
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Real Family is with Krishna


Definition of Happiness in the Material World

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 08:57 AM PST

"If something is going on in the name of happiness, that is also illusion. In this material world, happiness means successful counteraction to the effects of distress."

- Srila Prabhupada (SB 3.30.9 Purport)

Real Family is with Krishna

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 08:49 AM PST

Once Indra the King of heaven, was cursed by his spiritual master, Brhaspati on account of his misbehavior, and he became a hog on this planet. After many days, when  Brahma wanted to recall him to his heavenly kingdom, Indra, in the form of a hog, forgot everything of his royal position in the heavenly kingdom, and he refused to go back. This is the spell of maya. Even Indra forgets his heavenly standard of life and is satisfied with the standard of a hog's life. By the influence of maya the conditioned soul becomes so affectionate towards his particular type of body that if he is offered, "Give up this body, and immediately you will have a king's body," he will not agree. This attachment strongly affects all conditioned living entities. Lord Krsna is personally canvassing, "Give up everything in this material world. Come to Me, and I shall give you all protection," but we are not agreeable. We think, "We are quite all right. Why should we surrender unto  Krsna and go back to His kingdom?" This is called illusion, or maya. Everyone is satisfied with his standard of living, however abominable it may be.

It is said that it is easier to maintain a great empire than to maintain a small family, especially in these days, when the influence of kali-yuga is so strong that everyone is harassed and full of anxieties because of accepting the false presentation of maya's family. The family we maintain is created by maya; it is the perverted reflection of the family in Kṛṣṇaloka. In Kṛṣṇaloka there are also family, friends, society, father and mother; everything is there, but they are eternal. Here, as we change bodies, our family relationships also change. Sometimes we are in a family of human beings, sometimes in a family of demigods, sometimes a family of cats, or sometimes a family of dogs. Family, society and friendship are flickering, and so they are called asat. It is said that as long as we are attached to this temporary, nonexisting society and family, we are always full of anxieties.

- Srimad Bhagavatam 3.30.5,7 Purport

"O Lord of the Universe, kindly be visible unto me"

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 03:55 AM PST

This is Lord Krishna as He is worhsipped in the great temple of Jagannath puri, Orissa. There He resides with His sister Subhadra and brother Balarama.

One kIng Indradyumna of Puri, had commissioned Vishvakarma, the master sculptor who worked for the demigods, to carve him statues of Lord Krishna, His brother Balarama and sister Subhadra. Vishvakarma agreed on one condition: that he would be allowed to complete his work in seclusion. No was to look at the deities before They were completed; if They were seen before completion, he would quit work altogether.

When the king agreed, the sculptor began his work behind closed doors. Months passes, years passed but Vishvakarma did not finish the work. Finally, after waiting for son long, the King one day burst into Vishvakarma's room and as per Vishvakarma's word, He vanished immediately, leaving three uncompleted statues in the center of the room. Although unfinished, the statues were so esteemed by the King that he has Them placed in the temple and worshipped them opulently.

Every year the Lord leaves the temple for the beach and in Jagannath Puri there is a great procession. When Lord Chaitanya first walked into the temple and saw Lord Jagannath, He said, 'O here is Krishna.' and feel down in a trance of ecstacy and did not come out for days.'

Lord Jagannath has special benefits: His compassion extends even to those addicted to bar and brothel, and His worship does not entail all the elaborate strictures of Deity worship.

Prabhupada teaches us a new mantra especially for Lord Jagannath:
Jagannath swamin nayana patha gami bhavatume – "Lord of the Universe, kindly be visible unto me"

 - Srila Prabhupada to disciples
(Hare Krishna Explosion Chapter 8: Flowers for Lord Jagannath)
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The rope of transcendental knowledge


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via by hina on 11/23/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Leicester, UK, May 2011) Initiation Lecture

It is the time to make a commitment. A commitment to the truth…..a commitment to reality. For so many lifetimes we have been committed to illusions. For so many lifetimes we have chased false dreams. For so many times we have searched for happiness here and there…..and everywhere…..and what did we get? Each time again, we thought for a moment:


And then it didn't work. Then again it slipped out of our hands before we knew….and then again we suffered, then we suddenly realise:

"What have I done?"

