
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

We have to be sober!

The Explosive motor in the car!!!


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via by hina on 12/10/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, Austrailia, 2011) Lecture – S.B.3.25.27

We have get sober. It's just like driving on the highway, and the music is playing…nice and gentle music and you are doing 140 km, and you are driving at a good speed, and it is all sweet and rosy………you kind of get into the illusion that it is very comfy there. You are very comfortable and it is nice in the car on a good soft seat.

But we forget that you are racing with what Prabhupada calls, 'Neck braking speed' over the road and you are sitting behind one metre away from an explosive motor which is at high temperature and is a highly explosive stuff! All the time it is getting hotter and hotter…… you are sitting very close to it form the nice little dashboard which looks very cool, and the whole thing creates an illusion of security.

So one has to be sober behind the wheel…and you get all kinds of signs from the cops to sober people up. Get out of the bubble and realise the serious risk that is there! Where at any moment it can suddenly turnaround with screaming rubber and steel!! With glass everywhere!! And if you have seen accidents then it gets intense!


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Independent of Krishna


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via by hina on 12/9/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, Australia, 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritāmṛta

Srila Prahbupada explains that actually it's not the desire of Krishna, that this world was created. Krishna doesn't want to create this world. It is because we are desiring to be in a situation, where we are independent from Him! Then he has to create a situation which is covered over. It cannot be independent of Him, because nothing can be independent from Him! But it is covered over by illusion, which makes it look as if it is independent from Him.

So he doesn't enjoy that! He gets no pleasure out of that. It hurts His heart but it's inevitable, and of course, He builds in some elements that will indirectly bring back all the living beings back to Him. And that's the only pleasure He gets out of all the material creation. He inspires Brahma to create this world, and Brahma sometimes has to do things in the creation that he doesn't like! Like Brahma has to create influences of nescience, forgetfulness and he really doesn't feel good about that, but he has to do it to fulfil our desires!


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We are eternal beings!


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via by hina on 12/5/11

Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritāmṛta

The vacuum inside of our heart – that empty feeling is still not filled. Still there is a need for more, no matter how much we are experiencing in this world. So Lord Caitanya in this way came to drive out that ignorance. He also came to drive out the impersonalist concept. The concept that our identity, our sense of self is false, and when we come to spiritual realization, then we can actually realize that we are not that…..that we are not this temporary material energy, but that we are eternal beings!


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Kicked to a next destination


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via by hina on 12/5/11

Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritāmṛta

Srila Prabhupada was speaking about football (lets say soccer and not football) and the point was that people were playing with that ball, and they considered themselves the players. So Prabhupada said:

"They think they are the players, when they are in actuality the ball".

So have we ever thought of ourselves as the ball in the game?

So Prabhupada said:

"As the player….. no everyone is the player in this world".

Playing somehow or other, manipulating, arranging ….trying to get a good result – we know what we're doing, but Srila Prabhupada said:

"No, in reality we are the ball and in any point in time we can be kicked. Kicked to a next destination!"


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Another type of suffering


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via by hina on 12/2/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, Belgium, 2011) Lecture –Initiation, Part 1

Although we desired happiness in the material world, but somehow or other the activities that we were performing were not really successful. Sometimes for a while it seems successful but then it didn't work out. As pointed out by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura that:

"One is baffled in material life."

Baffled means defeated…we are defeated. Bhagavatam says:

"parābhavas tāvad abodha-jāto
yāvan na jijñāsata ātma-tattvam",
(S.B. 5.5.5).

When a person is not dedicating his life to the absolute truth (not only into enquiring about the absolute truth, but also not living according to the absolute truth)then that person is entangling himself in the network of more and more complications, which are endless. And these complications are ultimately leading to unhappiness.

Sometimes, the unhappiness may not be acute. Not acute in the sense that the suffering is so much prevalent. Especially in the western world where we are living in, where there is a lot of comfort. Sometimes people say:

"But I have never really experienced so much suffering. My life has been quite pleasant".

Yes, it may have been, but there is another type of suffering…..the suffering of not being fulfilled. Maybe when we live in comfort in our western world and after so many years, there has been peace in society, with so many years economically we have been doing well….we have all lived in great opulence in the western world. But we have only experienced emptiness of all that opulent lifestyle. The emptiness – the lack of happiness in that. So therefore, it is a fact that without Krishna Consciousness one cannot be happy!


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There is no life without the Bhagavatam


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via by hina on 11/30/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, Belgium, 2011) Lecture – C.c Adi 7.20-21

There is absorption in chanting and hearing Srimad Bhagavatam. If we have not read the Srimad Bhagavatam (there are many devotees in our movement who have not read the Srimad Bhagavatam) then that means that you have given up the fight! It also means that you have not fulfilled your duty….that means that you are below the minimum. Sometimes they speak about being below the poverty level. You are below the poverty level….not even the minimum.

