
Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna

Bhakti Yoga-Devotional Service to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna
Gopis performing Devotional Service to the Lordships Sri Sri Radha Krishna

Together we share our mood and enthusiasm!


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via by hina on 11/17/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, 2011)

In kirtan we are feeling that somehow or other we are being swept up together. Together we are chanting, and together the energy of the chanting carries us and we somehow or other become absorbed and uplifted! That is the potency of sankirtan……of congregational chanting, where together we share our mood and enthusiasm!


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The special process of chanting part 1


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via by hina on 11/17/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, 2011)

It is said that if you do some other type of worship, let's say that we are fasting and we are giving in charity, so we are doing austerities. With these, we are following a process to obtain the result. We go through the austerity and hope to gain a result. But it is said that in the chanting, we have already obtained the result, since the chanting itself is the result. Therefore, with this chanting it is the best process, because other processes, like meditation in the Satya-yuga was performed for what?

For getting a result of an alteration of consciousness, but the chanting is already there, because the darshan of the Lord is there…..the Lord is present while we are chanting!

Therefore, we have already attained in the chanting, which is to be understood. So the process is actually more direct, and we see that Krishna is manifesting His name, and therefore, this chanting is a special process!


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via by hina on 11/19/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Melbourne, Australia, 2011) Lecture – Become a champion chanter

Lord Siva wanted to enter the pastimes of Lord Krishna and the gopis. So he took a form of a gopi and came to Vrindavan……………….. and just as he was about to sneak in, Krishna saw him and said:

"Oh, Lord Siva. How are you? I was just looking for you! There are so many intruders who try to sneak into this rasa dance. I just needed someone to stand guard, and you are the perfect person!

In this way Lord Siva became Gopīśvara. In Vrindavan we see this liṅgas called Gopīśvara of Lord Siva, who is guarding the rasa dance. In some days they are dressing up this liṅgas as a gopi, to remind them of how Lord Siva was trying to sneak in to this pastime.

So no one can enter, If Lord Siva cannot enter, than can we enter? It's not so simple…'s not so easy!


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The transcendental seeds


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via by hina on 11/21/11

(Kadamba Kanana Swami, Helsinki, Finland, 2011) Lecture – Nama Tattva Part IV

It is said that the three words namely 'Hare, Krishna, Rama', are the transcendental seeds of the maha mantra.

Sometimes we see that people chant the names of Krishna, and they mix it all up:

'Govinda, Gopal, Morari, Hari'.

And we are hearing that all these names 'Govinda, Gopal' and so on are primary names that Krishna is having in his eternal spiritual activities and those names are equally powerful, than the name of Krishna!

One may have secondary names, such as where Krishna is described as the one who is doing something in this world -'Jagat-pati', the father of the universe or 'Srstikarta' – the one who is the ultimate doer behind the creation. So these are the secondary names of Krishna, who is doing some temporary work. But the eternal names like 'Gopal' and 'Govinda', are the primary names and those one must chant!

So if someone chants:

'Gopal, Govinda, Krishna, Hare, Morari'.

Isn't that nice? It is nice, but it is not as nice as the maha mantra. Because in the maha mantra there is a relationship – 'Hare' or the pleasure potency of Krishna is engaging in the service of the attractive Supreme Lord. And the result:

'ramante yogino 'nante
satyānande cid-ātmani
iti rāma-padenāsau
paraṁ brahmābhidhīyate'
(Cc.Madhya 9.29)

The result is that we are experiencing transcendental happiness. So like that, the maha mantra is revealing a relationship. It is revealing the entire process of devotional service……everything is there! Therefore it cannot be changed! Some are thinking:

"Well, if we chant 'Radhe Krishna, Radhe Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Radhe Radhe', then that is even more intimate, than chanting Hare Krishna".

Actually everything is there, because 'Hare' is referring to devotional service, and how that devotional service can capture Krishna! Because 'Hare' means to steal or to capture, so that devotional service can attract even the all attractive Krishna or in particularly the personality who is the personification of devotional service – is Srimati Radharani and is able to steal away Krishna. So therefore, the highest rasa is all there in the maha mantra! So the maha mantra is including the whole relationship!


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Sentiments of Separation from the Festival Tour in Brazil


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via Indradyumna Swami's Facebook Notes by Indradyumna Swami on 11/14/11

"The fortunate town of Navadvipa remains on the earth. The seashore remains. The city of Jagannatha Puri remains. The holy names of Krsna remain. But alas! I do not see anywhere the same kind of festival of pure love for Lord Hari. O Lord Caitanya, O ocean of mercy, will I ever see Your transcendental glory again?"


[ Srila Prabodhananada Sarasvati, Sri Caitanya-candramrta, verse 40 ] 



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