
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

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Strictness, Inquiries Into the Absolute, Digest 421

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Digest 421, October 29th, 2013. Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja

You are invited to send your questions to His Holiness Romapada Swami at with the word "Question" included in the subject line  or  submit your question at


I am a very sinful soul, I cannot follow very strict laws as other devotees always do. All I can do is share some simple information with other interested people. Otherwise I am the worst among devotees.

I know that assocication with sadhus is the cure for my depleted condition, but I feel intimidated by their strictness. What to do?


I would like to respond to your question in two parts.

1. The Strictness of a Sadhu

You have the impression that a sadhu is a strict personality, perhaps so strict that their presence is intimidating.

Please carefully consider the following. As a follower of Srila Prabhupada, and particularly one who serves His Divine Grace as a sannyasi or guru, one MUST be a "strict follower". This specific quality was expressed by Srila Prabhupada as one of the primary qualifications of a guru: one must be a strict follower of his spiritual master.

Some scriptural references express this mandate.

SB 3.28.20 "A sadhu is a strict follower of devotional service."

Gopal Tapani Upanisad "By remembering Me, one who follows no vows becomes a strict follower of vows."

Just as a genuine sannyasi or guru is one who follows the footsteps of Srila Prabhupada, please carefully consider HOW LENIENT WAS SRILA PRABHUPADA
- in his interactions with guests, with new devotees, as well as his own disciples, who were pushing forward his mission with great effort and getting results!

In the course of my years of devotional service, I have learned the essential lesson of being super lenient and totally non-judgmental with others, while remaining personally very strict with my own standards and behaviors.

Here is a nice scriptural reference which supports that realization:

Bhakti-rasamTta-sindhu (1.2.200):

laukiki vaidiki vapi ya kriya kriyate mune hari-sevanukrlaiva sa karya bhaktim icchata

"A devotee may act as an ordinary human being or as a strict follower of Vedic injunctions. In either case, everything he does is favorable for the advancement of devotional service because he is in KTnÅ a consciousness."

Please do not feel judged when associating with a sadhu, simply due to the fact that the sadhu is personally strict with themselves.

A compassionate sadhu will not carry a stick, a rod to chastize others who are not prepared to make the same sacrifices they make. Doing that might have a reverse effect on some individuals.

Here is an expression used by Srila Prabhupada, which conveys the same message: "Bees are attracted by honey, not by vinegar."

A sadhu can detect who is a bee-like devotee. When detecting the sincerity of such a person, honey-like appreciation and recognition for the gifts Krishna has given that soul is extended, encouraging their talents and energy to be utilized in Krsna's service -- while gradually and gently extending efforts to uplift that soul's character.

2. * A devotee's strengths, and a devotee's weaknesses *

Until one becomes a perfected soul, one will have strengths and weaknesses.

I have learned an axiom in devotional service which I would like to share with you.

To improve from whatever position one is situated in, along the path of one's spiritual journey -

a. Do those things very nicely, regularly, with maximum attention, which give one spiritual strength!
b. From the strength gained from these activities, BORROW STRENGTH from there, and apply it to the areas where there may be spiritual weakness.

In this way, one can progress spiritually from any position.

I encourage you to consider how the above axiom might apply to you, in your ongoing Krishna conscious life.

Previous questions and answers are available with subject classification at
Digests 1-242 are included as a PDF file at:
Brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami:

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Do the prescribed duties as a matter of duty without attachment

One should do the prescribed duties until one gets the desire to constantly hear the pastimes of Me. When purified by the desires through prescribed duties which are performed as a matter of duty, you will attain the desire to surrender to Me completely - Lord Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita chapter 18.


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