Without the Bhagavatam, you cannot live; without the Bhagavatam you are dead; without the Bhagavatam you are a ghost. It's like that, because the Bhagavatam is the very foundation of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement!

We see the evidence in the Caitanya-caritamrta, as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu presents the principle evidence which is also in the Bhagavatam….all in his preaching, and we see that the whole lifestyle that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was teaching is found in the Srimad Bhagavatam. Without Srimad Bhagavatam one cannot live! It is like that, what is there without it?


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We must give ourselves with our heart!


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via by hina on 11/28/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, Belgium, 2011) Lecture – BG.15.3-4

I have a story about Andre who lived in Amsterdam. Andre was an unusual person, because he was bold. When other people were holding back, Andre didn't. Andre went to see the director of the biggest chain store (the big multi storey warehouses that are all over the country). He went and said to the director:

"In your book department, you do not have any books by A.C. Bhaktivedenta Swami Prabhupada. That's not correct. You should have them!"

And the director said:

"You know, you are bold! No one has ever walked into my office like that! I like you. I'll take them!"

And he put all the books …..full set of Prabhupada's books on the shelf of the chain store".

He was bold. He got himself from the society… a house for 'food for life', and like that Andre was extraordinary, but he had another side – his dark side. He was a little weak on the regulative principles and was living in Amsterdam, which is not a very safe place if you are having difficulties of that nature.

So I heard at one point, when I was in India, that Andre got AIDS. I happened to be coming through to Netherlands, and they told me:

"He's very ill now, and that these were his last days and if you wish, you can go to see him."

So I went to see him in a special clinic. When I was there, he coughed a ball of mucus…the size of the tennis ball came out! I couldn't believe it! Then he said:

"I like your singing."

So I said:

"Thank you very much."

He said:

"Can you sing on my funeral?"

I didn't know what I to say. I could say no, but I was thinking that it was best to get out! I was thinking:

"Do I have to stay here? I was meant to leave in three days".

Anyway he did leave his body very quickly, and I did make it for the funeral. It was an amphitheatre, and on the stage there was a box. So they asked me to start the kirtan. But before that someone had read out a letter, that Andre had written, which said:

"So all of you are my friends. You all think that I am dead, but you are wrong! I'm still alive and I'm still around. All of you are my friends, and all of you are very different, since you have all come from very different backgrounds. But for today for my sake, I want you to all appreciate each other. Now in a few moments, some of the Hare Krishna movement will come forward and will start to sing the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra, and I want all of you to sing along…..and not a little bit, but from the heart! Afterwards, there will be a feast served in my honour at the temple and you are all invited!"

So that was all read. So they started singing….and really got into it, and there was this big lady who started to sing in an operatic style! Of all the things….god not like that! The kirtan ended in twenty five minutes, and we got the signal to stop as per our agreement. As I stopped, they played 'Govinda' on tape and then the box sunk into the stage and below the stage they burn the box! The people cracked….they cracked. When the tune 'Govinda' was heard, they fell into each other's arms and they emotionally just cracked. After that one said:

"We never went to a funeral like that!"

Actually Andre had forgotten to mention that in his last days, he got initiated by P.D. Govinda Maharaja….just as a last thing and that was when he became Madhan Gopal… Madhan Gopal Ki Jay!

Yes, I always thought that he struggled, but he really did something at the same time, and it really did attract the mercy. Of course, it is best not to struggle and to just take shelter, and one who faithfully takes shelter is doing a great thing. But still we cannot become complacent. We must give ourselves with our heart and do something…do something….especially us!


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His prayers is with us!


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via by hina on 11/24/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Leicester, UK, May 2011) Initiation Lecture

What the spiritual master really wants is that his disciples mature and not just wait for the spiritual master to bring the water, but that they learn to go to the well themselves! That's what he wants. Naturally, it is the same for the parent – okay when the child is very small, then you bring them everything, but at one point you want the child to grow up and get to the point of starting to bring it in by themselves. So spiritual life is exactly the same. It is exactly like that!

In the beginning, yes the spiritual master will nourish the disciple, like a bird who is taking care of its young, and you can see these birds flying up and down……and bringing more……..and the little birds just sits there with their mouths open…and that's it.

It is said that, one type of spiritual master is taking care of his disciples, like the bird taking care of its young. Another type of spiritual master is taking care of his disciples like a fish is taking care of its young. The fish is swimming in the water and is not really feeding its young in the same way as the bird. But the fish is keeping an eye (the fish has big eyes)… the fish is keeping an eye on the young and if there is any danger then suddenly that big fish will be there. So that is another level, not that we spoon feed the disciple, but there is supervision.