But again we tried again and again we tried to enjoy this illusory energy. Today we make a commitment. A commitment to hold on to the rope of transcendental knowledge! To firmly hold on to this rope, and no matter what happens, to never leave! To never ever leave for a moment this shelter of this transcendental rasas. We know that our spiritual master is fixed at the Lotus Feet of Krishna.

It is said that the etymological meaning of the word 'guru' is heavy. Not that the guru is a heavy personality who will chastise us – sometimes he will, but the heaviness of the guru is described as:

"The guru is fixed at the Lotus Feet of Krishna and he is so heavy that you cannot move him from that position! He will always be there."

Therefore, whenever we turn to our spiritual master, we turn to Krishna, and thus we always again turn to our spiritual master because he will reconnect us with Krishna……….because our connection is feeble and weak. Yes, with the rope of transcendental knowledge, we are holding on but with a weak grip and so many times it is slipping from our hands! Then…then what will we do?


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Taking on responsibility


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via by hina on 11/23/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Leicester, UK, May 2011) Initiation Lecture

It is described that the spiritual master is the mercy manifestation of Krishna. He is particularly present in our life at all times to direct us! In this way a disciple must always be sure to be in the care of the spiritual master. At the same time a spiritual master is not always present in every situation, at least not in his personal form. The spiritual master will not always be there to answer our questions about anything and everything:

"Should I go left? Or right? What should I do now?"

He is not taking away our responsibility. We ourselves our responsible. We are responsible to act appropriately according to the scriptures….according to the directions of the sadhus. And we need to ourselves realise that we must take shelter! We are looking at the spiritual master for inspiration and enthusiasm in spiritual life!


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Regretting one's sinful activities is necessary


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 10/13/11

When a person regrets his sinful activities, the abandoning of Krishna consciousness and good intelligence, his path of deliverance from the path of material clutches is opened. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.5.5: parabhavas tavad abodha jato yavan na jijnasata atma-tattvam. When a person loses his Krishna consciousness and loses interest in self-realization, he must engage in sinful activities. All one's activities in a life devoid of Krishna consciousness simply lead to defeat and misuse of one's life. Naturally one who comes to Krishna consciousness regrets his previous sinful activities in the human form. Only by this process can one be delivered from the clutches of nescience or ignorance in materialistic life.
Srimad Bhagavatam 4.26.19


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Material World - A Mirage


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 10/13/11

Whatever you have got in this material world, that is simply imitation, a shadow of the original....You can understand that in the desert sometimes it appears that there is a vast ocean of water, mirage. But actually there is no water. Those who are animals, they sometimes are misled. They are thirsty, and they think that there is water in the desert, and they run over, but actually there is no water. The animal runs, and the water also advances. In this way, when he becomes too much fatigued, he dies. This is the exact example of this material world. We are hankering after water, we are thirsty, and we are being misled by so-called water, mirage.

(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, Laguna Beach, 9/30/1972)


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Jatayu - The Devotee


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 10/27/11

Jatayu - From material persepctive, jatayu failed. He lost, tried to keep sita from being taken away, but he was cut to pieces and was losing his life and Sita was taken by Ravana. But Lord Ramacandra did not see whether jatayu was successful or failure by material perspective but he saw the sincerity of devotion and Rama wept and wept to show the world, how much he loved His devotee.

To please the Lord is the only sign of victory, and to displease Him is the greatest failure, even if we win the whole world.

- HH Radhanath Swami


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More Enthusiastic to Chant


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 10/30/11

"In the relative world, the word "water" and the substance water are different. When I am thirsty, if I simply chant "Water, water, water," my thirst will not be satisfied. I require the real water. That is the nature of the relative world and relative consciousness. But in the spiritual world or spiritual consciousness, the name is the same as the thing that is named. For instance, we are chanting Hare Krsna. If Krsna were different from the chanting of Hare Krsna, then how could we be satisfied chanting the whole day and night? This is the proof. An ordinary name-if you chant "Mr. John, Mr. John," after chanting three times you will cease. But this Hare Krsna maha-mantra- if you go on chanting twenty-four hours a day, you will never become tired. This is the spiritual nature of the Absolute Truth. This is practical. Anyone can perceive it." (Civilization and Transcendence ch. 7)

