a great personality like Lord Brahmā also wants to dominate this material nature.
Sense gratification means domination over material nature. The whole competition between conditioned souls is based upon domination of this material nature. Modern scientists are proud of their knowledge because they are discovering new methods to dominate the laws of material nature. They think that this is the advancement of human civilization — the more they can dominate the material laws, the more advanced they think they are. Dhruva Mahārāja's propensity in the beginning was like that. He wanted to dominate this material world in a greater position than Lord Brahmā. Therefore elsewhere it is described that after the appearance of the Lord, when Dhruva Mahārāja thought and compared his determination to his final reward, he realized that he had wanted a few particles of broken glass but instead had received many diamonds. As soon as he saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face, he immediately became conscious of the unimportance of his demand from the Lord to have an exalted position better than Lord Brahmā's.
When Dhruva Mahārāja became situated on the vasudeva platform due to seeing the Lord face to face, all his material contamination was cleared. Thus he became ashamed of what his demands were and what he had achieved. He was very much ashamed to think that although he had gone to Madhuvana, giving up the kingdom of his father, and he had gotten a spiritual master like Nārada Muni, he was still thinking of revenge against his stepmother and wanted to occupy an exalted post within this material world. These were the causes for his moroseness even alter he received all the desired benedictions from the Lord.
When Dhruva Mahārāja factually saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there was no question of a revengeful attitude towards his stepmother nor any aspiration to lord it over the material world, but the Supreme Personality is so kind that He knew that Dhruva Mahārāja wanted these. Speaking before Dhruva Mahārāja, He used the word vedāham because when Dhruva Mahārāja demanded material benefits, the Lord was present within his heart and so knew everything. The Lord always knows everything a man is thinking. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā also: vedāhaḿ samatītāni.
The Lord fulfilled all Dhruva Mahārāja's desires. His revengeful attitude towards his stepmother and stepbrother was satisfied, his desire for a more exalted position than that of his great-grandfather was also fulfilled, and at the same time, his eternal position in Dhruvaloka was fixed. Although Dhruva Mahārāja's achievement of an eternal planet was not conceived of by him, Kṛṣṇa thought, "What will Dhruva do with an exalted position within this material world?" Therefore He gave Dhruva the opportunity to rule this material world for thirty-six thousand years with unchangeable senses and the chance to perform many great sacrifices and thus become the most reputed king within this material world. And, after finishing with all this material enjoyment, Dhruva would be promoted to the spiritual world, which includes the Dhruvaloka.
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