Finally, there is the third model, which is the model of the tortoise. The tortoise is laying its eggs in the sand. When the season is warm, the heat of the sun, heats up that sand and the eggs will come to the point where they break and the young little turtles come out in that way. So the turtle is just taking care of its young by meditation. So sometimes the spiritual master will take care of his disciples by meditation. Sometimes the disciples will say:

"Oh, I haven't seen my spiritual master for such a long time. He didn't send me any emails, and he didn't even reply to my last three emails. Oh, I don't think I have much of a relationship!"

No…no, the meditation is always there…his prayer is always there. He is always our well wisher, but how many emails can any human being answer? Even with a thousand arms, one could still not answer all the emails that one receives! These days it is impossible! So in this way, we understand that the spiritual master is our ever well wisher! He is always with us, because his prayer is with us!


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The beauty of the spiritual world part 1


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via by hina on 11/26/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Radhadesh, Belgium, 2011) Lecture – BG.15.3-4

Krishna is extremely beautiful. It is a kind of beauty that reflects this purity. Generally speaking, beauty suggests purity. Even in the story of Putana who was a witch. Putana disguised herself as an extremely beautiful….almost like a goddess, and she just could do anything! She was so beautiful that everyone said:

"Oh, she must be a great personality!"

So even in this world, we associate beauty with a noble character. Of course, we see that Dasaratha got a little bit disillusioned with his beautiful Kaikeyi. Although she was beautiful on the outside, but she showed some envy in her character, that he was not expecting and it broke his heart.

So in the material world beauty is not always representing purity! But in the spiritual world it does, and therefore the beauty of the spiritual world is of another nature. So when we see Krishna's whole appearance, it is extremely beautiful and at the same time it is reflecting His noble character. It's different then the cold beauty of some sort of professional blonde who is being paid for endless photos and posing with different smiles and it looks like, she's seen it all, done it all, and heard it all and knows it all…..and lost her innocence.

So in Krishna there is innocence and there is purity, because there is no hidden agenda in Krishna's character. Krishna is a pure well wisher of all living beings, and His only interest is the wellbeing of all!


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The complete process


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via by hina on 12/8/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, Austrailia, 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritāmṛta

When I was in Amsterdam in the early seventies, I saw the Hare Krishnas. I saw them for the first time in Dams Square. They were singing and dancing, and were really enthusiastic……and there were a group of them who were chanting very fast:

"Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare".

They were jumping up and down like mad!I was looking at them and thinking:

"Total religious fanatics!"

I never ever thought to myself:

"Such religious extremity as this."

And I just looked at them……it was just something extraordinary, and it seemed like the ultimate emblem of other worldliness. It seemed that these people had totally lost touch with reality, and the way they dressed sort of confirmed it! Because there was a red sock on one foot and a green sock on another, which makes you think that:

"They kind of lost it in their Hare Krishna cloud, by just chanting".

So I wanted to establish today that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement is not at all worldly, and not at all just taking us to very ethereal dimensions. I wanted to establish that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement is very practical and dealing with the practical reality of everyday, because rather then taking us away from this world, it simply points out that:"Everything by nature has a connection with the Supreme Lord, and therefore, everything should simply be used for the service to Him".

And that's the whole idea. So in that way, one doesn't need to turn away from the world. One doesn't need to live in a cave, or give up everything. One can simply live in the world, but use it in a different way and that made a lot of sense. And that not only makes a lot of sense but that puts the Hare Krishna movement (which was started by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) in the middle of the world! It puts it in the middle of life! It doesn't put it in the forest, or the cave, or the monasteries, or in hiding since it puts it simply in everyday dealings…..and it purifies the everyday dealings which is very necessary, because at this point everyone thinks that it is they who are in the centre of the universe – yes:

"Accidentally I happened to be in the centre of the universe. What do you mean? No, I am in the centre of the universe!"

Everyone is thinking that:

"Everything is for my pleasure. Everything is for my purposes, for my comfort, for my protection, for my profits, for me!"

Yes – everything and everyone………….and if we changed that mood, then we will know that we are all here, and everything is here for the one purpose – to serve the Supreme Lord. Suddenly, then the world instead of being divided, becomes united. Suddenly, we become harmonious. If we recognise that all this energy – all the trees, all the grass, and all the animals are part of Krishna's creation, then automatically our energy changes! If this is Krishna's property, then one who is the servant of Krishna cannot treat it like a rubbish bin! That is automatically taken care of. Automatically there is respect…..automatically we won't go just with the chainsaw in the forest to see how many trees we can cut down in an hour………….So, no we are respecting the creation. Srila Prabhupada quoted in the Bhagavad Gita:

'ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo
mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate
iti matvā bhajante māṁ
budhā bhāva-samanvitāḥ',

"I am the original of all the spiritual and all the material worlds. One who understands this properly worships me with love"

So Prabhupada said:

"This means that if you love Krishna, then you also love His creation!"

So in other words, by loving Krishna, then one loves Krishna's creation. Prabhupada also said:

"If you love the body, then you will also love the finger!"