"Krsna's words and He are not different. That is omnipotency. Omnipotency means everything relating to Krsna has the same potency. Just like here in this material world, if you are thirsty and want water, simply calling repeatedly, "water, water, water, water, water," will not satisfy your thirst. Because the word "water" has not the same potency as water itself. You require the water as it is. Then your thirst will be satisfied. But in the transcendental, absolute world, there is no such difference. Krsna and Krsna's name, Krsna's words and Krsna's qualities, Krsna's pastimes- everything is Krsna." (SPT 25/3/67)

"So immediately you can be in touch with Krsna by vibrating this sound, Hare Krsna. It is so potent. Nama cintamanih krsnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah. The name of Krsna is cintamani, transcendental. It is not this material sound, material name. Nama cintamanih krsnas caitanya. Living force, caitanya. It is not dead sound. If you want water, if you chant only "Water, water, water, water," you will not get water, because it is material sound. The water substance is different from the word "water". Therefore, simply by chanting, "water, water" you cannot quench your thirst. You must have the substance water. That is material sound. Anything you take, simply by chanting the name, you will not get the thing. That is material.
"But in the spiritual world, the name and the person or the substance is the same. Krsna and Krsna's name is the same. There is no difference. Therefore, those who are chanting "Krsna, Krsna, Krsna," they are becoming more and more enthusiastic to chant."(SPT 22/1/75)



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Krishna Consciousness means coming out of the Comfort Zone


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 11/17/11

Do you think of returning to Vrindavan? Rayarama asks Srila Prabhupada

(Srila Prabhupada in His room at Radha Damodar Temple, Vrindavan)

Srila Prabhupada: "My heart is always hankering after that Vrindavan. Even though I am sitting in New York a magnificent city, I shall be very happy to return to my Vrindavan, that sacred place. Of course, if someone asks, "Why are you here?' I must say that it is my duty. I have brought some message for you people. My Guru maharaja ordered me, 'Whatever you have learned, whatever knowledge you have, you should go to the western countries and distribute it.' If I go and sit down in Vrindavan, I will be very comfortable there and have no anxiety. But I have taken these risks in old age because I am duty bound. In spite of all inconveniences, one has to execute his duty. This is the basic principle for advancement in spiritual knowledge.

If we think of Krishna, we are always in Vrindavan. Krishna consciousness means living with Krishna in that spiritual planet, Goloka Vrindavan. You simply have to wait to give up the body. That is the process.

Ananya cetah satatam yo mam smarati nityasah - For one who remembers Krishna constantly, Krishna becomes purchased. The greatest most valuable thing, becomes easily available. Why?
Tasyaham sulabhah partha nitya yukta yoginah - Beacuse My devotee is continually engaged in Bhakti Yoga, I am easily available.

Ofcourse you may think sometimes it is not that easy, but sometimes when the moon is covered by clouds, we think it is not there because everything is dark. But when the clouds pass, we see that the moon has been there all the time, shining in all its brightness. This Krishna Consciousness movement is that benediction moon, shining through the clouds of Kali-Yuga.

- The Hare Krishna Explosion Chapter 5


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Value of Time


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 11/23/11

The great politician-Pandita named Cāṇakya said that even one moment of time cannot be returned even if one is prepared to pay millions of dollars. One cannot calculate the amount of loss there is in wasting valuable time. Either materially or spiritually, one should be very alert in utilizing the time which he has at his disposal. A conditioned soul lives in a particular body for a fixed measurement and it is recommended in the scriptures that within that small measurement of time one has to finish Krsna consciousness and thus gain release from the influence of the time factor. But, unfortunately, those who are not in Krsna consciousness are carried away by the strong power of time without their knowledge, as clouds are carried by the wind.