So this is very nice, and therefore Krishna Consciousness is not just taking place on the material platform, and not something that is very abstract, but it is also something very practical. And yet it also takes us above this practical level. It makes us understand deeper parts of ourselves – that we are eternal spiritual beings, and that we actually do not belong in the material world, but that we belong in the eternal spiritual world.

In this way Krishna Consciousness gives us not only promises for the afterlife; being a good devotee and being on your knees throughout your life….and we have to pray a lot and in the end you get your reward – No, that is not Krishna Consciousness. Krishna Consciousness is to improve the quality of your life right now, and while you are doing it at the same time start progressing to a eternal destination. Therefore Krishna Consciousness is complete!

There are so many spiritual processes that promises you a reward in the end, but Krishna Consciousness promises us improvement every step of the way. And that is what Sri Caitanya Mahaprabu gave. Therefore this is a complete process of what He gave!


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Independent of Krishna


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via by hina on 12/9/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, Australia, 2011) Lecture – Caitanya-caritāmṛta

Srila Prahbupada explains that actually it's not the desire of Krishna, that this world was created. Krishna doesn't want to create this world. It is because we are desiring to be in a situation, where we are independent from Him! Then he has to create a situation which is covered over. It cannot be independent of Him, because nothing can be independent from Him! But it is covered over by illusion, which makes it look as if it is independent from Him.

So he doesn't enjoy that! He gets no pleasure out of that. It hurts His heart but it's inevitable, and of course, He builds in some elements that will indirectly bring back all the living beings back to Him. And that's the only pleasure He gets out of all the material creation. He inspires Brahma to create this world, and Brahma sometimes has to do things in the creation that he doesn't like! Like Brahma has to create influences of nescience, forgetfulness and he really doesn't feel good about that, but he has to do it to fulfil our desires!


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We have to be sober!


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via by hina on 12/10/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami Govinda Valley, Austrailia, 2011) Lecture – S.B.3.25.27

We have get sober. It's just like driving on the highway, and the music is playing…nice and gentle music and you are doing 140 km, and you are driving at a good speed, and it is all sweet and rosy………you kind of get into the illusion that it is very comfy there. You are very comfortable and it is nice in the car on a good soft seat.

But we forget that you are racing with what Prabhupada calls, 'Neck braking speed' over the road and you are sitting behind one metre away from an explosive motor which is at high temperature and is a highly explosive stuff! All the time it is getting hotter and hotter…… you are sitting very close to it form the nice little dashboard which looks very cool, and the whole thing creates an illusion of security.

So one has to be sober behind the wheel…and you get all kinds of signs from the cops to sober people up. Get out of the bubble and realise the serious risk that is there! Where at any moment it can suddenly turnaround with screaming rubber and steel!! With glass everywhere!! And if you have seen accidents then it gets intense!


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Quotes from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura


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via by Kadamba Kanana Swami on 12/13/11

1. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instructions in Sikastakam, "param vijayate Sri-Krishna -Sankirtanam" is the only motto of the Gaudiya math.
2. The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna is the only enjoyer. Everyone and everything else is the object of his enjoyment.
3. Anyone who does not serve Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is ignorant and a killer himself.
4. To learn to tolerate is one of the most important responsibilities of those living in the math.
5. Rupanuga devotees offer all glory to the original source instead of depending on their own strength.
6. Those who perform assorted religious activities can not serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
7. Become united with one purpose and serve Hari.
8. Where there is discussion about Hari, that is a place of pilgrimage.
9. We are not pious, sinful or learned or ignorant, we are the carriers of the dust of the feet of the Supreme Lord Sri Hari and we are initiated by the mantra "kirtaniyah sada harih."
10. My advice is, do not criticize others. Try to rectify yourself.
11. Our supreme duty is to serve the residents of Vraja who are afflicated by Krishna 's departure to Mathura.
12. A pure devotee knows that everyone is the spiritual master. Therefore, a pure devotee can be jagad-guru.
13. If we want to follow the path of true auspiciousness, we should give up the countless opinions of people and only hear the words of the vedas.
14. Whatever is auspicious should be desired.
15. An intimate devotee does not have any other desire besides serving the followers of Sri Rupa Goswami.
16. There is no other way of associating with transcendence besides hearing.
17. As soon as we lose the shelter of a protector, everything around us will become our enemy and attack us. Topics about Krishna spoken by a genuine saint are our only protector.
18. A flatterer can never become a guru or a preacher.
19. It is better to remain in millions of species like birds, beasts, insects and worms than become deceitful. One who is free from deceit receives auspiciousness.
20. Vaisnavism is the other name of simplicity. The servants of the paramahamsa Vaishnavas are simple; therefore they are the best brahmanas.
21. The only duty of the most merciful persons is to transform the degraded taste of people. If you can save even one person from the great force of MahaMaya, then that will be a greater act of philanthropy than opening millions of hospitals.
22. Those who have not learned to develop their propensity to serve the Supreme Lord from self realized souls, no matter how pleasing their association may be, it should never be desired.
23. Preaching without practicing is nothing but a ritual of karma-kanda.
24. If one just serves the Supreme Personality of Godhead and his devotees, his attachment to his household will diminish.
25. Our main disease is to collect objects that are not related to Krishna.
26. We have not come to this world to become an artisan of wood or stone, we are only peons of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy.
27. We will not stay in this world for a long time. Only if this body falls singing of the glory of Lord Sri Hari will our birth in this body be successful.
28. The only desired object in our life is to collect the dust from the Lotus feet of Sri Rupa Goswami, who fulfilled the desire of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
29. This material nature, which is averse to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is an examination hall. Tolerance, humbleness, appreciation of others, etc., are favorable to develop our devotion to Hari.
30. In every birth one gets a father and a mother. But one may not get instructions for his ultimate benefit.
31. Although the activities of a devotee and the misdemeanor of a pseudo-devotee appear to be alike, there is a heaven and hell difference – like milk and limewater.
32. Those who mistake dishonesty to be honesty (or a crook to be saint) will fall into great difficulty, as a person who tries to cheat an iron-smith by supplying him bad steel.
33. As soon as we get to know the absolute truth, we should become fixed in it. Instead of wasting a single moment of time left, we should be engaged in serving Sri Hari.
34. Many people mistake 'imitation' to be 'following'. These two words are not the same. To play the role of Narada in a play is 'imitation' but to follow the path of devotion according to Narada Muni is 'following'.
35. He who is constantly absorbed in discussing about Sri Hari is a saint. One who is constantly engaged in serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead is a saint. One who in all his endeavors tries to serve Krishna is a saint.
36. If the Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana offers Himself, something remains unoffered, but a devotee can offer the Lord completely.
37. Do not try to become a guru to become envious. Do not try to become a guru in order to become absorbed in material attachments. But if you become my unalloyed servant, if you have acquired my potency, there is nothing to fear.
38. A bonafide spiritual master is non-different from Supreme Personality of Godhead. If one cannot say that the spiritual master is the personal manifestation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one will not be able to utter the holy name of the Lord.
39. In order to teach us how to serve Him, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself appears as the spiritual master.
40. A living entity can not derive real benefit by reading hundreds of books or pretending to render devotional service according to his own ideas.
41. Being cheated by those who mislead people in the name of hari-katha has become a sort of religion in this age.
42. Someone will be able to understand the profound meaning of the impartial truth that is being spoken fearlessly after hundreds of lives or hundreds of yugas. Unless hundreds of gallons of hard-earned blood is spent, we will not be able to make people understand the truth.
43. The Lord does not accept anything offered by those who do not chant one hundred thousand names of the Lord each day.
44. Association is the principle impetus in human life to serve Sri Hari. Due to association of non-devotees, one gets material prosperity. Due to the association of devotees, the spirit soul gradually becomes absorbed in serving Sri Hari. This is the greatest shelter for a human being. Never become averse to that.
45. Whenever there are material difficulties, the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes the shelter and allows one to serve him.
46. As long as one has anarthas, one does not receive the good fortune of becoming a servant of Srimati Radharani. Those who discuss the transcendental pastimes of Srimati Radharani, the dearmost servitor of Sri Krishna, are sense gratifiers, covered enjoyers and prakrta-sahajiyas.
47. When anarthas will be removed due to chanting the Holy Name, then Krishna 's form, qualities and pastimes will automatically manifest from the name. There is no need to make an endeavor to artificially remember His form, qualities and pastimes.
48. All of you preach the message of Rupa Goswami and Raghunatha Dasa Goswami with great enthusiasm. Our supreme desire is to become the dust at the lotus feet of the followers of Sri Rupa Goswami.
49. Do not give up devotional service even if there are innumerable dangers, countless insults and endless harassment. Do not become disheartened that most people in this world do not accept the message of unalloyed devotional service. Never give up your devotional service and hearing and chanting about Krishna which is your everything. Always chant the Holy Name becoming more humble than a blade of grass and more tolerant than a tree.
50. We do not want to become great fruitive workers or religious leaders; all we want is to become the dust at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Prabhu. That is our original identity.
51. We should never display any kind of aversion towards sankirtana-yajna which is perfect sacrifice, complete with the seven forms of sacrifice. If we have gradually increasing love for that, then everything will be accomplished and we will attain ultimate perfection. Just preach the words of Rupa and Raghunatha with enthusiasm and courage, with complete dedication to the followers of Sri Rupa.
52. If I stop preaching the unbiased truth due to fear that people will not like it, I am accepting the non-vedic way, rejecting the vedic way. Then I become an atheist and I lose my faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the personification of truth.
53. In this material world there are only two representatives of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; the transcendental sound vibration of the Holy Name, and his eternally transcendental deity incarnation.
54. The deity is worshipped by the Holy Name – sentient is served through sentient.
55. For the pleasure of the Lord, His devotees call Him by His Holy Name to render service unto Him, not to fulfill their own desires.
56. The deity is the merciful incarnation of the eternal form of the transcendental Supreme Personality of Godhead of the spiritual sky (Vaikuntha). It is direct proof of the personal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vaishnavas do not imagine whether God is a person or impersonal. They are not idol worshippers.
57. Just as the purports of the vedas have been briefly described in the Brahma-sutra and the vedanta-bhasya, the conclusion and purport of the Srimad-Bhagavatam has been similarly described in a brief and accurate way.
58. Unless one studies Srimad-Bhagavatam under the guidance if a bonafide Vaishnava acharya, he will not be able to understand the real purport of the Brahma-sutra. Srimad Bhagavatamis the original commentary of Vedanta-sutra.
59. Sri Jiva Goswami specifically explained that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the original commentary of Vedantasutra.
60. The word "devotion" can not be applied to anything besides 'Krishna '. 'Krishna ' is the only subject of devotion. Brahman is the object of knowledge, Paramatma is the object of nearness, but Krishna is the only object of service.
61. Every word has a two-fold aspect; conveying a meaning based on knowledge and a meaning based on ignorance. The aspects of words that indicate something other than Krishna, Visnu or Sri Caitanya, conveys the mearning based on ignorance. In knowledge everything indicates Krishna and signifies Krishna.
62. What the ignorant masses understand about the 'Krishna ' is not the real object of the word Krishna. In other words, 'God', 'Allah' and even the Sanskrit words 'Isvara", 'Paramatma' etc. only indicate a great energy coming out of Krishna. They do not indicate the total aspect of the word 'Krishna '.
63. There is no work as auspicious as serving the spiritual master. Of all worship, the worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the greatest. But the worship of the lotus feet of the spiritual master is even greater than the worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Unless this is firmly realized we can not understand what saintly association means; we cannot understand what the shelter of a spiritual master means; we cannot understand that we are dependent and he is our maintainer.
64. If we take shelter of the lotus feet of the spiritual master, we can become free from illusion, fear and distress. If we wholeheartedly beg for his mercy without any deceit then the spiritual master bestows all auspiciousness upon us.