- SB 3.30.1 Purport


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A devotee is free from all anxieties for personal comfort..Part [BG.12.17]

> Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.12.17]
> TEXT 16:
> anapekshah sucir daksha
> udasino gata-vyathah
> sarvarambha-parityagi
> yo mad-bhaktah sa me priyah
> My devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and not striving for some result, is very dear to Me.
> Money may be offered to a devotee, but he should not struggle to acquire it. If automatically, by the grace of the Supreme, money comes to him, he is not agitated. Naturally a devotee takes a bath at least twice in a day and rises early in the morning for devotional service. Thus he is naturally clean both inwardly and outwardly. A devotee is always expert because he fully knows the essence of all activities of life and he is convinced of the authoritative scriptures. A devotee never takes the part of a particular party; therefore he is carefree. He is never pained, because he is free from all designations; he knows that his body is a designation, so if there are some bodily pains, he is free. The pure devotee does not endeavor for anything which is against the principles of devotional service. For example, constructing a big building requires great energy, and a devotee does not take to such business if it does not benefit him by advancing his devotional service. He may construct a temple for the Lord, and for that he may take all kinds of anxiety, but he does not construct a big house for his personal relations.
> Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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It's true we are slaves of money.. :( ... read it in BITTER SWEET SYMPHONY Lyrics

> Home >> The Verve - BITTER SWEET SYMPHONY Lyrics
> 'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
> Try to make ends meet
> You're a slave to money then you die
> I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
> You know the one that takes you to the places
> where all the veins meet yeah,
> No change, I can't change
> I can't change, I can't change
> But I'm here in my mold
> I am here in my mold
> But I'm a million different people
> from one day to the next
> I can't change my mold
> No, no, no, no, no
> Well I never pray
> But tonight I'm on my knees yeah
> I need to hear some sounds that recognize the pain in me, yeah
> I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now
> But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now
> No change, I can't change
> I can't change, I can't change
> But I'm here in my mold
> I am here in my mold
> And I'm a million different people
> from one day to the next
> I can't change my mold
> No, no, no, no, no
> I can't change
> I can't change
> 'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life
> Try to make ends meet
> Try to find some money then you die
> I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
> You know the one that takes you to the places
> where all the things meet yeah
> You know I can't change, I can't change
> I can't change, I can't change
> But I'm here in my mold
> I am here in my mold
> And I'm a million different people
> from one day to the next
> I can't change my mold
> No, no, no, no, no
> I can't change my mold
> no, no, no, no, no,
> I can't change
> Can't change my body,
> no, no, no
> I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
> I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
> Been down
> Ever been down
> Ever been down
> Ever been down
> Ever been down
> Have you ever been down?
> Have you've ever been down?
> --
> Yours
> Dinesh
> Blog:
> --
> Yours
> Dinesh
> Blog:



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Worshiping Dog as God?

Pets in the eyes of scriptures!
It's no wonder that we find many people keeping pet animals such as cats and dogs. In today's world,people keep these animals for various reasons like
1. To pass time by playing or serving them with what they need. Right from cleaning their waste matter resulting from Evacuation upto
dressing them in different ways.
2. To secure the houses&themselves from thieves
3. To mix with them in a sexual way(especially in the west,we find people involving in these abominable practices which are against the
laws of nature)
These pet animals are to be provided with sufficient food and are to be protected by the householders but not in the above mentioned ways. These animals are like children. They take our shelter and when we kill them it's very sinful. Some people protest for ill-treatment of dogs but why not cows and sheeps,chickens. All are children of God.

Cows are very important part of human life because they provide us all that we need by taking just grass. All the demi-gods reside in the body of cow. Even the cow dung is not a waste matter but a very good source of fuel and medicine.She's the mother because she nourishes our body by her milk.Milk is compared to nectar that improves longevity.

Therefore cow is more important than dogs or sheeps or chickens. Dogs are abominable-unpleasant. Whether you give them food or not they are a disturbance,always barking bow bow.. bow...if you give food they'll bark even more loudly.



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Devoted to Dog or God?

Western way of dog care...
It's a dog mania now.People are using pet dogs everywhere as like
western countries. They devote so much time for taking care of dog.
They give the dog, a bath, feed the dog on time and even dress them
with clothes.And above all they bring the dogs to what's called as
'Dog Show'.
They are so much addicted to dog that they get apprehensive when we
call the dog as dog. Because they have given the dog, a name. I dont
know whats wrong in calling the dog as dog. We should call spade a
spade only.
Some people dont even worry if we say that they are going to be born
as dogs when absorbed in dog consciousness.
They are happy because they are already dogs in consciousness but just
two legged.