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Quotes from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura


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via by Kadamba Kanana Swami on 12/13/11

1. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instructions in Sikastakam, "param vijayate Sri-Krishna -Sankirtanam" is the only motto of the Gaudiya math.
2. The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna is the only enjoyer. Everyone and everything else is the object of his enjoyment.
3. Anyone who does not serve Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is ignorant and a killer himself.
4. To learn to tolerate is one of the most important responsibilities of those living in the math.
5. Rupanuga devotees offer all glory to the original source instead of depending on their own strength.
6. Those who perform assorted religious activities can not serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
7. Become united with one purpose and serve Hari.
8. Where there is discussion about Hari, that is a place of pilgrimage.
9. We are not pious, sinful or learned or ignorant, we are the carriers of the dust of the feet of the Supreme Lord Sri Hari and we are initiated by the mantra "kirtaniyah sada harih."
10. My advice is, do not criticize others. Try to rectify yourself.
11. Our supreme duty is to serve the residents of Vraja who are afflicated by Krishna 's departure to Mathura.
12. A pure devotee knows that everyone is the spiritual master. Therefore, a pure devotee can be jagad-guru.
13. If we want to follow the path of true auspiciousness, we should give up the countless opinions of people and only hear the words of the vedas.
14. Whatever is auspicious should be desired.
15. An intimate devotee does not have any other desire besides serving the followers of Sri Rupa Goswami.
16. There is no other way of associating with transcendence besides hearing.
17. As soon as we lose the shelter of a protector, everything around us will become our enemy and attack us. Topics about Krishna spoken by a genuine saint are our only protector.
18. A flatterer can never become a guru or a preacher.
19. It is better to remain in millions of species like birds, beasts, insects and worms than become deceitful. One who is free from deceit receives auspiciousness.
20. Vaisnavism is the other name of simplicity. The servants of the paramahamsa Vaishnavas are simple; therefore they are the best brahmanas.
21. The only duty of the most merciful persons is to transform the degraded taste of people. If you can save even one person from the great force of MahaMaya, then that will be a greater act of philanthropy than opening millions of hospitals.
22. Those who have not learned to develop their propensity to serve the Supreme Lord from self realized souls, no matter how pleasing their association may be, it should never be desired.
23. Preaching without practicing is nothing but a ritual of karma-kanda.
24. If one just serves the Supreme Personality of Godhead and his devotees, his attachment to his household will diminish.
25. Our main disease is to collect objects that are not related to Krishna.
26. We have not come to this world to become an artisan of wood or stone, we are only peons of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy.
27. We will not stay in this world for a long time. Only if this body falls singing of the glory of Lord Sri Hari will our birth in this body be successful.
28. The only desired object in our life is to collect the dust from the Lotus feet of Sri Rupa Goswami, who fulfilled the desire of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
29. This material nature, which is averse to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is an examination hall. Tolerance, humbleness, appreciation of others, etc., are favorable to develop our devotion to Hari.
30. In every birth one gets a father and a mother. But one may not get instructions for his ultimate benefit.
31. Although the activities of a devotee and the misdemeanor of a pseudo-devotee appear to be alike, there is a heaven and hell difference – like milk and limewater.
32. Those who mistake dishonesty to be honesty (or a crook to be saint) will fall into great difficulty, as a person who tries to cheat an iron-smith by supplying him bad steel.
33. As soon as we get to know the absolute truth, we should become fixed in it. Instead of wasting a single moment of time left, we should be engaged in serving Sri Hari.
34. Many people mistake 'imitation' to be 'following'. These two words are not the same. To play the role of Narada in a play is 'imitation' but to follow the path of devotion according to Narada Muni is 'following'.
35. He who is constantly absorbed in discussing about Sri Hari is a saint. One who is constantly engaged in serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead is a saint. One who in all his endeavors tries to serve Krishna is a saint.
36. If the Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana offers Himself, something remains unoffered, but a devotee can offer the Lord completely.
37. Do not try to become a guru to become envious. Do not try to become a guru in order to become absorbed in material attachments. But if you become my unalloyed servant, if you have acquired my potency, there is nothing to fear.
38. A bonafide spiritual master is non-different from Supreme Personality of Godhead. If one cannot say that the spiritual master is the personal manifestation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one will not be able to utter the holy name of the Lord.
39. In order to teach us how to serve Him, the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself appears as the spiritual master.
40. A living entity can not derive real benefit by reading hundreds of books or pretending to render devotional service according to his own ideas.