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Material achievements are like play toys.


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 11/21/11

"They are modelled after real things. but they are just imitations. A little girl may spend hours imagining that her doll house is real, but it is still a toy all the time. Krishna has impregnated this material world with spiritual sparks, ourselves. And we are little children playing with toys, and Krishna is a kind father allowing us to play to our hearts' content. The material body comes into being, and it grows, leaves some by-prodycts, gets older, dwindles and vanishes. And this process is repeated over and over. But to avoid all this suffering, we must return to Krishna, to reality. Illusion is always strong and is saying, 'Look here! Enjoy. You are God! Why do you worship.?'

We are in the reflection and are being baffled. There is a saying, 'I thought I was building my cottage safely, but it was burnt to ashes.' Whatever we do here is patchwork. Where can you get happiness? Whatever material thing you will get will eventually vanish. So this sense of temporary nature of things should come to us.."

- Srila Prabhupada (Hare Krishna Explosion Ch6 Pg 114)


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Difference between Krsna Consciousness and Maya


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 11/22/11

So, material nature is a reflection of the spiritual reality. Everything seems to be there, but it's a reflection. The reality is when it is real, not only an impression. It is there. Like, for example, leaves have a purpose. Flowers have a purpose. Fruits have a purpose. Like, we are hungry and we want to eat the fruit. Can we eat the fruit from the reflection? We like the beauty of the flower and want to pick it and make a garland. Can we pick the flowers from the reflection of the tree, although it appears to be there? That is the difference between the reality and the reflection.

Now when we are looking at the reflection, then our consciousness is stuck there. But when we look at the reality, in order to look at the reality we have to withdraw our consciousness from the reflection and then only will we be able to project it into the reality. Like, we are very hungry, so another reflection, impression of a reflection, can be seen in this way that in this world is a mirror. And, say we are standing there, and there is a table, full of beautiful, delicious food. And I am very hungry.

Now when I look at the reflection, extremely hungry, for seven days I didn't have any food [laughs], and I come into the room and I see the reflection.  Then what will happen? Mind you, did anybody ever fast for seven days? [laughs] Well, you know how it is like to fast even for one day. And Nirjala Ekadasi you fast and you are very hungry. The next day, not the same day. And you see all kinds of beautiful prasad, delicious prasad. So what will be the natural reaction for you? You came in from the door and there you see a
beautiful table full of hundreds of delicious preparations. The whole world is full of preparations, foodstuff.

Now what will you naturally do? Won't you just run to the food, thinking that the food is there? But you try to grab the food, what do you get? You get the food? Or you get the solid mirror? And you are so hungry and you are so, you became so obsessed with the prospect of having the food, then what do you do? You are trying to get the food, but you don't get the food. But then what do you think? You think there is something wrong in your trying, that's why you are getting no food. Maybe if you try harder, then you'll get it. Your food is there, but you can't just get it. So what do you do? You take a few steps back and then pounce up, thinking that now you get it. What do you get? You get hurt. The more you endeavor the more you get hurt. The more you endeavor the more you get hurt.

Then somebody comes into the room and sees you struggling like that to get the food. And then he tells you, "this is only the reflection.  You'll never get the food you found in the reflection." But since the reflection is there of the food since the food is there in the reflection, in reality also the food must be there! So the food is not there, the real food is there. But then, if you're wise enough, then you believe in his words and you turn your face and you see, yes, the real food is there, the table is there, all the preparations are there. You simply just have to just approach in that direction, not in this direction.

So that is the difference between Krishna consciousness and maya. In simple words we can say that there is a reflection and there is a reality. The material nature, what is the definition of the material nature? The material nature is the reflection. Yathabhaso  yatha tamah [SB 2.9.34]. Abhasa. Abhasa means the impression of the reality. It is not the reality. It is the impression of the reality.