41. Being cheated by those who mislead people in the name of hari-katha has become a sort of religion in this age.
42. Someone will be able to understand the profound meaning of the impartial truth that is being spoken fearlessly after hundreds of lives or hundreds of yugas. Unless hundreds of gallons of hard-earned blood is spent, we will not be able to make people understand the truth.
43. The Lord does not accept anything offered by those who do not chant one hundred thousand names of the Lord each day.
44. Association is the principle impetus in human life to serve Sri Hari. Due to association of non-devotees, one gets material prosperity. Due to the association of devotees, the spirit soul gradually becomes absorbed in serving Sri Hari. This is the greatest shelter for a human being. Never become averse to that.
45. Whenever there are material difficulties, the Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes the shelter and allows one to serve him.
46. As long as one has anarthas, one does not receive the good fortune of becoming a servant of Srimati Radharani. Those who discuss the transcendental pastimes of Srimati Radharani, the dearmost servitor of Sri Krishna, are sense gratifiers, covered enjoyers and prakrta-sahajiyas.
47. When anarthas will be removed due to chanting the Holy Name, then Krishna 's form, qualities and pastimes will automatically manifest from the name. There is no need to make an endeavor to artificially remember His form, qualities and pastimes.
48. All of you preach the message of Rupa Goswami and Raghunatha Dasa Goswami with great enthusiasm. Our supreme desire is to become the dust at the lotus feet of the followers of Sri Rupa Goswami.
49. Do not give up devotional service even if there are innumerable dangers, countless insults and endless harassment. Do not become disheartened that most people in this world do not accept the message of unalloyed devotional service. Never give up your devotional service and hearing and chanting about Krishna which is your everything. Always chant the Holy Name becoming more humble than a blade of grass and more tolerant than a tree.
50. We do not want to become great fruitive workers or religious leaders; all we want is to become the dust at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Prabhu. That is our original identity.
51. We should never display any kind of aversion towards sankirtana-yajna which is perfect sacrifice, complete with the seven forms of sacrifice. If we have gradually increasing love for that, then everything will be accomplished and we will attain ultimate perfection. Just preach the words of Rupa and Raghunatha with enthusiasm and courage, with complete dedication to the followers of Sri Rupa.
52. If I stop preaching the unbiased truth due to fear that people will not like it, I am accepting the non-vedic way, rejecting the vedic way. Then I become an atheist and I lose my faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the personification of truth.
53. In this material world there are only two representatives of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; the transcendental sound vibration of the Holy Name, and his eternally transcendental deity incarnation.
54. The deity is worshipped by the Holy Name – sentient is served through sentient.
55. For the pleasure of the Lord, His devotees call Him by His Holy Name to render service unto Him, not to fulfill their own desires.
56. The deity is the merciful incarnation of the eternal form of the transcendental Supreme Personality of Godhead of the spiritual sky (Vaikuntha). It is direct proof of the personal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vaishnavas do not imagine whether God is a person or impersonal. They are not idol worshippers.
57. Just as the purports of the vedas have been briefly described in the Brahma-sutra and the vedanta-bhasya, the conclusion and purport of the Srimad-Bhagavatam has been similarly described in a brief and accurate way.
58. Unless one studies Srimad-Bhagavatam under the guidance if a bonafide Vaishnava acharya, he will not be able to understand the real purport of the Brahma-sutra. Srimad Bhagavatamis the original commentary of Vedanta-sutra.
59. Sri Jiva Goswami specifically explained that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the original commentary of Vedantasutra.
60. The word "devotion" can not be applied to anything besides 'Krishna '. 'Krishna ' is the only subject of devotion. Brahman is the object of knowledge, Paramatma is the object of nearness, but Krishna is the only object of service.
61. Every word has a two-fold aspect; conveying a meaning based on knowledge and a meaning based on ignorance. The aspects of words that indicate something other than Krishna, Visnu or Sri Caitanya, conveys the mearning based on ignorance. In knowledge everything indicates Krishna and signifies Krishna.
62. What the ignorant masses understand about the 'Krishna ' is not the real object of the word Krishna. In other words, 'God', 'Allah' and even the Sanskrit words 'Isvara", 'Paramatma' etc. only indicate a great energy coming out of Krishna. They do not indicate the total aspect of the word 'Krishna '.
63. There is no work as auspicious as serving the spiritual master. Of all worship, the worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the greatest. But the worship of the lotus feet of the spiritual master is even greater than the worship of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Unless this is firmly realized we can not understand what saintly association means; we cannot understand what the shelter of a spiritual master means; we cannot understand that we are dependent and he is our maintainer.
64. If we take shelter of the lotus feet of the spiritual master, we can become free from illusion, fear and distress. If we wholeheartedly beg for his mercy without any deceit then the spiritual master bestows all auspiciousness upon us.


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The result of our actions


Sent to you by dinesh via Google Reader:


via by hina on 12/11/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Govinda Valley, Australia, 2011) Lecture – S.B.3.25.27

As the years go by in this movement we are sometimes surprised at how devotees can again become entangled in material things and sometimes it is an excessive type of behaviour that we thought:

"No, I could never have imagined that this could happen to a devotee".

Especially if you are in management, it's like being with the cops….you are always there with the dead body, or something like that. That is the job of the police. So being in management is the same thing – the post mortem:

"All right here we are again looking at all the horrible details of what went wrong".

So yes, that is also part of the Hare Krishna Movement – let's face reality…it is not just all a beautiful story:

"We joined the Hare Krishna Movement and we all became saints! Sometimes we struggled a little, since we didn't have so much desire to chant all our rounds….and sometimes someone made a little offense by speaking harshly to another vaisnava, and later asked for forgiveness".

It goes a little more raw then that! The lower nature really comes out. What can we say? Psychologist speak about the 'inner child'. I'm often in Germany these days and there on the shelf I saw a book in the bookstore, speaking about the 'inner swine mode', or the best way you could translate that is the 'inner out dog' or something like that. Although, it is not as good as 'swine mode', there is nothing better than to describe a particular creature that lives inside the 'inner swine mode'. 'Hog dog' if you translate it, literally the 'inner hog dog'. Well we know him, and he is there pushing and ready for the action anytime. We are not bothered. The moment we think that:

"Now, I'm beyond".

Danger zone…..danger zone! One must remain on guard and think:

"I have this inside of me, but it doesn't make sense – it will not benefit me in anyway if I go for that!"

Our handle….our control on that particular weak side of us (that very weak side of us) is first of all a regulation – a regulated program. Second of all, a philosophical understanding which means that we can look beyond the here and now and see what the consequences are in the long term. We must see if we learn to think about the consequences of the actions in the long term, then we are more protected.

Therefore we do not want a movement where everyone is on automatic pilot:

"Well, you know I just joined the Hare Krishna Movement and it's okay. We just sort of do what we are told….and there is a program which is sacred. Just book onto the morning program, and if you just do that then everything is ok".

So although, I just glorified discipline and regulation, which I guess includes the morning program. Now, I'm moving along and I am going to show the shortcoming of the faithful follower of the morning program, which is not good enough at all and still in the high risk zone.

If we don't think then we are an endangered species. We have to think of the consequences of our actions, that is what the Bhagavatam is calling for. The Bhagavatam is not at all a sweet book, it has sweet sides to it……very sweet…..describing the sweetness of Krishna's glories and pastimes and that is there, but if we think that the Bhagavatam is just the sweet inspirational book, then we are certainly missing the point because it is a heavy book as well. The Bhagavatam is showing us the heaviness of the material nature, and how it holds us in our grips. The Bhagavatam is asking us to actually think of the consequences of things. Therefore the Bhagavatam is there, to wake us up and kick start a process. A process of where we begin to practise questioning:

"What is going to be the result of my actions of what I am doing now?"


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