- HH Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaj -
lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 3, Chapter 25, The Glories Of Devotional Service Text 15


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Remembering Krishna at the time of Death


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 11/22/11

We can remember Krishna only when we are sada tad bhava bhavitah. When one is simply thinking of Krishna all the time, sada. Then only he'll be able to remember Krishna at the time of death. If one is thinking of anything else, people, we know the story of Ajamila. He was attached to his son, so much so that he remembered his son at the time of death. Our last thought will be where our deepest attachment is. Wherever your deepest attachment, that will be your last thought.

So we have to be very, very careful that our consciousness is in the right place. And if we practice properly throughout our lifetime at the time of death we will. And we are seeing it's happening.

Just the day before yesterday one devotee in South Africa all of a sudden left her body. They went shopping from six, she was quite elderly, she and her husband. Many of you know probably, Harichandan and his wife, Rukmavati. Harichandan comes here quite often. Harichandan and his wife. She had some heart problem. They did shopping from six to nine, then, no I am sorry, three to six. Three o'clock to six o'clock. They did their shopping, then they came home. At seven o'clock they did their arotika and then they took some prasad. Now, when they were shopping she was actually telling him that she had a dream that Bhakti Devi came and told her to come with Her. And then at ten o'clock at night she was telling that she was feeling suffocation. She was finding it difficult to breathe. And she just told him, see, my time has come to go, I am going to go. And she just left. I mean, such a glorious way of… and apparently she is just an ordinary housewife. She is not a big sannyasi or big devotee. She was just a simple… but we are seeing how Krishna Consciousness Movement is benefitting people. How can one leave his body or her body in this way? She is having some difficulty and she is saying, well, my time has come for me to leave the body. Gone!

This is how Krishna consciousness helps. The real help will come at the time of death. And it's a beautiful experience. To tell you frankly, like, when Prabhupada was in his final days, Prabhupada was totally bedridden as I told you many times. Prabhupada couldn't even turn to his side. We had to help him to make him turn to his side when he wanted to. And sometimes Prabhupada used to say that, "Don't think that this won't happen to you." What Prabhupada was going through, and Prabhupada was saying that it will happen to all of us. In this way Prabhupada actually taught us how to die, how to leave our body. And at that time, I mean, I heard the expression, Prabhupada saying that, but couldn't understand it. But now I am seeing it, what happens when the body gets old. It doesn't function the way it used to function before. And it will happen. Gradually it will become bedridden.  Bedridden means the soul and the body will become separated gradually. And then finally the soul will leave the body and go.

So that is the arrangement of nature and we have to go along with that. But unfortunately what is happening nowadays, people do not want to accept death, do not want to accept old age, do not want to accept disease. They are trying to make all kinds of artificial arrangement. They are trying to find medicine so that they won't get the disease. They are trying to make arrangements that they won't become old. But it never happens. They become old, only, one doctor actually made a very wise statement the other day. He was telling, it was during the convention in South Africa. One doctor made that statement. He was invited to speak and he was telling, he frankly admitted, what modern medicine has been able to do is to prolong the suffering condition of the people. They have been able to simply prolong the suffering condition. The man was meant to suffer for five days and leave his body, but they are making the body to prolong for five years. And in these five years what is happening? The man is just suffering, prolong the suffering condition.

Okay, so that is the reality and we are very fortunate that Prabhupada gave us Krishna consciousness. So let's take full advantage of it. There will be many hurdles. There will be many difficulties. There will be many obstacles.  Don't worry about that. Just recognize you got the most precious thing and go ahead with it.

- HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj
Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25.15


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Remembering Krishna at the time of Death


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via GLORIOUS KRISHNA by Jyoti & Vidya on 11/22/11

We can remember Krishna only when we are sada tad bhava bhavitah. When one is simply thinking of Krishna all the time, sada. Then only he'll be able to remember Krishna at the time of death. If one is thinking of anything else, people, we know the story of Ajamila. He was attached to his son, so much so that he remembered his son at the time of death. Our last thought will be where our deepest attachment is. Wherever your deepest attachment, that will be your last thought.

So we have to be very, very careful that our consciousness is in the right place. And if we practice properly throughout our lifetime at the time of death we will. And we are seeing it's happening.

Just the day before yesterday one devotee in South Africa all of a sudden left her body. They went shopping from six, she was quite elderly, she and her husband. Many of you know probably, Harichandan and his wife, Rukmavati. Harichandan comes here quite often. Harichandan and his wife. She had some heart problem. They did shopping from six to nine, then, no I am sorry, three to six. Three o'clock to six o'clock. They did their shopping, then they came home. At seven o'clock they did their arotika and then they took some prasad. Now, when they were shopping she was actually telling him that she had a dream that Bhakti Devi came and told her to come with Her. And then at ten o'clock at night she was telling that she was feeling suffocation. She was finding it difficult to breathe. And she just told him, see, my time has come to go, I am going to go. And she just left. I mean, such a glorious way of… and apparently she is just an ordinary housewife. She is not a big sannyasi or big devotee. She was just a simple… but we are seeing how Krishna Consciousness Movement is benefitting people. How can one leave his body or her body in this way? She is having some difficulty and she is saying, well, my time has come for me to leave the body. Gone!

This is how Krishna consciousness helps. The real help will come at the time of death. And it's a beautiful experience. To tell you frankly, like, when Prabhupada was in his final days, Prabhupada was totally bedridden as I told you many times. Prabhupada couldn't even turn to his side. We had to help him to make him turn to his side when he wanted to. And sometimes Prabhupada used to say that, "Don't think that this won't happen to you." What Prabhupada was going through, and Prabhupada was saying that it will happen to all of us. In this way Prabhupada actually taught us how to die, how to leave our body. And at that time, I mean, I heard the expression, Prabhupada saying that, but couldn't understand it. But now I am seeing it, what happens when the body gets old. It doesn't function the way it used to function before. And it will happen. Gradually it will become bedridden.  Bedridden means the soul and the body will become separated gradually. And then finally the soul will leave the body and go.

So that is the arrangement of nature and we have to go along with that. But unfortunately what is happening nowadays, people do not want to accept death, do not want to accept old age, do not want to accept disease. They are trying to make all kinds of artificial arrangement. They are trying to find medicine so that they won't get the disease. They are trying to make arrangements that they won't become old. But it never happens. They become old, only, one doctor actually made a very wise statement the other day. He was telling, it was during the convention in South Africa. One doctor made that statement. He was invited to speak and he was telling, he frankly admitted, what modern medicine has been able to do is to prolong the suffering condition of the people. They have been able to simply prolong the suffering condition. The man was meant to suffer for five days and leave his body, but they are making the body to prolong for five years. And in these five years what is happening? The man is just suffering, prolong the suffering condition.

Okay, so that is the reality and we are very fortunate that Prabhupada gave us Krishna consciousness. So let's take full advantage of it. There will be many hurdles. There will be many difficulties. There will be many obstacles.  Don't worry about that. Just recognize you got the most precious thing and go ahead with it.

- HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj
Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 3.25.15


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Krishna's devotee wont put anyone into difficulty nor will he get disturbed by difficulties [BG.12.16]

Bhagavad-gita As It Is | Part [BG.12.16]

TEXT 15:

yasman nodvijate loko
lokan nodvijate ca yah
mukto yah sa ca me priyah


He by whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me.


A few of a devotee's qualifications are further being described. No one is put into difficulty, anxiety, fearfulness or dissatisfaction by such a devotee. Since a devotee is kind to everyone, he does not act in such a way as to put others into anxiety. At the same time, if others try to put a devotee into anxiety, he is not disturbed. It is by the grace of the Lord that he is so practiced that he is not disturbed by any outward disturbance. Actually because a devotee is always engrossed in Krishna consciousness and engaged in devotional service, such material circumstances cannot move him. Generally a materialistic person becomes very happy when there is something for his sense gratification and his body, but when he sees that others have something for their sense gratification and he hasn't, he is sorry and envious. When he is expecting some retaliation from an enemy, he is in a state of fear, and when he cannot successfully execute something he becomes dejected. A devotee who is always transcendental to all these disturbances is very dear to Krishna.

Translation and commentary by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



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Driven by self interest


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via by hina on 11/4/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, June 2011)
The desire to enjoy the material world or the need of wanting to get out of this material world, is the same thing…'s still considered selfish.

'Bhukti-mukti-siddhi-kāmī, sakali 'aśānta.'

The sense enjoyer, the karmi or 'mukti' – the one who looks for liberation. ….or the 'siddhi' – the yogi who looks for mystic power – They're all selfish. Still selfish…..still driven by self interest!

So all these kinds of things (that are described in the Srimad Bhagavatam) are meant to make us introspective….are meant to bring us to the point and recognise the selfishness within us! How self centred we are? How much is everything about me? And my personal position? And even in devotional service….my position in devotional service, where I am and from that platform serving Krishna – and this is also tested!


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Driven by self interest


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via by hina on 11/4/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, June 2011)
The desire to enjoy the material world or the need of wanting to get out of this material world, is the same thing…'s still considered selfish.

'Bhukti-mukti-siddhi-kāmī, sakali 'aśānta.'

The sense enjoyer, the karmi or 'mukti' – the one who looks for liberation. ….or the 'siddhi' – the yogi who looks for mystic power – They're all selfish. Still selfish…..still driven by self interest!

So all these kinds of things (that are described in the Srimad Bhagavatam) are meant to make us introspective….are meant to bring us to the point and recognise the selfishness within us! How self centred we are? How much is everything about me? And my personal position? And even in devotional service….my position in devotional service, where I am and from that platform serving Krishna – and this is also tested!


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A shallow understanding


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via by hina on 11/6/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, June 2011)

We find that sometimes philosophers are bringing up the point that:

"How can there be a God? Who is the creator of the material world?"

And they speak out against the designed argument that there is an intelligent design behind this world! For example, a philosopher like Yeung would speak out against this and would say:

"How can it be when there are imperfections in this world. Floods, earthquakes and so on It shows that it's not going on perfectly".

A somewhat shallow understanding. Not understanding that first of all, the whole material world is not going on by Krishna's desire. Not at all! It is not going by Krishna's desire, it is Krishna's design! But it is going on in response to the desires of the living beings of the conditioned souls, and it's a perfect response to those desire less of the conditioned souls. Sometimes frustrating the desires, and sometimes fulfilling the desire, and that's the design. But it is not Krishna's desires. Krishna's doesn't desire the whole material world! And still He comes into the material world to tolerate it!

The material world is just a bit too much, and therefore this is not going on by Krishna's desires but our desires! We are the ones who provide the fuel for the spinning of the planets. It's us….it's our desire to enjoy this material energy, that keeps it going and not Krishna's desire! It's Krishna's will and energy that keeps everything going but it's not his desire!


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The wisdom of Bhisma Dev Part 1


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via by hina on 11/7/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, June 2011)

Bhisma Dev was deep in his wisdom. He deeply understood the nature of the material world. Therefore Bhisma Dev was not attached. He was not attached to royal opulence. Bhisma Dev would say things like:

"I have been purchased by the wealth of Duryodhana".

That was not a fact. Others maybe – yes. Others may have joined him because Duryodhana made them offers. This whole battle of Kuruksetra had different warriors who would take sides, and not only out of ideological reasons. No, there were often times when those who came first and proposed good offers:

"I'll give you all this?"

"Okay, I'm on your side!"

A lot was simply based on monetary gain, and Bhisma referred to himself like that. The fact of the matter was that Bhisma was not interested in material enjoyment, and he proved that with his vow. Previously his name was 'Devavratha', which was given to him by birth. The name 'Bhisma' was given to him by a celestial voice, at the time when he made that vow to never get married. Devavratha, the great vowed that impossible vow of celibacy. When he made that vow, the demigods showered flowers upon him, and there was a celestial voice calling out:

"Bhisma – the terrible vow! He's taking the terrible vow!"

So one cannot take that terrible vow, and simultaneously on another level be inclined towards enjoying the material energy, because then celibacy becomes impossible! One must give up the enjoying propensity. One must thoroughly give it up, if one actually wants to give up sex life, because otherwise, many types of enjoying mentality locks us in a train of emotions and thoughts, in the train of thinking feeling and willing, which will ultimately end in the final station called 'sex'. And the train halts here and all passengers are meant to leave the train and:

"Don't forget to take your belongings and get off here!"

That is the nature of the mind!


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